Dear Heavenly Father Thank You For This Day

Gratitude is a big part of living a powerful and meaningful life. We should be grateful for the gifts we have been given in this life. This post offers some beautiful quotes from people who have been through some serious adversity but still have gratitude for their lives, and for God. This post will show that you don’t have to suffer through something bad in order to understand how truly grateful one is.

Dear Heavenly Father Thank You For This Day

  1. Thank You for this day, Lord. The things it brings and the things it holds are what I looked forward to all week. Give me strength to face the challenges that this day will hold.
  2. Thank you for this day. I’m grateful for many things: for the love of my family and friends, for my health and for the many opportunities I have thanks to you.
  3. Thank you for this day. Everyday I wake up, to breathe in your wonderful creation and have one more day is a blessing. Thank you for making the sun rise every morning and send down beautiful rainbows on my way to work.
  4. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for putting you here on earth to make my life easier. I would have been lost without your guidance. You’re a part of me and I’m glad that I can finally say that because it took me way too long to realize.
  5. Thank you for being there for me in this time of need. I know You always greet me with a pleasant smile and ear willing to listen, but sometimes I just need to get out of whatever situation I am in, and Your arms are always open. Thank you also for all of The things You have given me. Not only have You given me life, but all the necessary items to live my life, like clothes and food and housing. I cannot even think of what my life would be like without any of these things that we take so many times for granted. Thank You so much for everything!
  6. Thank you for this day. Thank you for my friends, family, and pets. Thank you for the beautiful breezes, for the taste of good food, for the laughter of my loved ones, and for all of the small reasons that make each day special. Keep me grateful and thankful always.
  7. Father – Thank you for the breath in my lungs, the blood in my veins, and the food on my plate. I have a good life and I am very grateful for it. Thank you for being here with me even when I can’t feel You. Thank you for another day, I am truly grateful.
  8. Thank you for the wonderful day. I had a fun time with my family. Thank you for making me feel like part of my family. Thank you for giving me the family I always wanted. Thank you for loving me and helping me become a better person. Thank you for giving me friends who I trust and care about.
  9. Thank you for a beautiful day today. I hope people are nice to each other and thank you for animals. We have three dogs, two cats and a rabbit we found in our yard.
  10. Thank You for this day, that it may be useful to my spiritual life and informative of Heavenly Father’s love for me. We ask that You may bless those who share their gifts and those who receive them, That the work in progress may be accomplished for the greater glory of God and the enrichment of all souls we pray in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
  11. Thank you for this day, I pray it may be truly good. Thank you for the beauty of the earth and all that there is in it. My heart is full of gratitude and appreciation for everything You have done and continue to do for me, my family, and those around me. The love that radiates from my Father in Heaven is felt stronger than ever and I want to share it with everyone I love and care about. May we all never take a moment, life or blessing for granted! We all need to remember where we come from and how blessed we are to have this opportunity to live on this earth! I am grateful beyond measure!!!!
  12. We take our lives for granted. We look at what we have – all the good times, and we don’t say thank you! Today I look back at my life and I want to say thank you! From the little things in my life, to the big things that remind me so much of Your love, compassion and sacrifice. Thank you for having this day to remember who You are, for making these moments possible for me.
  13. Thank You for this day, and for the experiences I’ve had. Without the lessons I’ve learned, I wouldn’t be who I am today. My life is the way it is because of Your plan for me. Thank You for loving me and letting me know that You’re always there to help me.
  14. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for my friends. They make life so much fun and enjoyable. I send all my good thoughts their way. I love how they are always there for me through thick and thin.
  15. Thank you for this day. It’s been hard, but fun at the same time. Thank you for blessing me with a great family and friends that support me in everything I do. I love you.
  16. Thank you for the sunshine and the fresh air, for the flowers and trees, for the laughter of children playing together. Thank you for family, friends, and peace. Thank you for food to eat and a place to sleep. May it be so forevermore.
  17. Thank you for ensuring that I always have a good night’s sleep, and for this morning allowing me to wake up without being late for work. I am grateful for your love and guidance every day.
