Thank You For Hosting My Daughter

Looking for Thank You For Hosting My Daughter messages? Here you will find my personal collection of thank you quotes that you can use to say thank you.

Thank You For Hosting My Daughter

  1. Thank you for hosting my daughter for the past year. She is a pain in the neck and you must have your hands full with her, but I know she has looked forward to coming here all week. You are amazing and it’s my pleasure to leave her in your care.
  2. Thank you for hosting my daughter while I was in the hospital. She had a great time and loved playing with other kids her age. I appreciate you inviting my family over to dinner, we truly enjoyed our time with you!
  3. Thank you for hosting my daughter at your home for the summer. The experience is so important to a teenager, and she really appreciated the time you gave her. I’m sure she’ll be a better person for it.
  4. Thank you so much for hosting my daughter. I really don’t know what I would have done without you. My husband is far away and he is not in good health. Your kindness toward her was a Godsend, especially since we had no place to go. You have a big heart and I am grateful to have met you.
  5. Thank you again for hosting my daughter while she is in town. I am so grateful she had a safe and comfortable place to stay while she is here.
  6. Thank you for hosting my daughter’s birthday party. The kids had a great time playing games and doing arts and crafts.
  7. Thank you for hosting my daughter this summer. She had a super time and made lots of friends.
  8. Thank you so much for hosting my daughter. I have never felt at ease when leaving my kids with someone before but you treat them so well that it has made me feel like they are safer here than they would be at home.
  9. Thank you for hosting my daughter this weekend. I know she can be quite a handful, but she’s excited to tell me all of her stories!
  10. I cannot tell you enough how thankful I am for your hospitality. You have been so kind and gracious especially when it comes to my daughter. We are very lucky to have found such a warm welcome where we live and feel so at home. The neighborhood life seems perfect for my daughter and me. Thank you again for everything you have done, and if there is anything I can do for you, please ask.
  11. Till this day, I still remember when you and your family first opened up your heart, home and their arms to me. You and your family did the most unimaginable thing when you decided to host my daughter in your own home. Thanks so much for everything!
  12. Thank you for letting my daughter stay at your house while I am on vacation. I know she is a handful sometimes. Could you please tell me how much I owe you?
  13. Thank you for hosting my daughter. I know she had a wonderful time and felt very happy in your home. Let me know about any other way I can show my appreciation to you.
  14. Thank you for hosting my daughter while I was out of town. She had a great time playing with your son and their friends at the party, and said she would miss your house when school starts tomorrow.
  15. Thank you for hosting my daughter for the summer. She has learned so much about herself, the world and about coming home. I am very proud of her accomplishments this summer.
  16. Thank you for hosting my daughter at your summer camp. She is having so much fun and we are so happy the camp is close by.
  17. Thank you for hosting my daughter. I know it doesn’t seem like much to have extra people in your home, but it really meant a lot to me. I am also very grateful that you helped her calm down and took care of her when she got scared during the fire alarm while we were in the Frat party.
  18. Thank you for hosting my daughter for the weekend. I’m sure it wasn’t easy, but to be honest she’s not the easiest of children.
  19. Thank you for taking care of my baby while I was at work, playing with him and making sure he always had a clean diaper. He’s grown so much since the day he came to live with us so I’m sure it wasn’t easy making sure that he was still my baby. You did an awesome job!
  20. Thank you for hosting my daughter. I know it can’t be easy to keep an active 10-year-old entertained, but she has told me stories about all of the fun she’s had with you and other kids she knows in your neighborhood. She says you are a very kind person and I have to agree. You make a difference.
  21. Thank you for hosting my daughter Jennifer. I am sure she has made your life easier with her sweet disposition and desire to help. You have been a true friend to her and me.
  22. Thank you for hosting my daughter this summer. I’ve heard from her that she’s having a lot of fun and loves the people there. I know how much of a hassle it can be to have my kids there, but someone has to do it, and I know you’re volunteering for the job for a good reason. Thank you for all the help you’re giving her.
  23. Thank you for hosting my daughter. They had a great time. She misses her grandparents and having them around definitely makes her feel at home.
  24. Thank you for hosting my daughter. She has spoken highly of you, and we are grateful you take care of her like your own.
  25. Thank you for hosting my daughter for the week. I know it was a lot of extra work and you didn’t have to take her in, but she really enjoyed herself! We will definitely be back!
