Thank You For Forgiving Me My Love Quotes

Are you looking for thank you for forgiving me quotes to say it to your true love? Well, you are at the right place. We introduce the best collection of thank you for forgiving me quotes. I hope you would like them.

Thank You For Forgiving Me My Love Quotes

  1. Thank you for forgiving me. We have been through some really tough times, but we are still together and that says a lot about our love. I cherish you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
  2. Thank you for forgiving me. I know I don’t deserve your kindness and though it makes me happy to receive it, I also know you shouldn’t have to be nice to me. I am so sorry and hope in the future I can be worthy of your forgiveness.
  3. Thank you for forgiving me my love. Even though I’m a member of the male race, and all of us are known for our forgetful behavior, I still should have had the common courtesy to take you out to a movie before now.
  4. Thank you for forgiving me. I know it’s been hard not to be able to see your friends and family. I promise that once my company gets started, we will take a trip somewhere and you can see them the whole time.
  5. Thank you for forgiving me my darling. I know you love me and I do not deserve your forgiveness, but I’m very grateful that you decided to give it to me anyway. The most difficult thing in life is asking for forgiveness, but the happiest moments are when we are forgiven.
  6. Thank you for forgiving me. I was afraid I would lose you, and now I see that you are still here. I know you are working on your own issues and I can’t force you to talk to me about them, but I do hope that someday we will be able to talk about everything again.
  7. I want to thank you for forgiving me when I make mistakes. I know it’s not easy for you, and I’m very grateful that you can understand that mistakes happen and it doesn’t mean anything about how important our relationship is to me.
  8. Thank you for being my friend. I’m really sorry that I got mad at you, but I really appreciate you forgiving me and helping me see the situation from a different perspective. Love You Man!
  9. Thank you for forgiving me. I know in the beginning it wasn’t easy, but you have been so supportive and understanding of my situation that I cannot describe how much I appreciate it. You have been there constantly, even when things got crazy, and I am so thankful you are here with me.
  10. Thank you for always taking the time to talk when we get together. Thank you for bringing me flowers, especially when you know I needed a pick me up. Thank you for being such a kind person and for never judging anyone. Thank you for being such an amazing friend, and thank you again for forgiving me. You are such a special person to me because of this forgiveness gift.
  11. I was very upset that I thought I would never see you again, but you let me come back to your life and we started over. Thank you for letting go of the past.
  12. Thank you for forgiving me even though I made a fool of myself. Thank you for always understanding and still loving me. I am very happy to have such a wonderful partner in life.
  13. You were so mad at me, and I did not think you would ever speak to me again. It is a relief to have the issues resolved and have you back in my life. I will never do anything to hurt you again. I really appreciate it and I’m glad to be with you…
  14. I want to thank you for forgiving me when I was in the wrong. You are the best and I want you to know how lucky I am to have you as my partner.
  15. I want to thank you for forgiving me. I know it was the hardest thing to do, but it was the best choice for both of us.
  16. Thank you for forgiving me for my mistakes and being patient with me. I still make plenty of mistakes, but at least now, when I do – you don’t seem to mind.
  17. I have been a terrible boyfriend lately, but you always seem to find it in your heart to allow me back in. Thank you for giving me another chance.
  18. Thank you for forgiving me. You are the most important person in my life and I never want to lose you.
  19. I was scared I would lose you, but your quick action kept you with me. Everything is better now that we are back together and I promise to never hurt you again.
  20. Thank you for forgiving me when I couldn’t call you for a few weeks. We got back to normal after that, didn’t we? Things are fine between us now, but it was hard for me to get over my feeling of guilt from having to reschedule our plans. Thank you for helping me move forward and put those feelings behind me.
  21. Thank you for forgiving me for the time I almost fainted, but instead fell into your arms. Thank you for helping me through my confusion. Thank you for being a wonderful person to me and showing me how to truly be happy.
  22. Thank you for always being there. Sometimes, I tend to be too busy in my own world and I don’t notice the people who love me. Thank you for forgiving me when I hurt you with my words and actions. You are the best thing that ever happened to me.
  23. Thank you so much for all the times that you have forgiven me. Sometimes I don’t feel like I deserve it, but yet you still do. I appreciate everything you have done for me and love you even more because you forgive me.
