50+ Thank You Lord For The Rain Quotes

Thank you Lord for the rain… It’s the first time I am writing on this blog, and it is quite an emotional moment for me…Here is a list of Thank you Lord for the rain quotes to express how thank you are to God.

Thank You Lord For The Rain Quotes

  1. Thank you my Lord for providing water for us to drink, wash with and grow food. I am grateful that you have blessed this day with rain.
  2. Thank you for the rain falling down on us. Thank you for life, love, food, energy, happiness, money & everything good in my life. I pray forgiveness of my sins and wish for world peace.
  3. Thank you for the rain and all it does in this world. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to use the beauty and power of this magnificent element.
  4. Thank you for the rain, which is good for the trees. It had been a long time since it had rained and they enjoyed it very much. Also, thank you for the cool, crisp morning. It feels good to be alive on this day. I am grateful to have a place to live and food to eat and hope for a bright future.
  5. Thank you for the rain. We all need water and rain brings it to us, so I am happy that we have rainy days.
  6. Thank you for the rain, and the water cycle. I love how we can live without it, but we sure can’t live without it.
  7. Thank you for giving me a great reason to stay inside and cuddle with my sweetheart and watch movies and play games and cook and eat and draw and cook some more. I was ready for the rain we had on Thursday, but that is no excuse not to appreciate its absence today.
  8. Thank you for giving us water, even when we think we don’t need it. I’ve had so many opportunities to see the patience and joy in your creations. I know you are in charge of everything in my life.
  9. Thank you for giving me this time to slow down and enjoy the peace of my garden on a summer afternoon. Thank you for putting the sound of water splashing on the ground in my ears, reminding me that you can create beauty even in something as simple as rain.
  10. Thank you Lord for the rain, for it makes the flowers grow. Thank you Lord for the rain, which is unlike my tears.
  11. Thank you Lord, for the recent rain. Although everything was wet and unpleasant, it made the flowers grow and smell lovely. Because of your help, I can smell them all around me. Thank you Lord!
  12. Thank you Lord for the shower of blessing through rain on my wedding day.
  13. Thank you for the rain. It makes everything look so beautiful after it has rained, even the air smells better. I am grateful that you gave us this great gift of rain. Thank you!
  14. Thank you Lord for the things you do, for bringing my man back to me, for bringing my family closer together. I appreciate everything.
  15. I’m thankful for the rain it warms my soul
  16. Lord, the rains came and the banks of the river swelling. We didn’t know what to do to save the crops. We kept praying and you sent a miracle. The rains stopped and we gathered our friends and family to seine the water from the fields to save the crops. You sent a miracle.
  17. Thank you for this wet weather. It made the world more beautiful and clean. Thank you for pouring your loving care on us through it all.
  18. My son
  19. I know that you are the only reason I am out here today, \
  20. Thank you Lord for the rain, thank you Lord for the rain.
  21. Thank you for the rain. It feels wonderful on my skin. Thank you for making me so beautiful. I love being alive!
  22. Thank you for the raining. The trees can grow taller and can drop their leaves as they desire. Thank you for the clean water that the rain creates. Thank you for the birds that sing to thank you for this precious element.
  23. Thank you for the rain. It was getting hot in the office and I’m really thankful for all the rain. For bringing me to work on time. For bringing me home every day.
  24. Thank you for the rain to nourish the ground, without which there would be no life. Thank you for letting us feel that clean air that comes with it. I’m so grateful to live in this gorgeous world. Thanks for the support of your divine light, to keep me grounded and loving.
  25. Thank you for the rain, I needed to get all of this dirt from my garden. Thank you for your help.
  26. Thank you for the blessing of a gentle rain on a hot, dry day.
  27. Thank you for enduring the cold and rain on this long day. Thank you for the rain
  28. Thank you for making the outside world look so beautiful today. Thank you for the rain
  29. Thank you Lord for the rain, by Andrew Ripp
  30. Thank you for the rain. I have been praying for this drought to end, and it magically did when the rain fell this past weekend. Thank you so much.
  31. Thank you for the rain that I stayed inside under. It refreshed my soul and let all of my worries wash away for a moment.
  32. It’s so nice not to have to walk through the hot sand today. Thank you for giving us the rain this weekend.
  33. There was a time in my life when I questioned your existence. Then, one day it rained. The skies opened up and rained. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I remember sitting in my office, watching out the window with awe. Even though I worked at a bank, there was nothing but beauty. Sometimes, I will see rain fall outside my windows. It always helps me forget what troubles I have internally and reminds me to be thankful for anything I have at that moment in time.
