Thank You For Your Patience Quotes

Here are a bunch of Thank You For Your Patience Quotes to send over to those whom you owe one to.

Thank You For Your Patience Quotes

  1. Thank you for your patience. I know that things are busy right now and you probably have a lot on your mind. Keep up the good work. Things will calm down soon.
  2. Thank you for your patience. I know it was hard for you to wait for me to finish school. Now that the wait is over, we can get started on the next phase of our lives together and begin planning a family. I love you and am excited for the future.
  3. Thank you for your patience during my crazy freelance schedule. I know it has been hard to keep the house so clean and to put up with the hours I spend at the office, and the stress levels that I experience on a constant basis. Without your support, I know my career would have come to an end a very long time ago.
  4. Thank you for your patience with me. I’m sorry it takes me so long to get moving. It is just hard for me to change the way I do things sometimes, but thank you for being patient with me.
  5. Thank you for your patience as we got our financial aid. I know things are tight right now and we had to wait a while to get all of the money, but I promise it will be worth it in the end.
  6. Thank you for your patience and love throughout these past few years. You have always stood by me when things were hard, especially in the early days of our relationship when I was still coming to terms with my sexuality. I love you so much.
  7. Thank you for being so patient with me. I know that taking care of a little baby can be a lot to handle, especially when it’s not your own. I really appreciate you being there for me and helping out with everything.
  8. Thank you for your patience. I know I can be a handful at times, but it has made us stronger as a couple.
  9. Thank you for your patience. I am such a terrible housemate, but no matter what state I’m in, or how loud the music is, you just open the door and smile at me. We still have fun too. Thank you for that.
  10. Thank you for your patience. I know sometimes I am hard to live with, but I admire how you put up with me and don’t lose your temper.
  11. Thank you for your patience as I go through a difficult time at work. I know it’s frustrating when I sit on the phone for hours and can’t get help, but I promise it will be over soon and we will have lots of fun together again.
  12. Thank you for your patience and understanding on this. I know I can be quite the handful when my mind is set to accomplish something. I am very happy we are able to work together through rough patches like this one.
  13. Thank you for your patience with me. I have been so distracted lately, but I will try to get back on track so we can have some more quality time together.
  14. Thank you for giving me your patience. I could not have done anything without you doing one very important thing: be patient with me. And thanks for always treating me like a little girl.
  15. Thank you for being so kind and patient with me over the past few months. I know change is hard for some people and it did take some time for me to adjust to your new place, but I now have all of my stuff put away in our room and can sleep there with no problems. Sorry I was such a mess earlier in the year.
  16. How many times do I want to thank you? Hundreds. Every time I look at the words, Thank you for your patience, they always remind me of our wonderful date together. There were a number of tough issues that had to be discussed. But don’t worry, there was no ill feeling at all; instead we managed to resolve them with laughter and fun. Thank you for a memorable date which has now become one of my favorite dates ever!
  17. Thank you for your patience. I really appreciate the fact that when we go on trips, you let me get on the plane first and then you wait patiently until everyone else is seated, even though I always tell you that there is no need to be so formal. But in my heart, I know that you are doing it out of love.
  18. Thank you for your patience. I know it is difficult to not see me as often as we would like to, but I promise that when we are together, we will have a great time. Enjoy these next weeks because I know this time apart is only going to make our reunion that more enjoyable. I love you.
  19. Thank you for your patience. I know it has not been easy to be on the other end of my often distracted and sometimes erratic behavior. I don’t really know how you put up with me, but I could never have gotten through the last few months without your help.
  20. Thank you for your patience. I know it’s not easy for you having a roommate who is away so often and does schoolwork late into the night. You have been incredibly kind and I’m glad to have you as my roommate.”
  21. Thank you for all of your patience with me. I know it’s not easy living with someone who is always stressed out, but you do it without complaint. I’m very grateful and hope that you know that.
  22. Thank you for being patient with me. Some days I am a little slow at getting back to you, but I do mean to get back to you and I will. Thank you for hanging out even when I don’t talk very much and I don’t know what to say.
  23. Thank you for your patience. I know it’s not easy to put up with how busy I am as I juggle my teaching career and running my own business {at the same time}. Thank you for supporting me in all of my endeavors.
  24. Thank you for your patience. It may seem strange to thank you for something so expected, but I’m grateful that you’re patient with me and my shortcomings. It makes me want to do better and be a good friend. Thank you!
