Thank You God For Protecting Me

Thank You God Quotes will help you to say Thank You to the Almighty for everything he has done for you and your loved ones. Below is a list of carefully selected thank you quotes that you can use to express your gratitude to God.

Thank You God For Protecting Me

  1. Thank you God for protecting me all the time. I know you are always there when I need you and thank you for helping me with my business.
  2. Thank you God for protecting me from injury. I know you will protect me from other harm, too. So many of my friends have been involved in accidents, and so far you have protected me. Although I don’t always appreciate you at the time, I’m very grateful now that things have worked out.
  3. Thank you God for protecting me and keeping me safe. I am thankful for the life that you have given me, thank you for keeping me and my family safe, and thank you for all of the blessings that you provide us with each and every day.
  4. Dear God, Thank you for protecting me today. Even though I wasn’t aware at the time, I know you were there the whole time. I realize that without your protection, I could have been in danger at any moment. For example, if you didn’t protect me on the way to work and when I was filling my gas tank, both of those things could have caused a major accident.
  5. Dear God, thank you for protecting me. I was sick on my trip and so far, I feel healthy enough to go to work every day. Please keep protecting and watching over me as I continue my journey on this earth.
  6. Thank you for protecting me when I have dangerous jobs. You always protect those who live good lives and are kind to others. Thank you for this present life.
  7. Thank you for protecting me when I was walking to my car last night. Thank you for looking over me everyday and keeping me out of harm’s way. Thank you, thank you, thank you
  8. Thank you God for all you do. Not just for me, but for everyone. I know that at times I can be impatient and somewhat demanding but I thank you for the sunsets, the laughter, and all the other things that make life good. Thank You.
  9. Thank you for always being there for us. When we face challenges, it helps to know that you have everything under control. We feel happy and secure in your love when everything are going well and we’d like to thank you for all the opportunities that have come our way because of your grace and mercy.
  10. Thank you for always watching over me and helping me when I need it. You have helped me find friends, jobs, and taught me many things while I was growing up. Thank you for all of your love, mercy, and forgiveness. Always remember that Jesus loves you!
  11. Thanks for listening to all of my problems. Help me know you are there to protect me and tell me the right thing to do.
  12. Thank you God for protecting me always. I know we have a very powerful and strong connection. Thank you God, my connection to the universe, for guiding me through all the tough times I’ve been through in my life.
  13. Thank you God, for looking out for me. I know there are lots of bad people out there who would like to do me harm, but thank you for making sure I am safe. You rock!
  14. Thank God for protecting me during the car accident. You are so kind to me and I am thankful for all you have done for me.
  15. Thank you for always protecting me. I know that I don’t say this very often and it isn’t in the Top 10 of my prayer requests, but I am grateful that you are with me all the time. I feel blessed to have you in my life, watching over me and helping me when I need it. Thank you for always being there for me.
  16. Thank you for protecting me when I didn’t even know I needed protecting. Thank you for making it so easy to be happy and thankful.
  17. I would just like to give you a big thank you for keeping me safe from harm down the years. Thank you for look after me and my family. I am truly grateful for your help and guidance through so many trials and tribulations. I would just like to say thank you.
  18. Thank you for every day that you have kept me safe.
  19. Thank you for protecting me from any harm. Thank you for always talking to me, for guiding me, and for watching over me.
  20. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you. I was on the highway and I got into an accident and everyone seemed to be so worried except you. You were always with me. As usual, I got out of it alive and walked away from the car. Thank you for watching over me every time I take my seat belt off.
  21. Thank you for always protecting me. Sometimes life gets a little hard and I don’t feel like I can handle it all. It’s times like this I know I can always trust you to help me through any situation. You always guide my steps in the right direction.
  22. Thanks so much for your help and a, always forgiving me when I make mistakes or do something that upsets you, Thank You God For Protecting Me in all the things I do.
  23. Thank you God for protecting me. A few weeks ago I was in a car crash, and I came out completely fine. The car looked bad though. I really don’t know why I wasn’t injured. It got me thinking about my life and how much you have protected me so far. Thank you for always being with me and leading me to good experiences.
  24. Thank you, God, for protecting me in the most recent fire. Although everything has been lost, I am very grateful that everyone in my family is okay.
