Thank You For Funding The Project

Thank You For Funding The Project. We all need a little gratitude and appreciation in our lives, which is exactly why I’ve put together this collection of the best quotes about gratitude. Check them out below:

Thank You For Funding The Project

  1. Thank you for funding the project. We are very grateful for your contribution, and ask that we give a discount off of the gadget in the future.
  2. Thank you for funding this project. We were able to put a down payment on a house, and now we are saving up to adopt a child. We couldn’t have done any of it without your help.
  3. Thank you for funding this project I am working on at my school. The support and encouragement has really helped me push through my toughest challenges and stay the course. I really appreciate everything you have done to help me, words cannot describe how grateful I am.
  4. Thank you for funding this project. It is helping my sister and I set up a business.
  5. Thank you so much for funding the project! We couldn’t have done it without you!
  6. We wanted to thank you for the funding. We have been working very hard on this project and we hope this funding can help us make the next big leap forward. Without you, we wouldn’t have been able to do this.
  7. Thank you for funding my Kickstarter project. I know many people were not able to contribute, and it made me sad when I saw that. There is a lot of work to be done yet, but it’s very exciting to see it all come together.
  8. Thank you so much for helping us fund this project. We are both grateful beyond words. We will be sure to use the money to buy more food next year and expand our services that we can give to you and others in need.
  9. Thank you for funding us, we truly appreciate it. We know that you put a lot of trust in something we believe in. That is generosity at its best. With your help, we can bring something new and fresh to the art world.
  10. Thank you for your pledges. It is very exciting to see how you are responding to the project. Certain items are going to be unlocked soon! Please keep spreading the word about The 20 Minute Yoga Project.
  11. Thank you for helping me reach my goal on this project. It really helps to have such kind friends in the world. Thank you guys a lot!
  12. Thank you for funding the project. I will do my best to make it a success, and every inch of this project means a lot to me. Thank you for being with me on this journey.
  13. Thank you for funding the project. I know how confident you are in me and my ability to produce the best results possible. Thank you for being a great friend, mentor, and co-creator of this website.
  14. Thank you for funding the project! I have all the costs for production and shipping, but your contribution will make it all come together. I am already working on stickers and pins and such. Stay tuned for further updates. Your name will appear on the website somewhere as well if you decide to donate.
  15. Thank you for funding the project. We are ready and excited to get started!
  16. Thank You for funding this project. We will continue working and make good movie.
  17. Thank you for funding my project! The 10k I got from Kickstarter was an amazing help. I’m giving every single backer who can make it a special thanks in the movie credits, as well as a digital copy, DVD or merchandise. See you soon!
  18. Thank you for helping me fund this project. I really appreciate you taking part in something that I believe in. I had a great time on our date and I’m very interested in seeing you again.
  19. Thank you for donating to my project. Your support means a lot to me.
  20. Thank you for helping me out with this project. I really appreciate your money and your support. I am sure the rewards will be worth it!
  21. Thank you for being a part of this project. You helped bring support and credibility to the research. I’m really excited to start working on this together.
  22. Thanks for supporting this project. I am very excited about it and think you will enjoy it too.
  23. Thank you for funding the project at my school. You have no idea how much it means to our kids. All of them will be able to get a new pair of basketball shoes this year and that means a lot to them.
  24. Thank you for funding the project. We have many exciting ideas and will continue to do more great things after our campaign is finished. Feel free to contact us anytime so we can keep you engaged in the project’s progress.
  25. I would like to thank you for funding the project. It means a lot! I will always remember how warmly and quickly the people around me supported my idea.
  26. Thank you for funding the project. We are very excited to complete it and we will try and keep you updated as much as possible in our blogs and twitter and email. Thanks so much.
  27. Thank you for funding this project. I would like to thank all of my backers and social media followers for being so kind and supportive.
  28. I’d like to thank you for funding this project. I really appreciate your kind donation. This money will go towards buying a better computer, so that I can work on more advanced projects in the future.
  29. Thank you for funding my project. I’m so excited I’ve finally started this because now I can help people. The research about this is really interesting, and I might try it myself.
  30. Thank you for taking the time to help fund my project, I am extremely grateful.
  31. Thank you for supporting the project. We are very grateful and excited to bring the idea to life. Next time, I’ll be sure to bring more treats to share!
