Thank You For Planning Ahead

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Thank You For Planning Ahead

  1. Thank you for planning ahead so that I can have a great time with my friends and family. I know it’s a lot of hard work to plan and organize, but it is so worth it. Thank you for organizing my party, my trip and all the other fun things we have done this year.
  2. Thank you for planning ahead so that I didn’t have to worry at all about anything related to the party. The guests had a blast and the game went smoothly. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to close my eyes, take a deep breath and enjoy this beautiful party.
  3. Thank you for planning ahead. When everyone asked you what to get for your birthday, you only requested hand-written messages of encouragement and support. That meant a lot to me. Thank you again.
  4. Thank you for planning ahead. You made me a lot of things in advance and I really appreciate it.
  5. Thank you for planning ahead. This forced me to be in the moment because I had very little time to plan and make a lot of phone calls and arrangements. I appreciate your help, especially with this one-time activity and wish we would have more time to do similar things in the future.
  6. Thank you for planning ahead. I know this may not have been your favorite thing to do, but it really helped me out a lot. Hopefully, I can make things easier for you next time we go out like this. Again, thanks for being so helpful and thoughtful.
  7. Thank you for planning ahead. I really appreciate it when you set up all of my meetings and travel plans and have everything ready when I arrive. I can focus on the conversations with the attendees instead of trying to find my way around the city.
  8. Thank you for planning ahead. Some people don’t think they can do that and therefore leave things up to chance or without preparation, but you always give it thought beforehand. I appreciate that; it makes things easier on me!
  9. Thank you for planning so well and being prepared. I always feel safe when you’re around and know I can leave the details in your very capable hands. That’s a rare quality and one of the many reasons you’re special to me.
  10. Thank you for preparing a complete menu and shopping list last night. I had no idea what our dinner options were until my husband told me this morning. It was lovely to not have to think about the food for tonight when we are really busy with a project.
  11. Thank you for checking the weather report every day and texting me if there is rain in the forecast. It always makes my day go better.
  12. Thank you for planning ahead. You have been an amazing in-law. When we met you said, ‘There are no problems, just opportunities.’ I was fortunate to have an opportunity to be a part of your family before. Now with the birth of my first child, I see how right you really were.
  13. Thank you for planning ahead and getting us tickets to the hockey game. I know sometimes when we go out with group of people, it can get a little bit hectic, but you make sure everyone’s happy. That’s what I love about you.
  14. Thank you for planning ahead and packing the chocolate frosting. It was so much easier to put on the cake when it was thoroughly pre-frosted. The party was great, by the way! I’d like to send you a gift for your efforts.
  15. Thank you for planning ahead. I really appreciate that you have planned a great trip for our anniversary in Cancun. It will be nice to have some time to relax, go swimming and enjoy the beach. It is so easy to plan with you because you think about everything!
  16. Thank you for planning ahead. I’m so disorganized that it is difficult for me to ensure that I have all the things I need when I need them. I am always prepared these days because of your efforts. I appreciate it very much.
  17. Thank you for planning ahead. You are always so organized that I never have to worry about things not being done properly. And thank you for being a good travel companion – talking with me while we travel and telling me stories makes the time go so fast!
  18. Thank you for planning ahead. While it was really really hard to imagine not seeing each other in the morning, it was worth the sacrifice. I love you.
  19. Thank you for planning ahead. I really appreciate the thoughtful little gifts you give me, like the ones you had waiting for me in my room on my birthday. Thank you for always being there for me and being a great friend.
  20. Thank you for making sure that we have everything we need before the company retreat. It’s nice to know that someone is looking out for us! Plus, it was very kind of you to bring things that I might need. I am VERY appreciative of your help!
  21. I love you and always appreciate how you plan things out in advance. Sometimes, I feel like that I can be messy or forgetful about things. I know that if you are there, then I don’t have to worry about a thing and have fun with my friends.
  22. Thank you for planning your birthday party. The team went to a lot of effort and put together an amazing evening. We had so much fun, and I’m glad we got the chance to get together.
  23. Thank you for staying home to watch the kids because I had a meeting this morning. The meeting went well, and I only had to bring the kids with me because you stayed home.
