Thank You God For Watching Over Me Quotes

Thank You God For Watching Over Me Quotes: It’s never too late to thank God for watching over us, keeping us alive and putting food on our table. This is a lovely post that will help you to appreciate all the blessings you have received in your life.

Thank You God For Watching Over Me

  1. I really wanted to thank God for watching over me. It can be easy to lose focus when daily life is so complicated. I try to remember to say thank you every day, but this is a special note to say thank you for watching over me during my time in the hospital.
  2. Thank you God for watching over me this past month. I know I can’t do anything without your help, and it means so much to me. Thank you for watching over my family, friends, and coworkers. Thank you for all of the amazing things you’ve done in my life!
  3. Thank you God for watching over me as I drove home from work the other night. A large deer ran out in front of my car and I took evasive action. Thank you for keeping both the driver and the deer safe.
  4. When I was young I really thought that there was a God up somewhere just waiting for the right moment to bless me. And then life happened. Everything went wrong. Everyone around me got sick and died and I was left wondering what I did wrong. Before I joined the Peace Corps, I was lost and alone and felt like there was no God. When all else failed, I returned to my faith in God, if only because there is nothing else left. As my service is nearing an end, God has blessed me with something that I thought would never happen, a real friend. A real friend that even though we go home very soon, neither of us will ever forget each other. Thank you God for watching over me all this time.
  5. Thank you for watching over me this year and helping me make it through everything. When I was doing the homework for an exam and suddenly forgot how to do a math problem, you showed me the answer! It was like you revealed it suddenly, and I suddenly knew how to do it again. Thanks God!
  6. I’m so thankful that you are God and that you watch over me. Thank you for all of this amazing life that I have, because it’s all thanks to you.
  7. Thank you for keeping me safe every day. I know that you are keeping me safe on the days when I don’t acknowledge you. Thank you for giving me the freedom to choose my religion, my education, and my friends.
  8. Thank you God for watching over me. I’ve had a lot on my mind, but I know that you see me and hear me and love me. You are always there to comfort me when I get disappointed or overwhelmed. Thank you for the abundant blessings you have given me.
  9. Thank you God for watching over me. I came home close to midnight last night and I forgot my wallet somewhere. Thank you for helping me find it because I really need the money. Thank you for coming through. I needed to hear that. Thank you so much!”
  10. Thank you God for watching over me. I couldn’t make it through the past few weeks without you. Whatever I do or say is never enough, but thank you for always watching over me.
  11. Thank you God for watching over me through the tough times, but also for showing me how to enjoy life because of the good times.
  12. Thank you God for watching over me during my bus trip this morning. I normally take the subway to school, but due to construction on the line, I had to take a different bus. When I got on the bus, it seemed empty and it didn’t seem as though anyone was going to sit with me as usual. However as we stopped at every block, more people started coming onto the bus. In fact, they were all getting into my section of seats…they must have been specifically looking for those seats!
  13. Thank you God for keeping me alive and healthy. Thank you God for letting my friends and family next to me. Thank you God for granting me a bonus, I thought that I did not deserve, but it will help with my student loans. Thank you God for everything you have done and everything you will do in my life.
  14. Thank you for watching over me. I’ve had many difficulties the past few months but you seem to always be there in the end. Thank you for helping me get through this difficult time.
  15. No matter where I go and what I see, you are always there. Thank you for protecting me and making my life so wonderful. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me tomorrow.
  16. Thank you for watching over me and helping me get through the tough times. I don’t know how I would have done it without your help.
  17. Thank you for protecting me from impending danger. Thank you for the jobs you have given me. Thank you for giving me a wonderful family. I love them. Thank you for all of your guidance and wisdom.
  18. I wanted to thank you for all you have done for me since I was little. I know you always care about me and help me even when I don’t deserve it.
  19. ‘Thank you, God for watching over me and my family and friends. Thank you God for doing everything well and thank you for making this world a wonderful place.’ I would like to say thank you to my husband, who I love very much and who is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I appreciate him. And I appreciate all his efforts towards us, always thinking about our family, working hard on behalf of our family. And I want to say thank you to my mom because she has raised me, my husband and my father very well, God bless her soul!’
