Be Grateful To God Quotes

Be Grateful To God Quotes. Are you a thankful person? Life is filled with challenges, rainy days and wonderful moments. Being truly thankful each day can help us face challenges and find happiness in even the darkest of times. These quotes that say ‘thank you’ to God can help the special believers in your life to be more grateful, especially when they are going through challenging times.

Be Grateful To God Quotes

  1. Thank you for giving us our health, our families and friends. I know we are not perfect, but I thank You everyday that we have people in our lives who love us.
  2. Thank you God for making me the way I am. I may not have always understood your plan for me, but I know you are leading me to happiness. Thank you God.
  3. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me so far. You’ve been there when I needed you, showed me how to make my dreams come true and helped me learn many valuable lessons. In all honesty, I could not have done it or been happy without your love and guidance. Thank you so much!
  4. Thank you for being there for me. For giving me space and giving me comfort in your wisdom and grace. I am thankful that we can be friends, even though I don’t deserve it. You are always kind to me, especially when I need it the most.
  5. Thank you for always watching over me. You keep me safe when I need to be and let me learn my lessons while stepping out of your way when necessary. Thank you for being there whenever I need you and letting me figure things out on my own.
  6. Thank you for revealing your presence to me, then sending your only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross. Thank you for making me clean with his blood and all the other things you have done.
  7. Thank you for everything. I don’t even know where to begin. I feel very fortunate to have known you. You are such a good friend. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
  8. I want you to know how much I appreciate your help with the move. You have been so supportive and I can’t thank you enough for all the trouble you went through. Love you Lord!!!!
  9. Thank you for all of your gifts. I am grateful to have so many useful and fun things to enjoy. Alive, healthy, friends and family are just the beginning. Some of the things I really like are my bed, my tablets and my phone.
  10. Thank you for always being there for me, no matter what. I know I don’t tell you this or show it often enough, but I am so thankful for everything you have done for me.
  11. I know I can call you anytime and you’ll be there for me. I don’t think I could have gotten this far without your encouragement. Thank you!
  12. Thank you God for watching over me. I am so thankful that you are in my life, and you are always there when I need you.
  13. Thank you for being patient with me, God. You have a plan that is so much better than mine and for putting such great people in my life. I could never be happier than I am now.
  14. Thank you for giving me so many things. I can’t count, but I will try. Firstly all of my wishes come true. Secondly, healthy body that no one can get hurt. Thirdly is my grandma’s love and my family’s love and kindness. Last but not least is a warm home to live and we usually have food to eat and water to drink when we need it. Thank you God!!
  15. Thank you for being there with me every step of the way. I’m very blessed to have you in my life.
  16. Thank you for always listening to me and protecting me. I know you love me, and I love you too.
  17. Thank you for sending me that car to get me to work. It was nice of you to let me ride in it. If you hadn’t, I would have had to take the bus and probably be late. Thank you for everything.
  18. Thank you for giving me a wonderful day. The weather was beautiful and I had a great time.
  19. Thank you for your help in making this trip possible. I really appreciate your guidance and all that you do to help me.
  20. Thank you for protecting me and keeping me safe. Thank you for the little miracles and blessings that come my way every day. I always look at them as ways to be more grateful than I already am.
  21. Thank you for all the wonderful things you have done for me and my family. I am eternally grateful for what you have given me. I will do my best to continue to be a good servant of yours.
  22. Thank you for being there for me. Regardless of what the world is like, you are always there to pick me up when I am down. Thank you for keeping me out of harm and making sure I keep my head on straight with no matter what happens in my life.
  23. Thank you for everything. I know I will go through good times and bad times but I want to remind you that I love being with you, having fun and learning from my mistakes.
  24. Thank you for always being there for me and making my life so much easier. I love that it doesn’t matter how big or small the problem is, I can always rely on you to help me out or provide some insight or advice. Thank you for being such a great friend to me and thank you for making my life better!
  25. Thank you for being in my life. I was lost when I first met you, but now I feel like I have a road map to follow. You always seem to be guiding me in the right direction.
  26. Thank you for always being there for me. You are the wind beneath my wings and I will always be grateful for your love and guidance.
