Prayer Thanking God For His Goodness

There are lots of things in our lives that we have to be thankful for. That goes without saying when you stop and really think about it. In fact, there’s so much to be grateful for that sometimes we just don’t know where to start when we say a prayer thanking God for the goodness in our lives.   

Prayer Thanking God For His Goodness

  1. Thank You Lord for the goodness that is around me. Thank you for this day and all the blessings that are contained in it. Thank you for this evening and those who have made it as memorable as possible. I pray that as I go to bed tonight, you will let me feel your love surrounding me as I drift off to sleep.
  2. Thank you for creating such a beautiful world, and thank you for the good things that happen to me. I am often overwhelmed by all of the goodness in my life, and it is difficult for me to always know how to say thank you. Please help me to be more thankful for these little and big blessings.
  3. God. Thank you for everything you have done for me. My prayer is that you will bless the rest of my family and friends. Thank you for giving me a nice home and car, thank you for giving me good health, thank you for letting me be able to work and provide for my family. I know sometimes I forget to say that, but I mean it.
  4. Thank you for being so good to me. I know sometimes it seems as if the bad always outweighs the good, but you have been so generous to me. Every day I wake up and thank God for giving me life. I pray that he continues to let me live each day as a way to show my gratitude. You have truly blessed me and it is an honor to call you my God and Father!
  5. Thank you for how wonderful of a day I had. I woke up this morning and had my first cup of coffee, the first thing I did today that I really love doing. It gave me that boost of energy that I need to get through the morning work at school. Then, after my first class of the day, I came back to my dorm and was able to talk to you.
  6. Thank you for the flowers and the ability to see them and appreciate them. Thank you for all of your gifts to me, including my wonderful family and friends. And thank you for the unimaginable blessings I receive every day. I feel very blessed and I love you so much.
  7. I’m very thankful for being born here in the United States. We have so many privileges that are just taken for granted, but are so important to life. I also want to thank you for my parents, who work hard to provide a comfortable life for us. I am thankful for my church family and the faith you have given me. Thank you so much!
  8. I want to thank God for all of the good things that I have in my life. For my health, my family, friends, sanity. For fun things that I enjoy (like movies and dining out). For the little things like food that I like to eat.
  9. Thank you for the people I love and the things I do. It has been a wonderful year filled with peaceful joy, both feeling like it is out of character and yet completely right for me. Thank you for your protection and provision in all ways.
  10. I want to thank you for the riches I have in my life. I know that it’s your doing, and I’m really grateful. The last year has been one of the best in my life. Thank you for keeping me safe, keeping my job safe, keeping me healthy, giving me strength to do what I need to do.
  11. On this day i appreciates the goodness of God. Thankful for all the love and support that I have received that brings me blessings in many areas of my life. i always says thank you to God for most things that happen in my life. This kind of prayer is very important in making me feel at ease with the universe. It helps me gain your trust in God, trust in myself and trust in people around me too.
  12. I want to thank you, God, for the goodness in my life. I’ve been really down lately and to see how you turned everything around and made it such a good day! I’m so lucky to be part of such a wonderful family and to have such great friends.
  13. Thank you for blessing me with so many wonderful things in my life. I was able to find a new job providing the health care I wanted to offer and I am getting married to a beautiful woman who makes me so happy and is also very successful. Thank you for my son who is such a joy and makes every day great. Thank you for my family for always supporting me and being there when I need them.
  14. Thank you God for everything, all my blessings. I am grateful for my health, my family, the happiness in my life. Thank you for everything.
  15. Thank you for all the blessings you have given me. I pray that they will bless my family and be returned to you.
  16. Thank you for all of the blessings I have received so far in my life. I remember the difficult times and how you were there to help me get through them. I still have many more to suffer through, but you always help me. Thank you for that. Thank you for my family, friends, health, and other things that I am grateful for.”
  17. Thank you, Lord, for all of your gracious gifts to me. I’m so blessed. Thank you for the awesome family and awesome friends you have blessed me with. Thank you for all of the awesome things in my life. I love you so much.
