Thank You God For Revealing The Truth Quotes and Messages

Thank You God For Revealing The Truth Prayer Quotes: Thank you Lord God almighty for revealing the truth to me and bringing me out of darkness and slavery into your marvelous light, which you live in and fills the heavens.

Thank You God For Revealing The Truth Quotes

  1. Thank you, God for revealing the truth. Thank you for helping me see that I was wrong in my relationship, for stopping me from making a big mistake. I prayed so hard for an answer and finally I got one. Thank you for providing all of the evidence I needed to free myself from the hurtful situation.
  2. Thanks for revealing your truth to me. I want to tell you “Thank you God” for showing me the right path.
  3. Thank you, God for answering my prayer after so many years of searching for the truth. I didn’t expect to get an answer so quickly. Thank you for answering me in a way that I could accept, thank you for helping me to see that homosexuality is wrong.
  4. Thank you, God, for filling my heart with happiness and showing me the truth. I know now that a happy family is what makes this world a better place. Thank you for being the loving parent to all who have been abused and have been taught to hate just because of their sexuality.
  5. Thank you very much for snatching me out of darkness. I was deceived but your word exposed the truth about the depths of Satan’s tricks.
  6. Thank you for showing me the light. How lonely and confused I was when I was in the belief system. Thank you, God for helping me shed my pride and see what a slave I had become to a false belief system.
  7. I’m very grateful that you were watching over me and keeping me alive long enough to get help. If I hadn’t gotten help, I wouldn’t be here right now. Thank you for supporting me and for showing me the truth.
  8. Thank you for helping me find that small church downtown. I didn’t really know what I was looking for but now I feel like I’ve found what I needed.
  9. Thank you for helping me have the courage to swallow my pride and ask for help. Even though I thought it was not possible, you gave me the strength to want to work toward a better life. God, the best day of my life is today because of how comfortable I am in myself. Thank you for saving my life.
  10. Thank you, God for revealing the truth and giving me and my family peace of mind. You are so faithful and trustworthy. I can’t wait to tell my friends about this amazing service!
  11. Thank you, God for revealing the truth. I was in a very bad place trying to be a hypocrite because I thought that was what people wanted to see from me. You pulled me out of that and have shown me a new life.
  12. Thank you, God for revealing the truth about abstinence before marriage, you showed me that if I abstained from sex before marriage, I would be in a much better position when I got married.
  13. Thank you, God for revealing the truth! I know I am happier, but I haven’t been able to feel it until experiencing this euphoria. Sorrow and happiness are emotions the same in essence.
  14. Thank you, God for revealing the truth about being gay. It took a lot of courage to come out as a lesbian, but now that I have all I wish for is You to use me as Your instrument to dispel the myths and stereotypes that people have against Islam and lesbians. Thank you, Jesus for being there with me always even when I have no one else.
  15. Oh, thank you God for revealing the truth to me about my desire to become a children’s minister. I’m still nervous but at least now I know what my calling is.
  16. Thank you, God for working in my life. Thank you for your perfect timing in everything that you do. I want to thank God for revealing the truth to me the other day, the truth that you are real. I used to ask why are bad things happening, but now I know they are not random acts of violence but rather an opportunity for me to change my thinking and allow you in my life even more. Thank you for being real God.
  17. Thank you for the truth. Things would be different if we did not know the truth. I know I can handle anything and anyone because of this knowledge. You help me to be better every day.
  18. Thank you for helping me realize the truth so I could leave, and help with letting me know I have lots of love to give.
  19. Thank you for letting me see the truth in this situation. I have been so frustrated trying to get through to someone who refuses to listen. I felt so helpless, but somehow your guidance helped me find clarity about what was really going on. I suppose it’s true that the truth always shines through eventually.
  20. Thank you, God for revealing the truth to me and giving me peace of mind. I am eternally grateful.
  21. I want to say thank you for revealing the truth and bringing me closer to God. When I was 13, I bought a FLDS material and I really loved it because it was full of insights and revelations and explanations and miracles and goodness and knowledge and mysteries and words of wisdom and inspiring stories. For the past seven years, I’ve been reading those words of wisdom to try to become a better person each day. Now, every minute of my days is filled with joy as I continue to find meaning in these words of wisdom as it guides me through this journey in life. Thank you, God for opening my mind as you gave everyone the gift of reason. Thank you, God for giving us hope through logic. Thank you, God for giving us life through your word!