  26. Thank you for hosting my daughter. It’s so much easier for me because I work all day, and I know she’s in good hands with you. Having a woman of your caliber help babysit is an amazing thing to happen to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
  27. Thank you for hosting my daughter this summer. I know the kids have been a handful, but they are great kids. Unfortunately I could not stay to serve you coffee because I tend to forget things and try to do everything at once so please allow me to apologize now for being unpredictable!
  28. Thank you for hosting my daughter over the summer. Timmy and Jason have grown to be good friends and she had a lot of fun with them this summer.
  29. Thank you for taking care of my daughter while I was on vacation. She enjoyed her stay with you and played with your daughter every day.
  30. Thank you so much for taking her in. She loves you and all of your family very much.
  31. Thank you for being so hospitable to my child. I was wondering if you could take care of her once or twice per week and watch over her. She is a good kid when she’s with people who are good with kids. I think you will mesh well together.
  32. Thank you again for hosting my daughter this summer. She really enjoyed her time there. And I appreciate all of the attention you’ve given her so far. She has a lot of fun with you and you’ve been very generous with the spending money. I cannot thank you enough for everything.
  33. Thank you so much for hosting my daughter. You did such a good job putting together a really nice party for her. I was really impressed with the craft table and the treats you set out.
  34. Thank you for hosting my daughter and keeping her entertained, not just today at the party but every time she goes to your house. She always has a great time and she looks forward to it.
  35. Thank you for hosting my daughter for the weekend. I really appreciate your kindness and hospitality.
  36. Thank you for hosting my daughter during the summer. I know the girls had a great time and they are looking forward to working with her again next year.
  37. Thank you for hosting my daughter. Her college friends said she had a great time, and it was nice that you all shared stories and photos of the event on social media. It makes me feel like I was there with her too.
  38. Thank you for hosting my daughter and me. We have loved being in your home and taking over such a big space! It was fun to be able to get together with family that we do not see very often. We hope to come back and visit again soon.
  39. Thank you so much for hosting my daughter while we are on vacation. We were a bit worried about leaving her with family, but she has told us numerous times how much fun she has. You’re doing such an amazing job of keeping her company and making her feel like part of the family.
  40. Thank you so much for hosting our daughter. You’re pretty good at dealing with kids and I really appreciate it. Her little brother was also very nice and bragged about her constantly! We are so grateful for you being such a great friend to our family.
  41. Thank you for inviting my daughter to your party. She really enjoyed herself and had a lot of fun with the other kids! I know the parents appreciated it too!
  42. Thank you for allowing my daughter to stay with you for the summer. It is such a relief not to have to deal with a teenager right now and I hope I don’t feel that way when she gets back!
  43. Thank you for hosting my daughter last weekend. I really appreciate the effort you put into making it a safe and fun experience for her. I know she had a great time and we both appreciate your lovely home and hospitality.
  44. Thank you for hosting my daughter during my trip. I know she enjoyed her stay and appreciated your hospitality and kindness.
  45. Thank you for hosting my daughter. I’ve been very busy between work and her play rehearsals this month, so it was a big weight off my shoulders knowing that she had a warm place to stay. She said you were very nice and she wants to go back again soon. That’s wonderful!
  46. Thank you for hosting my daughter this summer. I know it was not easy – she is not always the easiest teenager, but you made it as easy as possible for me.
  47. Thank you so much for hosting my daughter on your trip to College. I know you were very busy and will be glad to pay you by the end of the year.
  48. Thank you for hosting my daughter last month. I was overseas and it was very hectic and busy. Thank you for taking care of my little girl and to make her stay fun, educational and memorable.
  49. Thank you for hosting my daughter while I work long hours at the office. I really appreciate it!
  50. I want to thank you for hosting my daughter. She is a very busy woman, so it’s difficult for her to meet up with friends. You can always count on her to show up and make sure everyone is having a good time. I am very grateful that you have forged such a bond with her. Thank you for being a great friend to both of us!
  51. Thanks for hosting my daughter. It’s very nice of you to let her spend the night after the play practice, and I really appreciate it.
  52. Thank you for opening your home to my daughter when I need an extra hand. She really adores you and talks about you often. Keep up the good work!

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