Thank You For Hosting Our Student

Finding the right thank you quotes can be tough, especially when it’s not your child you’re trying to impress. If you are looking for thank you notes Look no further, we’ve collected over 500+ cute and heartfelt quotes to say thank you.

Thank You For Hosting Our Student

  1. Thank you for hosting our student. This allowed us to visit a new historical site. The food was great, and the company was better.
  2. Thank you for hosting our student. We had a wonderful time! We’ll be sure to visit your restaurant again in the future!
  3. Thank you for hosting our student. He spent two weeks in your country and they were well-organized. We are grateful for your guidance and we learn a great deal from you.
  4. Thank you for hosting our student. He is such a fantastic person and we are so grateful that you were willing to help him!
  5. Thank you for hosting our student this month. She really enjoyed her stay and loved how easy you made it for her. She also says that you two were great company, and quite funny.
  6. Thank you for hosting our student again this year. It would have been impossible for her to live alone her first year of study. Thanks to your generous let we have more independence and less worries.
  7. Thank you for hosting our foreign student. We really appreciate that you allowed Yasmine to stay with you all year long. We couldn’t have asked for a better family to host her. You were always very kind and welcoming to her and us and helped us feel very at home.
  8. Thank you for hosting our student on Friday. I saw and heard the kids really enjoyed playing with other kids, especially because this was a sport they usually don’t get to play. It is fun to hear the variety of different languages that are spoken between the countries.
  9. Thank you for hosting student xx. It was very kind of you to open up your home and be there when we needed help. It is an amazing opportunity to experience living in Mexico, and your support made it that much better.
  10. Thank you for hosting a party at your home. We really enjoy our time with your organization as well as with you as a person. We all enjoyed our time together, including your hospitality and cheerfulness in hosting us.
  11. Thank you for the party when our group went to the local restaurant. The food was great, and we all had a great time. We couldn’t have pulled this off so well if you didn’t let us use the space for free.
  12. Thank you for being so supportive in all of my business ventures. It is so nice to have someone who I can bounce ideas off of and gain insight from. You are the best!!
  13. Thank you for hosting our student. We really enjoyed staying with you. Your house is very organized and clean, which helped us feel at home!
  14. Thank you for hosting our student. It was wonderful to hear him play and that you enjoyed his music. We hope to work together again in the near future.
  15. Thank you for hosting our student. He is doing very well, and we appreciate your hospitality.
  16. Thank you for hosting our student. It was a pleasure to have him with us, and we really appreciated all of the help he needed that made it possible for him to be with us.
  17. Thank you for hosting our student. He is a very nice guy and a hard worker. I’m glad that he can live with you while I am away looking for work and trying to find my own place to live.
  18. Thank you for hosting our student council meeting. It was a great location and had a very nice setup for our session. I know the club members really liked it.
  19. Thank you for hosting our student from Taiwan. She is a great addition to our family, and she has been making progress with her English.
  20. Thanks for hosting our Student Exchange student. She is lucky to have your family to stay with and learn about US culture!
  21. Dear Friend, On behalf of my class, I want to thank you for hosting our student from Japan. It is a pleasure to have her staying with your family and I know she is grateful to have some help with her English. The entire group looks forward to visiting again before summer break.
  22. Thank you for hosting our international students. It really helps us to have the opportunity to cook authentic food from other countries in your kitchen, instead of going out to a restaurant. We appreciate that you take part in our events and make them more meaningful.
  23. Thank you for hosting such a wonderful event. This is the first time I have been to a Chamber of Commerce meeting and you truly made it a memorable experience.
  24. Thank you so much for having [name] play on your team. She had a great time during the soccer season. She said that when she scored her first goal she couldn’t believe how much fun it was, and she loved all of the time she spent with all of you!
  25. Thank you for hosting our student. Your family was very welcoming and the night in your home was special for all of us. We will never forget it.
  26. Thank you for hosting our student while he was here. I am very grateful towards you and your family, since they took him in as one of their own. He missed home during the first couple weeks and didn’t speak much, but you saw how fast he began to open up. I was amazed at how good you were with him. Thank you for being such a great host family.
  27. Thank you for hosting our student this summer. We are extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to experience with her the beauty of your home, country and culture.
  28. Thank you for hosting our student. I’m glad someone was willing to help us out with cheap housing. This experience has been a lot of fun, and I’m glad he has found a place where he can be comfortable and focus on his studies.