  18. I was really stressed out about my finances and I prayed to God to ease my burden. No one would lend me money so I prayed for God to send me guidance, and He did. Thank you God!
  19. Thank you, God, for the good things you brought into our lives this year. We appreciate it and we are looking forward to seeing what else you have in store for us in the future.
  20. Thank you for all of the wonderful people in my life. It is rare to find good friends, parents and boyfriend. I am so lucky to have all of you. Thank you so much for making my life happier.
  21. Thank you for always being there, for never abandoning me. I don’t know how I would get through life knowing that at any moment you might take away some of the things I love most in this world. Thank you for your grace and mercy and being more patient than anyone could ever muster.
  22. Dear Lord, I know you love me. I am praying today to tell you how grateful I am for all the goodness in my life. Thank you for my family, my friends, my job, and even my struggles. All of these are there to help me become the person you created me to be. Thank you for being in my life each day!
  23. I am thanking God for the goodness he has ushered into my life. I have a new job that is challenging but fun. I have a great boyfriend who takes good care of me and makes me feel special, and most importantly, I have a daughter who is growing up faster than I know how to handle sometimes, but who always knows how to make me smile.
  24. Thank you, God, for all of the good and amazing things you do and bring. Thank you for the love and comfort you give us each day even when we can’t see it. Thank you for being a friend to me, your child. I love you Lord forgive me if I have been anything but kind.
  25. Thank you for all you give us. We are not deserving of all we get, but we appreciate it and we know we will not forget to give back when we can. Thank you for blessing our family – knowing that we could never done it alone.
  26. There are so many things to be thankful for. I am thankful for my health, my family, my friends, my pets, the house I live in, the food I eat. There are many things that make me feel happy and grateful. I believe that I deserved them because God sent them to me.
  27. Thank you for the life I have been given. Everything is going well in my life and I feel very blessed. You have a wonderful plan for me and I will try my best to follow it. Thank you for sending a friend into my life to support me in everything I do.
  28. Thank you God for the job I got. Thank you for blessing me with my life partner. Thank you for the kind neighbors who give us extra food when we need it, and thank you for my peace of mind.
  29. Thank you God for blessing me with all of my family and friends. I love them so much.
  30. Thank you for all of the wonderful things that have happened to me lately. Thank you for blessing me with many opportunities that I would not otherwise have.
  31. Thank you, God, for guiding me. You have blessed my life with many opportunities and I am grateful.
  32. Thank you for all of my friends and family. I know we don’t see eye to eye on everything, and we all have our differences, but I’m glad we can come together and celebrate the good things in life.
  33. Thank you God for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me. I am so grateful for the love of family, friends, and all of the opportunities I have to be who I want to be. I pray that everyone will get to enjoy the goodness in their lives.
  34. I want to pray right now, because my life is so blessed. I’m so thankful for the kind person that you are. I’m thankful for this beautiful sunny day and the world around me. I’m thankful for all of your little quirks and your beautiful smile. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for being a man who will love a woman for a lifetime.
  35. Thank you for all of the good in my life. Thank you especially for the peace and joy in my heart today.
  36. Thank you God for all of the good things in my life. I’m very thankful for those things and for those who bring those things to me. You really do bless me abundantly!
  37. I pray for protection for you, your loved ones and everything you are involved with. I pray that any negative energy be turned into positive energy. I pray for good health, prosperity, happiness, joy. I pray that whatever happens in your life is always to help you grow stronger, better and more mature.
  38. Thank you for putting me in a family where I can get great education and have a lot of friends. Thank you for my birthday presents. Thank you for bringing my dad from California to meet us. I am a very lucky girl, and I count my blessings every day.”
  39. Thank you for the amazing man I married please make this a wonderful anniversary, and let us be cheerful and happy, and filled with love.
  40. Thank you for my gift of life. You have given me warmth, comfort, and peace of mind throughout all of my years on Earth. I am so grateful for your gift of life. Thank you for all of the wonderful things you do for me every day. I love you.
  41. Thank you for the new baby. I am happy that you are not in pain anymore. Thank you for my beautiful daughter. I love her very much.”

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