Thank You Dad For Believing In Me

All kids dream of that one person who would support them and provide them with what they will need in order to grow healthy and strong in the future. That person is called a father. The father is the first role model a child ever had. He is the one who has a big influence on his son or daughter as well as her decisions and behavior. Most of the time, all we want is to thank our dads for being such great people in our lives. Below are the best Thank You Dad For Believing in Me quotes from all over the web.

Thank You Dad For Believing In Me

  1. Thank you dad for believing in me. I am try to do my best and it’s a big help having someone like you supporting me wholeheartedly. I love you very much.
  2. Thank you, dad, for believing in me. I know it’s scary to let go and allow others to help me on this journey, but I want you to know how much I appreciate it. Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for me.
  3. Hey Dad. Thank you for believing in me. Thanks for taking me camping and letting me keep fish. I can’t wait to buy a bigger house so we will have more room to put our fish tank.
  4. I am happy you believed in me from the very first day. You pushed me to do better and worked hard with me every day. Thank you for always giving me advice and helping me learn everything I needed to know. Words cannot express how grateful I am for everything you have done, but I will say this: Thank you Dad!
  5. Thank you for always believing in me. You are the best dad ever. I know I am not always the easiest child, but you have always been there and helped me when I need it. I love you so much!
  6. Thank you for always believing in me. You are always there when I need help or a place to stay. I never felt like I didn’t have a dad growing up, and that means so much to me.
  7. Thank you for believing in me, even though I had to go through a lot of ups and downs in my career. You always had faith that I could make your business the best, and I’m here today to stay.
  8. Thank you for believing in me. Everybody says that I won’t succeed in life. But you always tell me, “I know you will make it!” When everyone thinks about their future, the only thing I think about is when I will get to see my family again.
  9. Thank you for believing in me. I’m excited for the adventure of my new business and your encouragement will help me get there.
  10. Thank you for believing in me. I know starting my own business isn’t an easy thing to do, but your encouragement and support has emboldened me. Thank you!
  11. Thank you for being my inspiration. If I can’t do anything else but follow your lead and listen to your advice, I think I will have a good life. Thank you for supporting me when I wanted to get this tattoo.
  12. Thank you for being so awesome and supportive of my new business idea. I know it’s something that a lot of people would be skeptical about but you believe in me and it makes a big difference.
  13. Thank you for being so supportive as I start my own company. I wish more dads were like you, believing in their daughters and encouraging them to be the best they can be, even if it feels scary sometimes. I hope my mom puts your picture on the hall of fame some day!
  14. Thank you for believing in me. For never doubting me or my dreams, even when I did. I sometimes feel like I can’t do it all sometimes and it feels like the world is collapsing around me. But when I look up at you and see your smile, I know that it’s going to be okay.
  15. Thank you for believing in me. Even when I get frustrated and think I can’t do something, I know that you’ve always believed in me. Thank you for taking the time to tell me what’s great about me and ask me how I’m doing. Your support means everything to me.
  16. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for never telling me what to do and letting me figure things out on on my own. Thank you for not being controlling. Thank you for teaching me how to be independent and responsible. I love you!
  17. Thanks for always believing in me and having faith that I could do whatever I set my mind to. I know it was hard sometimes to keep your faith when things around you have changed, but without your support, I would have given up.
  18. Thank you for taking me to all of my sports events, even when it’s early in the morning. It means a lot to me that you were so supportive and always came to see me play.
  19. I want to thank you for believing in me. I know it has not always been easy and you don’t agree with everything I do, but I’m glad you are there for me and that you are always willing to listen.
  20. Thank you for being there for me. I couldn’t do this without you.
  21. Thank you for being so supportive, even when I was unsure of myself. You’ve been very encouraging and helpful. I know it’s been difficult to let go, but you are doing a great job. This is my time to shine!
  22. You have always been supportive of me, no matter what I wanted to do. It must have been difficult growing up with a mother who only wanted girls, so I really appreciate that you have always encouraged me to pursue what I enjoy. Hopefully your confidence in me will pay off at the Olympics!
  23. Thank you so much for believing in me and allowing me to start my own business. I know it’s been a tough adjustment period, but you have continued to support me no matter what. Thank you so much for your love and generosity, Dad.