  29. Thank you for hosting one of our foreign students. She was very happy to stay with a generous host family.
  30. Thank you for hosting student. I know it was a big responsibility and I appreciate that you kept the house clean and tidy when we were there.
  31. Thank you for hosting one of our intercultural exchange students. They enjoyed living with you and are sad to be leaving soon. We look forward to hosting another student.
  32. Thank you for taking an interest in my life and talking to me about everything you find interesting. I really appreciate your hospitality, flexibility, and kindness. You’re a great mentor.
  33. Thank you for hosting our student in the summer. She is a great kid and we really appreciated you taking her in.
  34. Thank you so much for hosting our student. He loved being with your family and he said how good your heart is. When he left us, we realized how much we’ve missed him.
  35. Thank you for hosting the student organization. The food was amazing and the games were fun. It was a great way to get our members to mix with each other and we even got some new members! We couldn’t have done this success if it weren’t for your generous choice to host us.
  36. Thank you so much for letting our student come to your home. He said he had an excellent time and he will never forget the experience.
  37. I truly appreciate you hosting my student this summer. She is a great kid and I really like spending time with her, but I do not live near her. Every single night you had her, she called me on her way home and talked to me, which was very sweet of her. I know how hard it is to have someone over all the time and you did a wonderful job taking care of her.
  38. Thank you for hosting Student. We hope he enjoyed his time here as much as we did! Feeling grateful for having a great host.
  39. We really enjoyed having the student stay with your family. He seems like a really nice son, we hope that the time spent with your family was a wonderful experience for him too!
  40. Thank you for hosting the daughter of a friend of mine from college. She has been so helpful to me, I wanted to show appreciation by sending some flowers.
  41. Thank you so much for hosting me and my family over the summer. When I came to visit, I was really excited because I love being a big sister but I was also sad because my parents went back to Korea, so it’s not like we were going to be able to come back anytime soon. You made me feel so welcome that sometimes I pretended that you were my temporary parent. I hope we can visit each other again soon!
  42. Thank you for hosting our student. You have certainly made his first few weeks in the US a pleasant one. Having a great school and cozy home to reside in definitely makes it much easier to adjust to our surroundings.
  43. Thank you for hosting our student. We really appreciated the opportunity to learn more about your business and learn from your mentorship. We would also like to thank you for being so inviting, friendly and a great role model for our students.
  44. Thank you for hosting our student and his mother. I really appreciate you inviting them over to your home, it’s so rare these days. He said he had a great time and really appreciated the opportunity to meet another family.
  45. Thank you so much for hosting our student here in the US. Your home is beautiful and our student feels right at home. Thank you also for being so helpful and really treating him as a guest in your home. Your hospitality is much appreciated.
  46. Thank you for hosting our student for the entire semester. He was homesick and you treated him with a lot of love and kindness. He is loving life here in the United States because we are so lucky to have your friendship!
  47. Thank you for hosting our student. It was a great pleasure meeting you, and I think he really enjoyed his trip to the states and was very impressed. I hope that as I continue in my career as a translator, we will meet again.
  48. Thank you for hosting our student on your campus. He really enjoyed his time with all…
  49. Thanks so much for hosting our student for 4 days in a hotel near the school. It is much appreciated and he says it was one of his favorite trips ever.
  50. Thanks for hosting one of our students. He/she was telling everyone how helpful and quiet your place was. We appreciate your warm hospitality.
  51. Thanks so much for welcoming us into your home on Saturday. I’m sure the little girl was pretty noisy and you probably wanted to get a good nights rest, but you let us use the guest room and let her come up and play with your daughters toys. You are very nice to our family.
  52. Thank you for hosting our student. Thank you for giving him a place to stay and showing him around. He said he enjoyed himself a lot; thank you for making him feel welcome. He is a great kid, so it was an honor to know him.
  53. Thank you for hosting our student from China. She was so happy to stay with you and your family, as she felt like she was at home. She enjoyed getting to know everyone. She even said that I did a very good job in finding the perfect host family for her. Thank you very much and we hope our relationship will continue to flourish.
  54. Thank you for hosting our student. It gave him a great opportunity to see what a typical American wedding is like and showered him with beautiful memories that will last a lifetime.

Also See: Thank You For Hosting Graduation Party

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