  25. Thank you God for protecting me from any danger and keeping me safe wherever I go. Thank you for blessing me abundantly and for giving me the joy of serving others. You are a great God and I love You! Thank you and Amen!
  26. Thank you for protecting me. I know that You are very busy in all of the different parts of the world, but I am grateful that You took time out to protect me. I am so thankful that I am alive and well.
  27. Thank you for protecting me every day and for looking out for me when I am not aware of it. I feel very blessed that you are being protective of me and my family.
  28. Thank you for protecting me. I know you are always watching over me, making sure nothing bad happens to me. Thank you for helping me through difficult times in my life.
  29. Thanks for protecting me. It was a really dangerous situation, but you helped me and showed me how to get away from it. Thank you for listening to my prayers.
  30. Thank you for protecting me through my lifetime. I never realized how many times you have saved me from potentially dangerous situations until now. Thank you.
  31. Thanks for protecting us. Sometimes I get very scared, but that hands that protect us are there to help us through the bad things. I feel so much better knowing that God has his hand on our shoulder and is watching over us.
  32. Thank you for protecting me from harm. I am sure there are many things I am not aware of that you have protected me from. Thank you for watching out for me every day and always keeping me safe.
  33. Thank you for keeping me safe. You were with me when I was crossing the street, when I had to ride in an elevator and when I was going on a walk.
  34. Thank you God for protecting me and everyone I know, especially my nephew.
  35. Thank you God for protecting me. Thank you for making my stay on earth worthwhile and meaningful. Keep blessing me with peace of mind, health and long life.
  36. Thank you God, for protecting me. I don’t know if this makes sense to you, but a line of times I have needed your help, and you have been there. Thank you so much…love you!
  37. Thank you God for being my guardian angel. When I was in my accident, I was not driving and you protected me from harm. Thank you for your love, guidance and protection.
  38. Dear God, I need to thank you for protecting me from my neighbor’s dog. I was really scared since the rest of the household was not home, but luckily your angels were watching over me.
  39. Thank you God for providing me a safe, comfortable and peaceful space for my family and I.
  40. Thank you for protecting me from the dangers of this world. I know that sometimes I don’t always see it, but people around me have told me how fortunate I’ve been and how my life could have been a whole lot worse. I am thankful for having a second chance and for things being okay right now.
  41. I am so thankful that you keep me safe. Every morning I wake up and I’m a little scared because my arm is not completely well. But each morning, I wake up without having to worry about the whole thing being swollen or hurting. I just think that this miracle happened, because of you.
  42. Thank you for keeping me safe. Sometimes I forget about how much danger I am in everyday, but I appreciate that you keep me safe.
  43. Thank you God for protecting me. I am very happy that I have survived the many accidents I have been involved in. Thank you for keeping me safe.
  44. I wanted to thank you for protecting me very well in the beginning of this year. I’ve had accidents on two occasions but never thought they were dangerous, so they never gave me a scare. Thank you again God, and please continue watching over me.
  45. I just want to say thank you for watching out for me. I know everything that is happening in my life right now is by your hand and it’s exactly what you wanted to happen. I’ve been very lost and this past week was kind of a bad one, but everyone told me to have hope and they helped me look at things in the positive way. Because my friends were there, things ended up getting better. Thank you God for protecting me.
  46. I am thankful for you today. I know that I sometimes don’t think about you that much, but I am thinking of you and thanking you today. Thank you for my family and the support they give me when I need it the most. Thank you for my friends and their companionship on hard days. And thank you for the fulfillment in my life which comes from doing a job I really enjoy. Thank you God for protecting me.
  47. Thank you God for surrounding me with great friends. Friends that are always there for me and love me unconditionally, despite my flaws. Thank you for giving me a girlfriend who loves me and cares about my dreams. Thank you God for putting everything in its place and keeping it safe. I am truly grateful for everything that you have given to me and hope I can be worthy of your grace.
  48. Thank you for always watching out for me, God. Thank you for keeping me safe this year and all through my life. I feel very blessed, and because of that, if I should ever forget to say thank you, please know that I am thinking about it all the time.
  49. Thank you for protecting me and blessing me all these years. I am very grateful for the life you gave me, health, parents, and friends. I look forward to all the future has in store for me.

Also See: Thank You Heavenly Father Prayer