  34. Gentle rain, such a sweet refrain
  35. Thank you for providing clear sky and cool ocean breeze the next day after the heavy downpour.
  36. Thank you Lord for the rain and the sun and the clouds up above. Thank you for creating such a beautiful day. I love it when it rains after a hot and sunny day and the air smells and tastes like fresh puddles.
  37. Thank you Lord for the rain. Thank you for Mother Earth and her abundance of fruits and vegetables. Thank you for your genius plan on how to give us food. Thank you Lord for the rain.
  38. Thank you Lord for the rain that falls on me. Thank you for the water that comes out of the faucet. Thank you for making my shower warm so I can clean myself, so I can feel clean. For letting me drink water when I’m thirsty. For giving me food to eat so I don’t die of hunger. For making me wake up every morning, give me new hope every day and sending beautiful people into my life everyday. Thank you Lord for everything also for the rain for fertile land.
  39. Thank you Lord for the rain and birth and rebirth and redemption and all things that change and improve and renew; we pray for good health and strength to see the evil times while we live our lives, we hope for happy friendships strong and true, we plead that time will go by real slow so that each of us don’t have to grow old.
  40. Thank you Lord for the rain that shows no shame in hiding in my hair, even when I pray with my knees pressed to the floor. You are singing a new song in this season of my life. I thank you for the blessing of new growth.
  41. Thank you for the rain. Rain keeps things from growing out of control and keeps our environment healthy. Rain allows for growth as plants need it to survive. Lord, thank you for all that you do that we don’t even notice or think about.
  42. Thank you Lord for the great weather for this carnival. It was really windy, but Lord knew what he was doing. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  43. Thank you for the rain. It was very hot this summer, but day after day it rained. The flowers needed the rain. I love that garden!
  44. Thank you for making it rain. All of the farmers in the valley are very grateful for your aid.
  45. Thank you for everything. The flowers, the wind, the rain, the stars, the sun. Thank you for teaching me what happiness is and thank you for giving me my family and friends. Thank you for slow slow mornings and late night talks.
  46. Thank you for warning us in time so we could bring in the plants before they got ruined. Thank you for giving us so many things to do in preparation. Thank you for the cool temperatures when we were working outdoors. And thank you for the warm sunny days when it was time to dry out.
  47. Thank you Lord for the rain, it is nice to   be   out of the snow. Thank you Lord for the clouds, because without them there would be no rain or snow.
  48. Thank you for the wonderful summer rains this year. I can’t tell you how much they have done to reduce our heating costs. As the weather grows colder, I will continue to thank you for all that you have provided for me.
  49. Thank you for the rain. I love the rain, but I know some people think it is a nuisance. When it rains, I imagine something living in those droplets, maybe an animal or tiny person.
  50. Thank you for keeping me safe and dry when I run in the rain. Thank you for keeping the flowers and trees alive and lush even though we have been in a drought all summer.
  51. Thank you for the rainy Saturday afternoon we spent together. We were able to pick mushrooms and create a beautiful salad to enjoy for dinner. I love seeing you in the little things and I am grateful you give us such little moments to enjoy together.
  52. When I wake up every morning and go outside, I always take a moment to look at the sky and appreciate the beauty around us. Today it is gray and rainy, but the sun is breaking through the clouds. The clouds are so white, so perfectly shaped. I’m so glad there is a God who knows about rainbows
  53. After the drop you provided today I felt renewed, cleansed and reinvigorated. Thank you for this comfort. Thank you for providing the refreshment I need even in the small amounts.
  54. Thank you for being so lovely and wonderful. Thank you for helping me with all the things I am learning in seminary. Thank you also for putting me through a rigorous program so I can grow and develop myself.
  55. Thank you for the raining. The trees can grow taller and can drop their leaves as they desire. Thank you for the clean water that the rain creates. Thank you for the birds that sing to thank you for this precious element.
  56. Thank you for the rain. It was getting hot in the office and I’m really thankful for all the rain. For bringing me to work on time. For bringing me home every day.
  57. Thank you for the rain to nourish the ground, without which there would be no life. Thank you for letting us feel that clean air that comes with it. I’m so grateful to live in this gorgeous world. Thanks for the support of your divine light, to keep me grounded and loving.
  58. Thank you for warning us in time so we could bring in the plants before they got ruined. Thank you for giving us so many things to do in preparation. Thank you for the cool temperatures when we were working outdoors. I Love you Lord…you are the greatest!

Also See; Thank You Lord For Giving Us Food Quotes

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