  22. Thank you, God for revealing yourself to me and showing me how exciting this new journey will be. I know now that my purpose is to help others understand the truth and experience the joy.
  23. Thank you, God for keeping me alive despite all the crazy things that happened to me. You revealed the truth eventually, and I was able to get back into my good life. Thank you.
  24. Thank you for revealing the truth to me about the Book of Mormon. Thank you for showing me that you exist through many signs and through my feelings. I love you so much!
  25. Thank you, God for giving me a great life. Thank you for loving me and helping me make all of this possible. I really appreciate all that You do in my life.
  26. Thank you for getting me to this point so quickly. You know I am not very patient, yet You answered my prayers right away.
  27. Thank you for helping me see the truth in a situation so I could move forward with a clearer conscience and a lighter heart.
  28. Thank you for helping me see the truth in people. For letting me know when something is not right so I can take care of it instead of staying in an unhealthy situation. Thanks for helping me take care of my kids. Thank you for giving me the strength to go through the hard times in the past.
  29. Thank you for being present all the time, thank you for helping me to be thankful, thank you for helping me to understand that You are the only way, thank you that You are my refuge, thank you that one day I will see Heaven.
  30. Thank you for showing me the way. I’m struggling with many things but now I know where to go to find answers. Now I know where to go to feel loved and cared for so thank you for giving yourself so that I can have comfort. Thank you for all the people in my life who guide me down the right path, especially my mom and dad.
  31. Thank you, God for revealing the truth. I can never thank you enough for this gift and the many others you have given me: my husband and my three daughters. Thank you also for giving me a job I enjoy and allowing me to provide for the needs of my family.
  32. Thank you, God for revealing the truth. I am sometimes scared to pray for myself, but I know that if I pray, you will answer my prayers. Thank you for answering my prayer and showing me that shunning is bad.
  33. Thank you, God for being so patient with me as I have been going through a mental and emotional crisis. You revealed to me that was not my true love and I owe you a massive favor. Thank you for giving me the strength to do what was right.
  34. I know that I should probably thank you for other things like saving my life or something like that. But instead, I want to thank you for revealing the truth to me. I know you told me the truth about 1 year ago, but it never hit me until tonight.
  35. Thank you for revealing to me this amazing truth. I have learned so much in the past year and I am excited to continue learning more in the coming years. Thank you for bringing me joy, happiness, and love.
  36. You have honestly helped me so much. Thank you for all the miracles you have done in my life. Thank you for leading me to people that will help me be more like you. You are appreciated, and I am eternally grateful!
  37. I want to thank you for taking me out of my shell and away from people who were detrimental to my spiritual growth. I want to thank you for showing me the true reality of what’s happening in this world.
  38. All praise, honor, glory, and worship be to you God for your endless true love, mercy, forgiveness, guidance, strength, wisdom, protection through my journey. I thank you now and forever amen.
  39. Thank you, God for revealing the truth. You have been plenty patient with me, even when I have done stupid things. I have been supported and encouraged, even when I did not deserve it. From chaos and confusion, I have been brought to a wonderful state of serenity and peace.
  40. Thank you, God for revealing the truth about my ex. It was very hard to see how unworthy he was of me. I got through it, but it sure took its toll on my physical health. Thank you for taking care of me and getting me through that tough spot.
  41. Thank you, my God for revealing the truth and removing my fear and anxiety; thank you, my God for giving me the power to speak and the courage to reach out and write.
  42. Thank you, God for opening my eyes to the truth and for making me realize that I am free in Christ and that this is’ a new beginning.
  43. Thank you, God for showing me I needed to spend more time with my family and friends. Thank you for helping me to give them all that they deserve from me. You truly showed how I was wrong and that I need to be forgiven.
  44. Thank you, God for allowing me to realize that there is more to life than just this physical existence. You are the only thing that makes sense to me now. Thank you for changing my life!
  45. Thank you for revealing the truth to me, so I can see what is going on. Thank you for letting me be honest with people and not taking on their pain. I am going to be a lot happier from now on.
  46. Thank you for showing me who I really am! After years of searching, you got my attention. I don’t want to go back to living a lie.

Also See: A Short Prayer To Thank God

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