  27. Thank you for giving me the ability to think of this wonderful idea. There have been many times where I have gotten frustrated at one detail or another, but always you did something else that just made things better.
  28. Thank you for making the world full of beautiful colors and natural wonders. And thank you for all of your help. Thank you for my health, my family and my friends. Thank you for making me laugh when I’m down. Thank you for making me smile when I’m bored. Thank you for giving me hope. Thank you for being there.
  29. Thank you God for all of the blessings you have put in my life.
  30. Thank you for putting me on this journey to be a better person. Thank you for your love, who you are and what you have done, do, and will do in my life. I love you, God!
  31. Thank you for everything and thanks for all the blessings I receive by just being thankful about the little things in life. I started an exercise routine and because of that I am a happier person. I love my job, my family and friends and my time with you. The only thing left to be thankful for is that I have a body to feel this whole thing. Thanks!
  32. Thank you for the times when I feel like I have nowhere else to turn and then You are there. You are always there; always supporting and helping me no matter what.
  33. Thank you for always being by my side in every moment, even when I don’t recognize it. Thank you for your protection and guidance, thank you God.
  34. I want to say thank you for everything. You have given me a lot and I might not think so every day, but I can never forget that you are the reason I wake up every morning. Thank you for always being there for me and showing me the way to do what is right. Without your guidance I don’t know where my life would be going.
  35. Thank you for all the little things in my life. Thank you for helping me to learn and grow each day. And thank you for being there and listening when I need you.
  36. Thank you for caring and protecting me every day. Please continue to help everyone who needs guidance…We love you.
  37. Thank you for giving me the strength to do what I need and help me. I appreciate your help and guidance.
  38. Dear God, thank you for all the wonderful things you do. I am grateful for the beautiful view from my porch, the kind people in my neighborhood, and all of the other simple joys. I’m thankful for every moment that I get to enjoy at home.
  39. Thank you, God, for everything you do. Thank you for my family, my friends and my job. I know that you have provided me with all of these blessings in my life, so thank you for always looking out for me.
  40. Thank you for everything. Without your help, I would have never been able to get through the challenges I have faced in life. You have shielded me from many things and always comforted me when I need it…God, you are such a wonderful being.
  41. Thank you for blessing me with my daughter. She is a true gift in my life and I am so grateful to have her.
  42. Thank you for everything. I really appreciate it and haven’t always shown it the way I should have. I will in the future. Thank you again for always being there for me.
  43. Thank you for all that you have given me. Thank you for my food and home and family. Thank you for the friends I have. Thank you for the talent I have even though I know I’m not very good at it. But thank you.
  44. Thank you for all you do for me. When I don’t feel well, you are always there. You put me back together when I fall apart. Thank you for putting your arms around my heart and making it whole again.
  45. Thank you for this beautiful day. I felt like going to the beach today, and I did. Thank you for giving me the idea and for taking me there.
  46. Thank you God for everything you do. I feel like it’s important to say thank you. I don’t know if this universe would have been here without your existence in the first place, so thank you for all of the beauty you have made. So, regardless of how this day went or anything else on my mind, thank you God from the bottom of my heart.
  47. Thank you for everything. I’m so grateful that you are in my life. Without you nothing is possible. Thank you for all that you do, God.
  48. Thank you for all of the blessings you have bestowed upon me throughout my life. I am certainly grateful for each one. Thank you for being there to guide and help me all of these years.
  49. I just want to say that I am grateful for everything you have provided me with throughout my life: my health, family, and all the opportunities I’ve had. Without your guidance and love I would be nothing. Thank you.
  50. Thank you for this wonderful day we are having. The sky is clear and the weather is warm and sunny. I hope you’ll bring my mom, dad and brother safely to our house in a little while so I can give them a big hug.
  51. Thank you for blessing me with a week filled with sunshine and warmth. I appreciated the day you made so beautiful.
  52. Thank you for being my guardian angel in the times I most need you. To know you are around and watching me makes me feel safe and happy. Thank you for always protecting me and keeping me safe from harm.
  53. Thank you for everything, I don’t think I can write here what I want to say in full because there are just too many things that I would like to thank you for. But I’ll try to do it:

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