  25. Thank you for your patience. You are always so calm and quiet when I need to just think or talk without being interrupted. Thank you for doing the dishes before leaving and putting everything away. I really appreciate it.
  26. Thank you for your patience. I have been so difficult lately and it has been hard to see me like this. I know it has not been easy for you, but you have stuck through with me and made me feel so loved even when I do not treat you well. For that, I am very grateful.
  27. Thank you for your patience. It is not always easy to understand me, but you manage to do it very well. Thank you for being there when I need help and support.
  28. Thank you for your patience. I know it’s hard for you to be around me when I am very stressed out and upset, but you are so supportive and don’t make me feel bad. Thank you for being my rock!
  29. Thank you for your patience with me. It is a constant challenge I know, but I work hard at getting better. I look forward to many more years of being patient together (and hopefully not the wife beating type).
  30. Thank you for your patience. I know this has not been easy for you, and it’s been hard on me as well. I appreciate that you’ve thrown yourself into the middle of our mess, and have taken control of the whole thing.
  31. Thank you for your patience. When I am acting irrational, please realize that is not a reflection of you or me. Sometimes it just takes me a while to see and adjust to changes, but we hit reset and try again too.
  32. Thank you for being so patient with me. I am not the easiest person to deal with and sometimes I cause you a lot of stress. You always put up with me, even when we have a fight or I’m running late again. Thank you for being you, I think it’s one of your best qualities.
  33. Thank you for your patience. I can be slow to pick up on some things, or a bit of a space cadet at times. Thank you also for being as understanding as I try to figure it out.
  34. Thank you for your patience even though I am always late. Thank you for your support and courage when we are riding alongside the crazy traffic.
  35. Thank you for your patience in helping a very technically challenged person like me talk to you. Every time I feel frustrated with the world, I remember how nice you are and feel better.
  36. Thank you for your patience. I know it has been frustrating dealing with me and my crazy work schedule, but please know that it’s not easy for me either. I’m trying to balance everything, but I do appreciate all that you do to help me and our family.
  37. Thank you for your patience. I’m so grateful for everything you do for me, even though you often tell me how crazy I am being. I promise I will do something nice for you soon.
  38. Thank you for your patience. Most of the time, I am pretty good about remembering things and following through. But there are times when I just can’t seem to remember anything that doesn’t involve the theater program, or my company, or work…
  39. Thank you for your patience while I was learning to drive. I know that it was sometimes frustrating for you, because I have never been very patient. Thank you for being so patient with me.
  40. Thank you for your patience with me. I tend to get upset and annoyed with things, but you always help me calm down. I appreciate that more than anything.
  41. Thank you for your patience lately, I know it has not been easy to have me gone all the time. I’m very grateful for your understanding and support.
  42. Thank you for your patience with me today. I was not in a good place, but you didn’t tell me to stop being crazy, instead you said thank you for being honest. It made me feel so much better. Thank you for always being kind.
  43. I wanted to wait until I was able to show you just how much I appreciate all the things you do for me. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding this month.
  44. Thank you for your patience. At first I have to admit I was a little annoyed that you had to go away for a couple weeks. I and the girls have been having a ball, but now all I can think about is you coming home. You better hurry back so we can pick up where we left off.
  45. Thank you for your patience. Sometimes I’m overwhelmed with everything going on, but your support helps me relax and focus on the important tasks. You have a calming presence that allows me to think clearly.
  46. Thank you for your patience. I know sometimes it seems like I don’t appreciate what a great dad you are, and all you do for me. But I do.
  47. Thank you for your patience. I know it has been a difficult few years, but I’m going to try to be a better husband. Hopefully things will improve and I can take your advice and be the best that I can be.
  48. Thank you for your patience over the last couple of months. I know it has been very stressful and has taken its toll on our relationship. But, I couldn’t have asked you for a better partner to grow old with. I love you.
  49. Thank you for your patience with me. I know it must be hard for you to have someone in your life who is so crazy busy but putting up with me makes me love you even more. Thank you for bringing out the best parts of me.
  50. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your guidance. Thank you for all of your kindness, patience and love. I didn’t realize how much I needed it until I came into your life, and now I can’t live without it.
  51. Thank you for having patience with me. I know I can be difficult sometimes and a pain, but you always take the time to listen and hear me out. I appreciate you more than words can express. You deserve someone who will treat you like a queen and love you unconditionally, but somehow I got lucky enough to have you.

Also See: Thank You For Understanding Quotes

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