Thank You Lord For My 30 Years Of Existence

Thank you Lord for my 30 years of existence. Having a birthday is a reminder that you are alive and that you still have a lot more to accomplish.  It is a moment to be grateful and a time to remember that what has been done can always be done even better.  In this article, we shall reflect on thankfulness as well as the things we have been doing with our life as we reach the milestone age of thirty.

Thank You Lord For My 30 Years Of Existence

  1. Thank you, God for helping me make it to 30. You have blessed me with a lot in my life. I know in the future you will continue to bless me with you smile. I pray that everything will run smoothly in my life and I will be able to see the greatness in everything.
  2. Thank you for all this life. I am grateful that you have given me the ability to process the world around me daily or even on a minute-to-minute basis or even just a second.  I am grateful for all the health and strength I have been lucky enough to have, and for all my senses and thoughts, basically just a quick appreciation of all I have been blessed with from being here so long on earth.
  3. Thank you for everything. Thank you for protecting me, thank you for giving me the courage to move on with my life. Thank you for every person that I have had in my life. Thank you for teaching me lessons that I can apply to my life. Thank you Lord for my 30 years of existence in life
  4. Thank you for my health, intelligence and all the wonderful people in my life. You have been so good to me and I thank you every day for that.
  5. Thank you for all of the lessons I have learned from the hard times. I’m glad that I have learned to appreciate all aspects of life – the good and the bad. It makes me stronger and appreciate today even more.
  6. I want to thank the lord for all my success in life, to have a great wife and family, and to have the ambitious drive that has brought me this far. I also thank God for my son.
  7. Thank you, you’ve given me everything I’ll ever need and more. Thank you for taking care of my family and putting up with all those little problems I have. I appreciate all those times you answered my prayers and thank you for hearing all those unspoken prayers as well. Your love and mercy have been incredible.
  8. Thank you, lord for my 30 years of existence, I don’t think I could have made it through these past three decades without your help. I do not know what I did to deserve all the kindness that others have shown me along the way, but I am forever grateful. Thank you, lord for all of the wonderful people in my life, they are truly amazing. Thank you, lord for helping everyone get through these last 3 decades, including me. I could not imagine the pain and suffering that is going on around the world. I can only pray that we can work together to alleviate some of this pain and suffering in the future.
  9. lord thanks for my 30 years of existence on this world. thanks for letting me know that there are people i love, care, love and care for. thanks that I am alive. thanks that I have lived. thanks for allowing everyone to live again. Remember lord our beloved jeers who had to depart way long before their time, please bless them with a second birth so that they may bless all of us again on this beautiful planet earth.
  10. Thank you Lord for my 30 years of existence. I pray that as the new year approaches, we may strive to be good and obedient children. Thank you for your constant love and presence in my life.
  11. Thank you for letting me see another birthday. Thank you for your constant support, your guidance throughout the years and thank you for my existence.
  12. Thank you for everything you give me. Every time I meet a new friend or make a new discovery or remember something from the past, thank you for all of it and sharing it with me. Thank you for helping me live my life and giving it meaning and value, and thank you for staying by my side.
  13. thank you for letting me live a healthy life in a hygiene environment in a cozy district in a very civilized country. I really couldn’t have asked for much more, thank you.
  14. Thank you for the food on my plate, the roof over my head and the life I have been given. Sometimes I forget to help those less fortunate than myself. Please forgive me.
  15. Thank you, lord for my 30 years of existence. I know there are hard times ahead but I also know you will help me through them.
  16. Thank you for giving me the time to sleep, study, work, think, sleep some more, read, write, run. For giving me time to play video games and cook vegan food. I just wanted to let you know that I have been doing nothing but enjoying this 30th year of my existence.
  17. Thank you, lord for making me exist I have been through a lot of things in my life and have seen many things I have been through a lot of bad things in my life and thank you lord for not taking me away from this world too soon thank you lord for making a way out of a wrong.
  18. thank you, lord for my family and all of them I ask you lord not to let me be thankful to you for nothing bless me lord to give special thanks for your miracle saving my life.