  20. Thank you God for watching over me. Thank you for always being there when I need you most. Help me to continue to do good things and be happy. And help me to get better at my practice so that I can bring the spirit into every part of my life.
  21. Thank you God for watching over me during my surgery. I know there were some bad things that happened, but I am alive and well now. Thank you for helping me heal fast. Thank you also for all of the prayers and everything everyone did to help me. I am very grateful indeed.
  22. Thank you God for protecting me and keeping me safe. I’m so thankful that you are always there to watch over me.
  23. Thank you God for watching over me. You are always close by, watching out for my wellbeing. I’m very grateful you are always there.
  24. Thank you God for watching over me. Thank you for my family, my health, and all of the wonderful opportunities that have come into my life. I am truly blessed.
  25. I was running late for work, but still took time to do my meditation. You were there to protect me as I drove along the snow covered roads. I made it to work on time. Thank you God for watching over me.
  26. Thank you God that I’m alive and happy. Thank you for my family, friends, and everything in my life. Thank you for everything.
  27. Thank you God for watching over me as I traveled. Thank you for protecting me. Thank you for loving me.
  28. Thank you God for watching over me. I pray every day that you will help me on this journey of mine, direct me where to go, and provide for me. I am grateful for all of the successes I have had so far, and thankful for my family. Thank you for your protection over us.
  29. Thank you God for watching over me and for getting me through all of the hardships. I feel like I can succeed even if it is hard because of your grace.
  30. The second I locked eyes on him, I knew he was the one. When we arrive at our apartment building nightly I get all nervous anticipating his kiss. When he kisses me my skin erupts in goosebumps and time slows down. But the best part is when we are alone in bed, his arms wrapped protectively around me. These are awesome times, so thank you God for watching over me.
  31. Thank you God for watching over me all of these years, giving me the strength to deal with the bad things that have happened in my life, and helping me realize when something good is about to happen. Thank you for giving me the courage to try different things in my life.
  32. Thank you God for watching over me during my final exams. It’s not easy to study eight hours a day for two weeks without vacations. I know it could be worse (I’m not very good at calculus).
  33. Thank you God for watching over me. I know I haven’t been a perfect person, but you have still been watching me and guiding me along my path in this life. Thank you God.
  34. Thank you God for watching over me. For being there for me no matter what I do. Thank you.
  35. Thank you God for taking care of me, my wife and my child. We feel so blessed to have a roof over our heads and food on the table. I pray that we live our lives in a way that will bring you glory and honor. Thank you.
  36. Thank you God for watching over the people I love, you are there when I need to talk to you. You are also there when they need me when I can’t be with them. Thank you for your protection, thank you for bringing us closer when we are apart.
  37. Thank you God for watching over me when I pray. Thank you for always being there when I’m in need. Thank you for protecting me against my enemies, whether physical or otherwise. Thank you my God, who loves me even though I’m not perfect.
  38. Thank you God for always watching over me, before things happen you always let me know. Thank you for always listening to my prayer requests and helping me through struggles in my life.
  39. Thank you God for watching over me all day through. Thank you for blessing me with great friends, family, and good health.
  40. Thank you God for watching over me. I know I don’t always deserve it, but through your love and mercy you have given me a second chance. My life would not have been possible if our time were limited on this earth.
  41. If you had not been watching over me yesterday I would have died. I could have gone to a bad neighborhood and been shot or robbed. After I got home last night, I started thinking about all the happy moments in my life, and I remembered how grateful I am to God for watching over me and giving me a good family to live with. Sometimes I take things for granted, but after last night I realized how lucky I am to have God watching out for me. Thank you God for always being there for me.
  42. Thank you for watching over me. It seems like lately you have been paying close attention to my situation. I’m glad that you’ve been looking out for me. Thank you for your guidance and protection.
  43. Thank you God for watching over me through all this. I don’t know where I would be without your help. I am very thankful.

Also See: Thank You Lord For Your Amazing Grace

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