Thank God For Unanswered Prayers Quotes

When we pray, we’re sending our wishes to God and waiting for his miracle. But, sometime miracles don’t happen in the way we’ve expected them to. That’s why it’s good to remember how lucky we are just to get a chance to thank God for unanswered prayers.

Thank God For Unanswered Prayers Quotes

  1. I thank God for unanswered prayers because I don’t know what my life would be like if they were answered. I feel very blessed, in a sense that I have my family and friends around me, supporting me and encouraging me to succeed. Every time I think of you guys I feel this urge inside pumping up my adrenaline to reach my full potential.
  2. Thank God for unanswered prayers. If you answer all your prayers, I’m not sure I ever would have met you.
  3. Thank God for unanswered prayers. I really don’t want you to leave the country. I love you and I am not ready to say goodbye to you yet, but thank God He heard my prayer and gave me a little more time with you.
  4. Thank you for all of you have done for me. I know that there are many things that I do not understand. But, I know that there was a reason why you did not answer my prayers the way that I wanted to. I believe that you will answer my prayers in a greater way than I could have ever imagined.
  5. Thank you for answering my unanswered prayers. I really needed help, and now that you answered, I am much happier with life.
  6. Thank you for answering all of my prayers, even the ones that seem to go unanswered. I know that you are in control and you have a weird sense of humor sometimes. Whatever happened, I know it is for the best.
  7. Thank you for not answering my prayers. I have three children and a job that I love, although it doesn’t pay very well. Thank you for giving me the joy of being a good parent to my stubborn and loving children.
  8. Thank you for answering the prayers I said at church today. I know sometimes the outcome may not be what I wanted, but that doesn’t mean the prayer wasn’t answered. Thank you for granting me a sense of calm and help dealing with all of the decisions I had to make.
  9. Dear God, thank you for unanswered prayers. I don’t care that you haven’t given me my dream career or a big fat check from the Publishers Clearing House. Thank you for the health and happiness in my life and thank you for helping me make the wise decision to serve you this year for all of my needs. Amen!
  10. Everyone knows that God does not answer requests because he is a mind reader. However, I love that it keeps me praying and asking. Unanswered prayers lead to incredible change in my life, which I am very happy about. Thank you for the space in my life to pray and reflect on how to be a better person.
  11. Thank you for my unanswered prayers. I know it can be hard for you to answer prayers but this is one case that I am so grateful for your silence. My parent’s are happily married and have a wonderful life, which is what I prayed for when I was a little girl. Thank you for sending me the man of my dreams but knowing it wouldn’t work out, thank you for answering that prayer by showing me what not to look for in a boyfriend. Thank you for helping me discover self worth and confidence as I lose weight and look better than ever. Thank you to my brother and sisters in law who we love and adore. Thank you for letting your children marry wonderful people who we love so dearly. Thank you for allowing us to come over for dinner every week, even though it’s somewhat annoying since we are there so much (we know).
  12. Dear God, thank you for not answering my prayer. I was really worried about my grandmother’s health and it turns out, her doctors got it really wrong. Now she’s healthy and in great spirits. Thank you so much for making her okay and proving them wrong. I will never give up on you and your plans for us.
  13. Thank you for never answering my prayers, because if you did then I would not have learned my own lessons, had as crazy experience, made these mistakes and become who I am today.
  14. Thank God for unanswered prayers and the time to enjoy all of my blessings. I’m very thankful to have you a part of my life.
  15. Thank God for unanswered prayers. I know that’s not normal but if your prayer is answered sometimes it means you didn’t really want it.
  16. Thank you for all of the unanswered prayers. If you had answered them, my life would have been nothing like it is now. I feel like I wouldn’t have grown as much and I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish some of the things that I have in my life right now. Thank you for the growth and blessings.
  17. Thank you for not answering my prayers. You are right, I don’t always understand why you answer things for some people and not for others but it is okay. I have faith that someday everything will be a little easier.
  18. Thank you for all you do. We are so lucky to have your support. Thank you for everything in the past and all of your help. I look forward to all the great things you will do in the future. You deserve our praise always.
  19. Thank you for all the prayers. I’m sorry for the way things turned out on the day that my friend will never forget. The answer to my prayer was not what I wanted and I learned that sometimes things happen to help us grow as human beings.
  20. Thank God for unanswered prayers. It’s because of them that I found you.
