Thank You Lord For Hearing Our Prayers

I love collecting quotes! I have hundreds of Thank You Lord For Hearing Our Prayers quotes. They motivate me, encourage me and they help me live my life happier and with a smile on my face. Check out the quotes below, I’m sure they will inspire you too.

Thank You Lord For Hearing Our Prayers

  1. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers and blessing my family with the safety of our home. We were under a lot of stress and I didn’t think things were going to get better soon but we also didn’t think anything like this would happen that night. You answered our prayers, thank you.
  2. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers. I know it can take time, but we are a patient family. Thank you for all the blessings and love we have received.
  3. Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers. You have given each of us the lives that we ask for, and support us every step along the way. Thank you for helping me find a job two days after I arrived in the United States.
  4. Thank you for helping me expand my business and for the many blessings I have received this past year. I am grateful to have been able to thank everyone who helped me out this past year. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayers.
  5. Dear Lord: Thank you for hearing my prayers and letting me visit my friend. I feel so blessed to have such a caring family who loves me and takes care of me. May the Lord be with you this and every day.
  6. Thank you for hearing the prayers of our Church Members. Children from Cambodia lost their mother to cancer. God sent $5,000 which is enough to cover funeral expenses and see them through. Again thank you for your love and grace.
  7. Thank you for hearing our prayers. We pray for strength and guidance for Emma. And we are so happy that it looks like everything is going to turn out fine. If there’s anything we can do, please let us know.
  8. Thank you for listening to all of our prayers. We are in your hands.
  9. Dear Lord, I am thankful for so many things in this world. I am thankful that you are willing to listen to my prayers and answer those prayers. I am thankful for the chance to be here on earth with the people that mean so much to me. You make it all worth it.
  10. Lord God, we can never thank you enough for all the blessings you give us. Just as a small token, I would like to thank you for all the good things I have received in my life from you.
  11. Thank you for hearing our prayers. Lord, we have been praying for a special someone to love and cherish, a special man to share our lives with, a special friend to walk through the rest of our lives. We pray that this special man is good and kind.
  12. Thank you God for hearing our prayers. I’m so happy that you are watching out for us, because so many terrible things happen in the world.
  13. Thank you God for hearing our prayers and sending us your love with the flowers.
  14. Dear Lord, Thank you for answering our prayers. Thank you for sending a nice and smart babysitter who is one of our dearest friends ever. Thank you for watching over us while we were celebrating our son’s success at the birthday party.
  15. We want to thank you so much for always answering our prayers. We are thankful for your forgiveness and grace in everything. Help us remain strong in all things and do not let anyone stand against us. We love you.
  16. Thank you for hearing my prayers. When I first asked for a job, I didn’t know if I would get one. When I finally got one, thank you for choosing me to be the one who is in charge of making sure all the supplies are delivered to the office each day. I really appreciate this job, and your answer to my prayers.
  17. You have blessed our family with so many things this year. Thank you for always listening to our prayers, for helping us out during hard times and for taking care of us.
  18. Thank you for hearing my prayers. I always pray to you everyday and sometimes a lot. I pray for many things and for the people that I love. Thank you for blessing all of the people in this world, especially those who are close to me.
  19. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers. We know that You are always with us. Thank you for loving and guiding us on a daily basis. You are the greatest of all.
  20. Thank you for hearing our prayers! We sincerely appreciate that you found the time to listen. Furthermore, thank you for blessing my family with food on our table and clothes on our backs. Bless us as we go into the night and as we awake each day.
  21. I am sending this letter as a thank you for hearing my prayers yesterday. I finally got a new job at the mall that pays more than the last one I had. Also, it is in the same city as where I live, so it makes the commute easier.
  22. Thank you for all the amazing things you have given me in my life, especially each time I thank you and pray to you. May we always see your hand on our side and not forget that we should praise and thank You Lord every day.
  23. We thank you dear Lord for everything you have been doing with us recently. Thank you that you are helping us find the strength we need to stay strong in these difficult times. Thank You that we found comfort in the old saying that God helps those who Help themselves and we know you will give all of the blessings we deserve. We thank you for the friends who have come into our lives who are always there for us and showing us The Way but most of all we thank you for providing a way out for our family and friends in ways we never could have asked or imagined and putting your love into action.