  24. Thank you for forgiving me and re-opening the door to the possibility of a future together. Your thoughtfulness and generosity has made me fall in love with you all over again.
  25. Thank you for forgiving me. I know I can be a pain sometimes but I really wanted to make it up to you so I sent flowers. Thank you for letting me know that we are strong enough to overcome this. I don’t want to lose you.
  26. Thank you for always forgiving me when I mess up. Sometimes I am not the best boyfriend, but you are always there to love me and support me. I love you very much for that.
  27. Thank you for forgiving me for making you feel sick during that nice dinner we had together. I should have thought about it. I hope you’re feeling better.
  28. Thank you for your forgiveness. I don’t know what I would do if things were always awkward between us. I cherish your love and gentle ways.
  29. I know you have a lot of hurt and pain, but I just want to thank you for giving me another chance. We were meant for each other, and I know that things will be OK this time. You are the one for me.
  30. You have forgiven me for my inexcusable actions, and I appreciate it, though we both know I don’t deserve it. This helps me to continue our relationship, knowing that you are willing to give me a second chance.
  31. Thank you for always standing by me. I feel like we have this special bond that can never be broken. Thank you for always being so supportive and forgiving some of my mistakes. I will try to do better for you.
  32. Thank you for waiting for me until I became clear about what I wanted to do with my life. Thank you for being patient as I figure out what is important to me and not to you.
  33. Thank you for forgiving me. You are my love and everything I do is because of your presence in my life. When I hurt you, I felt embarrassed that I might have lost your love. I never want to lose you. Thank you for sticking around, so we can continue our journey together.
  34. Thank you for forgiving me. I never thought that we would get to this point, but I am very thankful. I was a real jerk and didn’t deserve another chance, but to have the opportunity to know you again is something that I will cherish forever.
  35. Thank you for forgiving me. I was really frustrated but your words and actions made me feel better. My day was really bad until we had a chance to talk again and I don’t think I would be able to handle all of this without you.
  36. Thank you for forgiving me for my mistakes. I know it must have been hard, but your forgiveness means so much to me. You are the best!
  37. Thank you for forgiving me. I promise it will not happen again. I really didn’t mean to hurt you, and I hope you can still consider me your friend after all is said and done.
  38. Thank you for forgiving me. You know I wouldn’t hurt you intentionally and I feel very badly when I do. I will try to be more thoughtful.
  39. Thank you for forgiving me for when I messed up, for remaining my confidant, and for always being a person that I can turn to in my most difficult times. It is because of your example that I have learned to forgive others and myself. I’m grateful that we can put our past behind us and look forward to the future.
  40. Thank you for forgiving me. When I made that mistake, things were very difficult for me. I knew that what I did was wrong and planned to apologize. Thank you for setting aside your anger and accepting my apology.
  41. Thank you for giving me a second chance and trusting me. Your forgiveness means a lot to me, and I promise not to break my promise again…You will always be in my heart, no matter what happens.
  42. Thank you for being so forgiving. I know I can be hard to live with sometimes, but you are there for me and that makes me want to appreciate and love you all the more.
  43. Thank you for forgiving me. Words can’t express how much I appreciate your forgiveness. You have lifted a huge weight off my shoulders, and I am so thankful that I can continue the rest of my life with you.
  44. Thank you for forgiving me so effortlessly. I know that it wasn’t a small thing I did to you and yet you were very kind in letting me back. There are no words I can really say except “I love you,” but I want to let you know that I am here for you, I always will be.
  45. Thank you for being so amazing. I can’t believe you can forgive me. I feel like a total idiot. Thank you for thinking of all the things we did together that made me happy and reminded me of how important you are to me. Stay with me forever.
  46. Thank you for forgiving me. I know I have done terrible things, but I love you so much and was willing to do anything for your forgiveness and friendship. Thanks for agreeing to still be friends with me!
  47. Thank you for allowing me to apologize and thank you for forgiving me. I just want to make sure you know how a bad my actions were, that I am sorry and would never do such a thing again.
  48. Thank you for being my friend. I always come back to you because I know that no matter what, we are going to be okay. Thank you for forgiving me when I hurt your feelings, and thank you for loving me unconditionally.
  49. Thank you for forgiving me for losing my temper. I know I said some hurtful things and I feel badly about it. I’ll never do it again, I promise.

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