  24. Thank you for planning ahead and making sure your business trip to our customer’s office will be enjoyable. The hotel you booked is exactly as nice as I remember it, which is a relief. It just means more time for us to have fun together.
  25. Thank you for planning ahead! I know you didn’t have to, but it was a great idea to leave early today because traffic was less than expected. That meant we could stop by your parents’ house first and drop off the cake before the party started, then made it to the restaurant on time! Once again, thank you for making driving easier.
  26. Thank you for planning ahead. I really appreciate you picking me up from the party last Saturday so I didn’t have to worry about getting my own ride. We had a great time together and it was nice to talk with you about what you do for work.
  27. Thank you for planning ahead. I know sometimes we are low on funds, so thank you for buying those shoes in advance. You saved us money!
  28. Thank you for planning ahead. I know I never do, but it sure is nice for me to be able to rely on you for picking up things like my dry cleaning or making sure there is plenty of food in the house for dinner when I want to make a fancy meal for the family.
  29. Thank you for planning ahead. It is so nice to know that I don’t have to worry about anything when I go out with my friends. Have a great weekend!
  30. Thank you for planning ahead. This way we can enjoy the party and not have to worry about where to go if we want to leave early.
  31. Thank you for planning ahead. I was so impressed when you brought your yoga mat to the party. There were plenty of times during the evening when I wanted to stretch but didn’t have a mat and it made me very happy that you had one with you.
  32. Thank you for planning ahead the other day when you told me “we are going to this place”. I didn’t think about what I was going to wear, but when we got there it turned out that it was a super cute dress shop and I bought two dresses. It really made my day.
  33. Thank you for researching birthday places in advance. Before I knew it, you had planned our day and made it very special.
  34. Thank you for always going with the flow and taking everything in stride. You always think ahead, which makes things so much easier. You are a wonderful person and I’m lucky to have you in my life. Thank you. You’re the best!
  35. Thank you for planning ahead. It is so thoughtful and helpful. I appreciate it so much! Things are always a little easier when you have thought of everything, making me feel more at ease.
  36. Thank you for planning ahead and making sure I know where to go in case of an emergency. Not everyone has friends or family who are so thoughtful and prepared. I appreciate your efforts a great deal!
  37. Thank you for planning ahead. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sent a reminder email to my boss and there’s been no response. It’s frustrating, and it makes me feel like I’m not important. So, when you do take the time to reply, it really means a lot to me.
  38. Thank you for planning ahead when we went camping. I was kind of stressed out because I didn’t plan what we should do and pack. You made me feel better by offering to handle all of the arrangements, even taking care of renting the tents. We had a great time in the mountains!
  39. Thank you for planning in advance. You make it easy to be on time to the airport by letting me know what time you will be there and the flight numbers. Your thoughtfulness makes everything run smoothly and helps us have more fun when we get to our destinations.
  40. Thanks for planning ahead. I know you like to live spontaneously and on the spot, but your well-thought-out plans really help me feel comfortable and save me from a lot of stress. It is also very handy that you make sure to buy tickets at websites with no fees! Thanks a lot!
  41. Thank you for planning ahead and leaving the scooters in our garage. Now when we all six of us visit, we can have a carefree visit and not need to walk 10 miles a day.
  42. Thanks for always planning ahead. I have never been let down, and things have always gone perfectly when I needed them to. Whenever I am stressed about a situation, knowing you have planned for it eases my mind completely.
  43. Thank you for always planning ahead. Being prepared is always the way to go and one way you show that to me. From asking me what I plan to do on a certain day so you know if something urgent is going on, to always looking in your planner to check if you have our next date planned as well. I appreciate that!
  44. Thanks for planning this nice date. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and the effort you put into planning our evening out. You always make me feel special, and I really thank you for that.
  45. Thank you very much for planning the trip. It was a blast! Traveling with you is always fun and exciting. You always know what to do, where to go, and how to make sure everyone in the group will enjoy themselves. Thank you also for planning the small details, like securing lodging reservations and buying snacks ahead of time. That way we were able to devote more time to sightseeing instead.
  46. Thank you for planning ahead. On the days when I’m so busy I don’t have time to make lunch and my stomach is rumbling, you always remember a sandwich or snack for me. The world would be a better place if everyone was as kind and thoughtful as you.

Also See: Thank You For Planning The Trip