  19. Thank you for all the people in my life. I’m blessed to have many friends and family members who have helped me through the years. My mom and dad for deciding to adopt a mongoloid son with a cleft lip and palate, so I have a nice one on the outside. My godparents for helping me with surgeries, braces, and college applications at a time when my parents did not have much money. My classmates who were there for me when I was having a rough senior year of high school. My one friend from junior high, who has been checking up on me for over 10 years now just to shoot the breeze.
  20. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people. Your blessings are truly enormous. Thank you for all my family and friends, who lifted me up when I was down. And thank you for my three amazing children who give me so much happiness.
  21. Thank you, lord for my 30 years of existence. May I be able to finish all I started, and succeed in the projects that you have given me.
  22. Thank you for this trip through a very unique, colorful and exciting 30 years of life. Thank you for the people who’ve been in my life and those who’ve not been there from day 1. Many lessons were learned from those different experiences. Overall, I’m grateful for what I’ve been given and I look forward to what is to come!
  23. Thank you for all the things I have been through. Thank you for making this a better world and a safe home for me. I appreciate all the love I have gotten from family and friends. My life has been a great one and I am thankful to you for it.
  24. I want to start by thanking the lord for giving me life and health. I would like to thank my parents who have provided all of my needs and wanted, and has always led me on the right path in life. I also thank God for helping me project my dreams and make them realities. I would like to thank everyone who has ever been a part of my life both friends and family, but most importantly My wife and my son!
  25. Thank you for all of the blessings that I’ve received during my life. I certainly do not deserve all of the good things I have been given. Thank you for always being by my side.
  26. Thank you for being here for me. Thank you for always being there when I need you most. Thank you for your guidance, love and kindness throughout the years.
  27. Thank you for my life, which despite the hardships I have had, has been one of incredible blessings. I have so much to be thankful for. Let us continue to walk together in faith and trust, love and peace.
  28. There is no way I could have done this on my own. Thank you for everything, my friends and family who allowed me to remain as the person I am, and my life experiences for allowing me to express my thoughts and talents here.
  29. thank you, lord for letting me live my life the way I want to. thank you, lord for giving me parents who are so nice. thank you, lord for being so nice to me. I am so lucky to have friends but I am luckier to have u in my life. I’ll always be thankful to you may I get all of your blessings.
  30. A big thank you to the almighty for giving me another 30 years of life. There are so many things I have yet to see, do and learn. I am excited for what’s to come. I love your world!
  31. Thank you, Lord. I am blessed and thankful for another wonderful year of life on this beautiful planet. May you continue to bless me and my family with more years of happiness and everything we need to stay healthy.
  32. Thank you for all of the wonderful things you have done in my life. I remember each and every happy moment, no matter how small. And although I don’t always know what I want to do, or who I am, thank you lord for giving me a friend like her.
  33. I know things haven’t been easy as I grew up. When I was younger, I went through a lot of hard times and now here I am, eating cake and ice cream as I stare into the sun. It’s been a tough life but you’ve given me many moments to treasure. Just like now, as I write this, I’m happy and I feel like I can do anything. Thank you for the past and thank you for the future.
  34. Thank you for giving me a safe and healthy life. Thank you for my family and friends who have been there to support me through the tough times. Thank you for job opportunities that give me a chance to experience things I never dreamed of doing before. Thank you to the many friends from the internet who have been there for me through all of my ups and downs. Finally, thank you for giving me the chance for love in my life. I am fortunate to be with someone who has made it very easy to find true love.
  35. I know I haven’t been the best person in the world, and I know I haven’t done everything right. But thank you for my life and for all of its ups and downs. You make me who I am, and with all of your help, I will make the best me when the day is over.
  36. Thank you, lord for my 30 years of existence. thank you, lord for helping me live to this day. lord I ask if it is your will that I should continue to live one more year, each year of my life at a time, please bless me with all the wisdom and any tools that I would need to be a better person. help me lord, to live a better way of life, a better example towards others who look up to me, who I’m supposed to lead in the right direction in their lives.
  37. God. Thank you for everything you have given me, but mostly thank you for my 30 years on this planet. You are the most important person in my life. It is because of you that I get to enjoy each day doing all I love! I cannot image a life without God!

Also See: A Short Prayer To Thank God

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