  24. Thank you for always believing in me. You are the type of dad that every child has a right to have. Whenever it seems like I am too bright or too ambitious, you are there for me, boosting my confidence and giving me hope. I know that no matter what happens in life, you will always be there for me and will have my back. I love you for all that you do for me.
  25. Thank you for believing in me. I never really thought anyone from my family would care about what I want to do with my life, but you showed me the way one day when we talked about it at dinner. You were always there for me and I’m so glad to have a Dad like you. I love you, Dad!
  26. Dad, Thank you for believing in me. I know our relationship has had its ups and downs over the years, but thank you for being there with advice, help and support when I really needed it.
  27. Thank you for believing in me. No matter what things have been difficult or painful, I’ve always felt like you believed in my ability to get through it. Thank you so much.
  28. Thank you for believing in me. When I got the taste of defeat over and over again, you never turned your back on me. You always told me to try again and you’d be there to support me.
  29. Thank you for believing in me. I know it isn’t easy starting a new business but your support means the world to me. Your words encourage me and I cannot thank you enough for it.
  30. Thank you for believing in me. Even though I make mistakes sometimes, when I look at my life and see how successful I have become, I need to thank you for being an inspiration to me.
  31. Thank you for giving me confidence. This opportunity is amazing, and I really want to do well in it. It means so much to me that you are supportive of my decision.
  32. Thank you for always telling me I could do anything. The next time we talk, I’ll tell you about how I passed that test at school.
  33. Thank you, Dad, for always being there. I know it’s tough to be the one person in my family I can turn to whenever things get rough. Thank you for listening even though at times I don’t deserve it.
  34. Thank you for believing that I could make a difference in the world. Thank you for being proud of me. Thank you for being a great dad to all of us kids.
  35. Thank you for believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. You have always been there to cheer me on when things get tough. Thank you so much!
  36. Thank you for believing in me. A few weeks ago, you told me I could do it. I am finally starting to see your vision for me come true. Thank you for always pushing me to go farther than where I am. When I get discouraged and want to quit, you yell at me, ‘Where’s your drive?! Get back up there and work!’ Thanks for helping my dream become a reality.
  37. Thank you for always believing in me. I know this might sound silly, but when my first company went bankrupt, I was sure it would be the end of my career. But you told me to try again and that I would succeed if I just believed in myself and worked hard. Thank you for being so supportive.
  38. Thank you for believing in me. You have always been there to help me, even when I didn’t believe in myself. It meant a lot.
  39. Thank you for always believing in me. You have always backed my decisions and supported me no matter what. I really appreciate your encouragement.
  40. Thanks for always believing in me, even when I don’t believe in myself. I hope this letter is a reminder from time to time that you are always there for me and that I can count on you.
  41. Thank you for always being there for me, for believing in me and for allowing me to be who I am.
  42. Thank you for always being so supportive of me and for believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. It means a lot to me.
  43. Thank you for giving me a good life and for supporting me to pursue my passions. Thank you for helping me with my homework when I was young and making sure I understood it. Thank you for buying me that brand new bike, and more importantly, thank you for being there for every single race.
  44. A simple thank you would not do justice to express my heartfelt appreciation to you, Dad. Thanks for standing by me throughout my ups and downs in life irrespective of the fact that I am no longer your child. I know we are not very close but love is a feeling which can never be changed.
  45. Thank you dad for always believing in me. It really means a lot to me that you support my decisions and are not controlling when it comes to my life choices. Thank you for being there for me no matter what. I am very thankful for you.
  46. Thank you for everything you have done for me. You have always supported my decisions and been proud of what I do. Thank you for driving me to cheer practice in our old car, for visiting me at college and for working in the family business so I could go to college. Thank you Dad for believing in me.
  47. Thank you for being my dad. When I was growing up, you supported me and let me get a college education. Now that I have graduated from college, you have been even more supportive and have given me great advice about getting a job in the real world. Thank you so much for everything.
  48. Thank you for believing in me when I told you that I wanted to try music as my profession. It was not easy in the beginning, but because of your support and the fact that you always believed in me, I was able to handle the hard times.

Also See: Thank You For Being An Amazing Dad