  24. Thank you for our many blessings, Lord. You have been so kind to us. Give us wisdom and courage and help us to bring the good news of your love and mercy to the world in a beautiful way. We thank you for bringing us together to be one family. We pray that this may continue until we see you face to face and live with you forever in paradise, when there will be no more death or suffering or tears or pain or any other evil.
  25. Thank you for always being there for me. Ever since I was a baby, I have been a well-behaved child and followed your guidelines. For this, I want to say thank you. Also, thank you for blessing me with so many wonderful friends and family members who are always there for me when I need them. Lord, thank you for all of the wonderful things that you have done in my life. Most importantly, thank you for the gift of salvation. This is why I am a Christian today because of you – kind regards.
  26. Thank you for hearing my prayers. I want to thank you for the crazy situation I found myself in last week. Because it was an emergency, I didn’t think much about what was going to happen. But because you were there to help me out, everything turned out just fine. Thank you again for always being there when we need you.
  27. Dear Lord, thank you for everything that you have done for me. Thank you for helping me with my problems and for letting me win the game today at school. I really appreciate all you have done, and I hope that I can remember all of this. In your name, Jesus, amen.
  28. Thank you for keeping everyone safe. I am so grateful that the conference call went so well, and everyone made it safely home to their families.
  29. Thank You Lord for hearing our prayers. We are thankful for all the blessings You have bestowed upon us and we rest in Your presence for all things to proceed as planned. May Your will be done.
  30. Thank you for hearing our prayer about the car. When we came outside, it was snowing and the street was wet. We were afraid we were going to have a problem with the car but we didn’t. Thank You Lord.
  31. Thank you so much for hearing our prayers and answering them with these letters.
  32. Thank you for hearing all of our prayers. The weather has been so nice this weekend. I hope we can have good weather tomorrow because that means my kids will be able to play outside. Thank you so much for listening.
  33. Thank you for answering our prayers and keeping us safe during the storm. I feel safe in your arms. Thank you for sending so many help after the hurricane. Thank you for healing everyone who was injured. Thank you for being with my family and friends during that scary time.
  34. Lord we are very grateful that you have heard our prayers and watched over us in our time of need. We are so glad you have answered each one of our prayers. We pray that you continue to be with each of us and protect us as we finish this prayer. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
  35. Thank you for giving us so many things to be thankful for. If we did not have each other, or if you had not helped us with our problems in the past, we would be lost. We are so grateful that you are always listening to our prayers and helping us through everything.
  36. Thank you for all things that you have blessed me with. For dishing out endless love and joy to me. For blessing me with a husband and children that I cherish. I am very thankful to be alive in this world when there are still so many people who don’t know Christ and think of Him as their Savior. I thank you for everything Lord!
  37. Thank you for always answering my prayers. I ask for a lot from you and all the time, you are there for me. Many, many thanks!
  38. Thank you for letting us get this time to be together. My family and I have been under a lot of stress lately, and it is so nice to just have this time to relax and hang out. Thank you for understanding the needs of our family.
  39. Thank you for the things that you have blessed us with. May we remember you with our every step and help us to be more grateful for what we have.
  40. Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers. I am grateful for this time with my family and friends listening to the readings and singing songs together.
  41. Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers and help us to have a good day. We really appreciate it.
  42. Thank you for hearing our prayers. You’ve given us all we’ve asked for and more. Thank you for the amazing opportunity to work with such an amazing team!
  43. Thank you for our prayer being answered! I don’t know what we would do if you hadn’t helped us this time. Our family depends on your grace and mercy, and we thank you for it every day.
  44. I praise you, O Lord, for listening to me and answering my prayers. I ask this in Jesus’s name, amen. I appreciate!!!
  45. Lord, I heard that you hear my prayers. Hearing this gives me great comfort as I know that you are looking over me and helping me. Thank you for ensuring my safety. And thank you for protecting me from evil forces. Love, Katie.
  46. Thank you for being there for me when I was very ill and needed nurturing. Thank you for taking care of me and my family always. Thank you for being my Lord and Savior. Without you, I would have no hope or happiness in life.

Also See: Thank You God For Your Protection Quotes