  32. Thank you for funding the project! It doesn’t matter if you make a big pledge or a small pledge, every dollar counts. Even if you can only pledge ten dollars, I’m so grateful for your support. This project would not be possible without people like you. You are awesome! You rock!
  33. Thank you so much for funding the project through Kickstarter. I was super excited when I saw you backing it. The money will go towards physical rewards and making sure that they are awesome. Thank you so much!
  34. Thank you for funding my project. Your donation enabled me to buy a book that I would have been unable to afford. It’s on its way and will be delivered to your address very soon.
  35. Thank you for trusting me with your money to pursue my dream. If you don’t fund this project, I can’t make these cool things happen.
  36. Thank you for funding my kickstarter project. It’s a great honor to be working on such a cool idea with other talented people.
  37. I really appreciate your donation. I’ve been in a rut the last couple of weeks trying to come up with the funds to produce the project. When I received your donation and email, I was able to get right back to work.
  38. Thank you for finding me interesting enough to support my project. I truly appreciate your kindness, and hope you will use the rewards I am providing to make your life more enjoyable. Your contribution makes a difference!
  39. Thank you for funding The Adventures of Bandit & Bam Bam. If you loved the video and want to see more, please support us and share it.
  40. I started a project and now it’s time to see it come to life! I am asking for help, your help! If you are interested in the book write your name in the comment section or message me at _.
  41. Thank you for funding the project. Our team will be able to execute our vision now.
  42. Thanks for making this book happen. If you want to get a book, click the link here: (link).
  43. Thank you so much for funding the project. I am forever grateful!
  44. Thank you for funding the project. I’m excited to get started on the research and already plan to put all of your gifts to good use.
  45. Thank you for funding this project. The cold hard facts of life make it possible for me to be here today. I’m very grateful that you took the risk and decided to support this. This is a complete game changer and it would not have been possible without people like you.
  46. Thank you for funding this project. It will be amazing to see my vision for the future of communication made real! My goal is to make a change in the world because I believe in it and have hope for the future. I am looking forward to sharing it with you.
  47. Thank you for funding this project. I would love to give you a special gift back, so if you send me the link of your profile (pics, notes etc), I could put it in the video credits.
  48. Thank you so much for funding this project. It’s very important to me that I see this through to the end, and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your money.
  49. Thank you for funding my Kickstarter project. I know it takes a lot of money, time, and effort to support these projects that are trying to launch a new product and/or start a new business. As an artist and designer, this money will help me get closer and closer to being able to continue creating products that focus on being eco-friendly in an urban environment. Thank you for your support and I hope you like the finished product!
  50. Thank you for being one of the first backers on my Kickstarter campaign. Your support means a lot to me and I really appreciate you spreading the word about my project while it’s live.
  51. Thank you SO much for your support. You are my heroes, my best friends!
  52. Thank you for funding the project. I am so grateful that we were able to gather enough money to produce the materials needed to help stop human trafficking.
  53. Thank you for funding the project. It means a lot to me that someone out there believes in my work. I’ll make sure this video gets done to the best of my ability.
  54. Thank you for funding the project. Your contribution helped me achieve the goal and get the funding.
  55. Thank you for funding my project. I noticed on the crowdfunding website that we got funded a little while ago, but I wanted to make sure you know how grateful I am.
  56. Thank you for funding my project. I am very happy that so many other people are interested in what I’m doing. Especially since technology is in such a schism regarding the ethics and uses of it.
  57. Thanks for being the first to fund my Kickstarter campaign. It’s tough to get started but you helped make the project a reality. I can’t wait to send you your rewards.
  58. Thanks for all of your help and support. I could not have implemented this project without your generous contribution. Everyone who backed the project very important to me.
  59. Thank you so much for donating to my Kickstarter project. It is very important to me and your contribution will help us make it a reality. Please spread the word if you believe in the project as much as we do. We are almost halfway there!
  60. Thank you to all of the backers. This book wouldn’t be possible without you. We are going to have an amazing time together and I can’t wait to get the book into your hands!
  61. Thank you for helping us create this project. We have spent months working on it and are excited to see it come to life and hope you enjoy reading it as much as we will enjoy writing it. This was made possible by you!

Also See: Thank You Note For Big Project Completion

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