  18. Thank you for this whole day. I woke up when I wanted, ate breakfast and left the house at 10am. I was not rushing anywhere or stressed out about how I would make it to my meeting on time. Thank you for the beautiful weather and for keeping me safe as I drove my car on the highway. Thank you for the fast-food place being open when I was hungry because that is unusual. Thank you for making all of my dreams come true and making me smile as I thought about them.
  19. Dear Heavenly Father Thank You for this day. The day is starting off great because I am awake to see the first ray of light shining through the window from your son, the Sun.
  20. Thanks for this day. I am so lucky to be here on earth because I did not ask to come. This world is crazy, but I love it and I like being here. Thank you for giving me two amazing parents who are always there for me and supporting me in everything I do. I love them so much and know that they will never leave my side. Thank you also for this church and the knowledge that it can bring to people.
  21. Wow! Thank you for this day. It was incredible. We got to sleep in and then go for a hike in the forest with people that we love and appreciate. I love each and every one of them so much, and being able to spend the morning with them was absolutely priceless. Thank you for my life…the things I like and the things that I don’t like. Thank you that each day is a new chance to become a better person because of Your wonderful love, wisdom, and guidance.
  22. Thank you for this day and all the time You have given me to do things. I feel thankful for the time I have to sleep and rest because it gives me energy when I need it.
  23. Thank You, Father, for blessing me with another beautiful day in Your world.
  24. Thank you for this day and every other day of my life. I’m grateful to be alive and able to enjoy my friends and do things that I like.
  25. Thank you for this day. It was a long one but I am feeling better now that I have had some time to relax. Thank you for making this happen. Thank you for the lady that got me through my day. Thank you for not allowing me to get run over by a car when I was running across the street to get coffee today.
  26. Thank you for letting me wake up this morning. I am getting stronger and better every day, and it wouldn’t be the same without Your continued guidance.
  27. Thank you for my family and friends. They are always there for me when I need them. I know who I can count on.
  28. Thank you for being my best friend through everything. Thank you for always being there for me when I need you the most. Thank you for calming me down when I’m upset and reassuring me that I am making the correct decision in life. Thank you for always having a smile on your face because it makes me happy when I see it, even if I am feeling sad or upset. Thank you for letting me know that you are proud of me and how hard I work to make my dreams come true.
  29. I was up early this morning, and watched the sunrise. I thought about my day, and all it entails. This is going to be one of those days filled with activity. There’s even a chance it might get pretty stressful for me. I think it will be a truly great day, though.
  30. Hi Heavenly Father. This is my first time ever writing a thank you note to You. I wanted to start doing so because I know that You are the only one who loves us and thanks us more than any person on this planet. I wanted to thank you for this day as well because it was Your love through a sacrifice that made it possible for me to have this day in the first place. Today, I also ask that You would bless me and help me to be positive about everything in my life so that I can smile in happiness each day. Last of all, let me tell you how thankful I am for You and for the gift of my life.
  31. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day and all the peace and joy it has brought to me. Thank you for giving me my health and strength and for helping me do well in school.
  32. Good Morning Heavenly Father. Thank You for another morning on this amazing planet in this amazing life You have given me. I hope today will be another amazing day and that it’s full of adventures, problems, people and wonder.
  33. Thank you for this day. I feel so grateful for what you have given me. Thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me. Thank you for letting me share my life with some wonderful people and thank you for bringing us together in friendship. May I always be grateful, thankful and happy.
  34. Thank you for this day full of peaceful, quiet and happy moments. I am extremely grateful to have you on my side keeping me safe, loving and strong.
  35. Thank you for another day. Sometimes it’s difficult to see the light at the end of the day because we have so many problems, but as I try to get through it, I think about how nice it is that I can always count on You and how lucky I am for that.
  36. Thank you for today, there was an incident with my dog but I’m so thankful because the vet helped him and he’s ok now ! Thank you for this special day : it has been everything I wanted!
  37. Thank you for all the blessings. I’m very grateful to be here, in this city I love. Thank you for my job, where I can do things I really enjoy and learn so much about the world. In addition thank you for my friends and family who show me their care and support every day.

Also See: We Give You Thanks Prayer After Meal