  21. Thank you for the unanswered prayers. What I mean by that is because of those prayers, I have learned to appreciate what I have instead of always needing more. Also, with your help, my business has thrived as it used to be in bad shape. On a more personal level, I am thankful for my husband. Thank you for helping me realize that he is just not right for me and I need to find someone who truly loves me and wants what’s best for me. Thank you for helping me accept who I am. Please continue to bless me in all ways and help me spread the love and joy that you gave me.
  22. Thank you, God, for answering some of my prayers, but please don’t stop with that. I’m still waiting for many things, like world peace and hydrangeas to grow without taking lots of water.
  23. Thank you for being so mysterious. I wish I could figure out what’s going on in your mind, but at the same time, I love that we are all on this journey together to discover new things and make a positive impact on this world. You are truly amazing!
  24. Thank God for unanswered prayers! If I had my way the world would end up the same as the couch that broke before you got home with it. I am glad we didn’t get it, because if we did, then God would not have given us this beautiful love seat that fits perfect in our living room. Thank you for giving me an answered prayer.
  25. Thank God for unanswered prayers. If I had gotten everything I prayed for, it would have been like a dream come true. The fact that I did not receive what I wanted is what has made me so happy now.
  26. Thank God for unanswered prayers. If they were answered, then I would not have learned that it’s ok to move on and accept the things that are unattainable. Now I know better than to waste my time on someone who can’t appreciate me.
  27. Thank you God for unanswered prayers. If your prayers are always answered, people will feel safe and secure and not have the opportunity to discover what wonders life has in store for them. Tonight, I’m appreciating my wonderful husband who is helping me go through a difficult time, rather than getting angry at you because of my sick mother. Thank you for showing me that my break up wasn’t such a bad thing after all, by sending me the love of my life. Thank you for bringing our family together.
  28. Thank you for answering all of my unanswered prayers. I am very happy to be here in your paradise on Earth. It is a beautiful country with beautiful people, and I am lucky to be here right now.
  29. Thank you so much for everything. I had few prayers unanswered, but they were not important to me. What is important is that everything was answered correctly.
  30. Thank God that my prayers have still gone unanswered. I’m a much stronger person because of it.
  31. Thank you for giving me patience and fortitude. Thank you for giving me faith in the presence of trouble. Thank you for helping my heart stay strong and unchanging, despite what it feels. Thank you for listening to my prayers and not answering them. I just wanted you to know, I’m okay with this. You are a very mysterious yet wonderful God whom deserves all praise and glory.
  32. Thank God for unanswered prayers. If they had been answered, that person would not have come into my life.
  33. Thank you for the blessing of unanswered prayers. I would not have been able to see how selfish I was being if I had gotten those things I wanted, and I never would have been able to recognize my true needs.
  34. Thank you for not answering my prayers. I don’t know what I would do without my husband and children.
  35. Thank you for not answering my prayers, especially the ones I had recited over and over again. I know now that I have to take care of such problems on my own, so that I have no right to complain.
  36. Thank you for teaching me a valuable lesson about life. I shouldn’t just pray for what I want. I should enjoy and be thankful and grateful for whatever you decide to give me. Thank God!!!
  37. Thank God for unanswered prayers. I prayed every day that my daughter would be scatterbrained, and God did not answer my prayers. As you can see, she is a very focused and responsible young lady.
  38. Thank you God for not answering my prayers. If you did, I would’ve missed all the great opportunities that were presented to me. I am very thankful I went on this new job and met all the wonderful people in my life. And, special thanks for making the other company go broke so I could have this amazing job opportunity!
  39. Thank you God for not answering my prayers where I asked you to heal my dad so I would not have to see him dead on the floor in a pool of blood with skid marks in his underwear and blood all over the place. That image is forever burned into my brain. Thank you for giving me that mental image to remind me how worthless and weak I am, though…I appreciate the little things.
  40. Thank God for unanswered prayers. They were no good and they only lead us to pain and misery. I am thankful I don’t have to feel the regret of letting you go again, because that would kill me.
  41. Thank you for the unanswered prayers. Thank you for all of the struggles and obstacles, as they have taught me lessons that I would not otherwise know.
  42. Thank you for not answering all my prayers. If you had answered all my prayers, I wouldn’t appreciate what I have as much as I do now.
  43. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for me over the past few weeks, as I started my own business. You all have not been answered, but it is OK because I can take care of myself.

Also See: Thank God For Waking Me Up This Morning Quotes