Thank You For Having Patience With Me

If someone has patience with you, you are very lucky. Don’t let the chance to appreciate them go away. Express your gratitude to your loved one by sending a thank you note with this cute Thank You For Having Patience With Me Quotes… this is how you show him how grateful you are and much more.

Thank You For Having Patience With Me

  1. Thank you for having patience with me during our first two years of marriage. I know it wasn’t easy and I am very grateful that you didn’t give up on us. We have learned a lot about each other and about being partners and married.
  2. Thank you for having patience with me. I know I’m not easy to deal with sometimes and that things don’t always work out for me. Thank you for your understanding, compassion and willingness to listen.
  3. Thank you for having patience with me. This has been a big change for everyone, but I know we can get through it. Thank you for being my friend and supporting me in the times when things are difficult.
  4. Thank you for having patience with me. You are always so great about it and I really appreciate it. Thanks for not getting upset with me when I can’t talk at times because my head is in a mess.
  5. Thank you for having patience with me. I know I can get a little bit intense when it comes to work and often times I over-commit myself. I am very appreciative of you putting up with me and helping me out every once in a while, as well as always being there to lend an ear and get my mind off of work.
  6. Thank you for always having patience with me. I know I can be a difficult person to work with. Thank you for always treating me with respect, for speaking to me kindly, for helping me in so many ways, and for staying with me even when I get angry. You are wonderful.
  7. Thank you for being so patient with me. I really value your friendship and support.
  8. Thank you for being so patient with me and my procrastination. I know its annoying to have to ask you questions over and over, but I’m just not sure what I want to do. Thank you for putting up with me.
  9. Thank you for being patient with me. Some days I get very impatient with things I don’t understand right away and I snap at the people who are trying to help. Thank you for not getting annoyed by this and helping me anyway, even if it takes one more time to explain something.
  10. Thank you for your help. Whenever I needed something, you were there to help me. Thank you for being a great friend and for putting up with me even when I’m being cranky.
  11. Thank you for waiting for me. I know it is annoying when I am running late and everyone is ready to leave, but I always try to get there as fast as possible anyway. I just need a little extra time to get everything together.
  12. I just wanted to give you a quick note to tell you how proud I am of you. I know you are frustrated with me and my slow learning, but I am finally getting it. You are such a great teacher.
  13. Thank you for having patience with me. I know it has been a very long time since I paid you back and I want to say I am very sorry. I feel bad about it and I promise every dollar will be returned soon, but until then please accept this present as an apology.
  14. Thank you for having patience with me when I’m having a bad day and doing stupid things. I really appreciate you and all the love you give to me.
  15. Thank you for having patience with me. Sometimes I get frustrated and think I’ll never improve my skills. When I see you, you remind me of how hard I’m trying and being optimistic about the future. Thank you for being a good influence when I need it most.
  16. Thank you for having patience with me. You never get upset when I am late or forget to do things. You help cheer me up when I am feeling down.
  17. Thank you for having patience with me. I always believe that the best things in life are worth waiting for, and I am glad we were able to wait until the right time and have a perfect moment between us.
  18. Thank you for having patience with me. I’ve always been busy, but now that I’m working on my business, it seems I have even less time to spend with you. But now I realize how much I appreciate your subtle affection and care. Without further ado and in the future, let’s be more thoughtful of each other.
  19. Thank you for having patience with me. Sometimes I can be a pain, but you are always there for me and lend me a hand when I need it.
  20. Thank you for always being there to listen to my problems. I am so tired of being treated like a doormat and it’s nice to know that I can count on you when I need to vent. Thank you for having patience with me, I’m still figuring things out.
  21. Thank you for always having patience with me. Seeing me try something new is always exciting, so I hope I will continue to make you proud.
  22. Thank you for always being patient with me. I like to do things in my own time, and even when I take too long, you don’t get mad at me. I really like it when we can just chill together.
  23. Thank you for being patient with me. I know my anger can be out-of-control at times, and I appreciate how you distance yourself from me until I am calm again.
  24. Thank you for being there for me when I just needed to vent about something and for always trying to be there for me. Thank you for always having a little bit of time for me.
  25. Thank you for having patience with me. I know I can be difficult at times, but you are the best. Thank you for being the best friend ever.
  26. Thank you for having patience with me and not getting annoyed when I come home late. Sometimes I cannot leave work because it is so busy, and I’m scared of coming home to a lonely house. You have been great about that, and it means a lot to me.
  27. Thank you for having patience with me. I appreciate all the times you were willing to listen and talk to me when I needed it. Thank you for every laugh and silly story I shared with you. Thank you for every time we accidentally got stuck in the elevator…together… and thank you for not laughing at me when I said that was my only motivation for taking the stairs one week. Thank you for being so fun.
  28. Thank you for having patience with me during the week. Sometimes I can be so hard to deal with because I’m so wrapped up in myself. But I value your friendship and enjoy talking to you when things aren’t going so well. Thank you for being there for me when I need someone to talk to.
  29. Thank you for having patience with me. It’s hard to learn something new, but I appreciate your support and understanding of my frustrations.
  30. Thank you for having patience with me. It took me a while to finally understand what you were trying to teach me, but I get it now. Thank you for being a patient and caring teacher.
  31. You know, I have never had to share a computer with anyone before. At first, I felt like you were invading my space and being insensitive about something we don’t even need to fight about. But now that I think about it more and I am getting used to seeing your bad spelling from time to time, I have come to the conclusion that this is a good thing! Thanks for having patience with me!
  32. Thank you for being so patient with me. I know this is a very hard time for you and you are doing everything you can to make it easier on everyone, including me. Thank you for keeping things going smoothly in this very stressful situation.
  33. Thank you for understanding that I am difficult to get along with. Being me is not easy, I can tell you that much. But it is worth it when you are there for me and don’t bail on me when I’m not at my best.
  34. Thanks for putting up with my awkward moments and for putting your arm around me when I need reassurance. Your support means a lot to me.
  35. I don’t know how you do it. Your patience, that is. I always come to you for advice, for reassurance, for help, for empathy, and you are always here for me and ready to listen. No matter how silly or petty my problem is, you are there and eager to help with no judgement in your voice.
  36. Today I am grateful for the people I was able to sit with and discuss topics where we were on the same page. Together we were able to talk about their world and my world without too many hiccups.
  37. Thank you for having patience with me while I was sick. I truly did appreciate being able to rest on the couch and not move from the bed. Thank you for massaging my head and making me soup.
  38. Thank you for having patience with me. It is not easy to work with me because I am so disorganized, but you always manage to laugh about it and do your best to teach me to become more organized. Thank you for always being so nice even though I am a complete mess sometimes.
  39. Thank you for having patience with me. I know sometimes when I want to learn something, I can be a pest, but you are always so helpful and get frustrated because it’s never enough even though you give me all that I need. Thank you for your effort, support and enthusiasm.
  40. Thank you for having patience with me as I learn how to talk to people. I know it is hard to teach someone who doesn’t know what they are doing, but thank you anyway.
  41. You always have so much patience with me, knowing I get stressed out easily and that it sometimes takes more time for me to do things. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you for having patience with me.
  42. I know I can be a mess sometimes, especially when I first wake up in the morning. Sometimes it feels like I’m all over the place, and I can’t even get my mind organized before you come over and we head to work. Even though you get frustrated with me and are sometimes irritated at my lack of organization, thank you for having patience with me.
  43. Thank you for being so patient with me. I’ve been acting a little weird lately, but I guess I can’t expect you to understand my weird mood swings. Thank you for not making a big deal out of it, but keeping loving me anyway.
  44. Thank you for working with me on this project. I know it must be challenging to work with someone who does not always follow instructions, but you do it anyway. I’m very appreciative of your personable attitude and patience.
  45. I want to thank you for your patience. I am always running late and being disorganized, but you still come over anyway. You are a good friend to me, and I really appreciate that. Thank you!!!
  46. I know I’ve been off and on again but can you please have patience with me and give me constant love. I will never take our relationship for granted. When I am with you I feel a complete sense of security and when we are apart it’s like something is missing, please doesn’t do that to me again. I apologize for my actions, they were definitely not right and must not be taken lightly again.

Also See: Thank You For Having Us Over For Dinner