Thank You For Leading Me Closer To God

Thank You For Leading Me Closer To God. Below are 400+ inspirational thank you quotes. These words of wisdom will help you to thank your family, friends, and business partners with gratitude.

Thank You For Leading Me Closer To God

  1. Thank you for leading me closer to God. When I first came here, I was feeling very lonely, but you and the other people in the church have taught me so much and filled my life with a lot of love and joy. I appreciate you all so much.
  2. Thank you for leading me closer to God. I have a lot on my mind these days and it is comforting to know that he is listening. Many people seem to rush through the motions of religion, but you have patiently listened to my concerns and answered my questions.
  3. Thank you for leading me closer to God. I am grateful that you are here and that I have the opportunity to be a part of your congregation.
  4. Regardless of how this is received, I feel I must thank you for leading me closer to God. My life has been filled with sin and sadness, but you taught me the way to redemption through your messages on TV. I’ve been taking notes and praying a lot more, and it really seems to be helping my life. Thank you for all your efforts in the name of God to convert more souls like me and hopefully get us from the darkness of hell into the light of heaven.
  5. Thank you for being part of my life and leading me closer to God. I am very grateful that He has sent you to me. I really hope I can repay you some day.
  6. Thank you for opening my eyes to the truth of Jesus Christ. I have felt happier in the past few months than ever before. I was very confused and unhappy when it started, but now all of that has changed. You really made a difference in my life, and I appreciate it so much.
  7. Thank you for always being there for me and teaching me to turn to God when I need anything. Although we do not talk much, your words and actions mean a lot to me.
  8. Thank you for being a guide and showing me the path to religion. I am grateful that our paths crossed because it led me to my real father who has really helped me confirm this is the right path for me.
  9. Thank you so much for a great day. I understand what you were trying to say about God and for reprimanding me for being so proud when I got that new job. I know now that the main reason we are on this earth is to be happy with God and help others and yourself to reach that goal. Probably you can come with me sometime when we go on the Saturday night prayer meeting. Again, thank you!
  10. Thank you for being a friend. You always e-mail me about Bible verses and sometimes prayer requests. I don’t know if it’s because I’m taking my faith more seriously, but it actually touches my heart every time you e-mail me.
  11. Thank you for your donation to the church. We are able to fund many more needs than we could without your help. Our community feels blessed, and this shows with our generous donations. We could not do it without your support. Thank you!
  12. Thank you for leading me closer to God. The pastor at my church said I should attend this bible study, and here it has really been helpful and I’m learning to get back to studying the Bible on my own while also coming here and talking with other people. Thank You For Leading Me Closer To God!
  13. Thank You for leading me closer to God. You are always there when I need you. Whether its a hug, a prayer or just to listen, You are always positive and encouraging. I’m glad we became friends and that your faith is encouraging me to believe in myself.
  14. Thank you for leading me closer to God. When I read your newsletter it makes me think of places to pray and feel better about my life. Thank you for writing them.
  15. Dear God, Thank you for leading me closer to you. Jesus, thank you for all your sacrifice for me. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding me towards salvation. Father in Heaven, thank you for keeping me safe no matter what is going on in my life or around me. Your guidance and love is so important to me that I wanted to take a moment and reflect the true meaning of your love and guidance.
  16. Thank you for helping me realize I needed to turn my life to God. You told me about an amazing Christian and that one tip led me closer to the person who has provided and continues to provide me with everything I have, a loving God and Father. You had no idea it would lead me closer to him, but you’re the reason why I’m so blessed today.
  17. Thank you for guiding me and helping me feel closer to God. I am appreciative of your wisdom, your assistance and also, your ability to help me whenever I need it.
  18. Thank you for everything that you have done for me. I use to think of myself as a person who is far away from God and who will never find his way back to him, but then I found you! You showed me what it means to be a Christian and now I can see myself growing closer to God every day.
  19. Thank you for every meeting we have. I feel that they have helped us relate better. I also feel that I connect better with God during our meetings and I’m so glad to have found you.
  20. Thanks so much to all my friends, family and people I meet on the road who post or share religious poems and messages. I like some at times. God is always there for me. He helps me get through tough times and he guides my way though life.
  21. I have been going through a very challenging time in my life lately, and I have been feeling like I don’t make things better by trusting in myself and relying on my own strength. When you called me to invite me to this gathering tonight, it was just what I needed to hear. You reminded me of the importance of putting God at the center of my life. Tonight proved to be the strong boost that I needed to help me overcome my problems. Thank you for being concerned about my welfare and for caring about whether I believe in God or not!
  22. Thank you for joining my journey to ascend to Heaven. I’m really glad we’re on this journey together. It means a lot to me that you are there when I am down and don’t understand things about the afterlife. Thank you for being my friend, co-leader, and protector on our path to Heaven.
  23. Dear Lord, forgive us for the times we let you slip from our minds. Remind us that you are always there for us, watching over and protecting us. You suffer with us whenever we go through hard times and you forgive us when we make mistakes. We thank you for being with us every step of the way.
  24. Thank you for leading me closer to God. Everyone needs friends, but I am especially thankful of all the things you have done for me and the way you have helped me. You’re such a great person…
  25. Thank you. For comforting me when I was in a rough patch. For showing me the way toward God so that I could find peace, love and hope. Thank you for leading me closer to God; the greatest gift I could have ever asked for.
  26. Thank you for leading me to God. I was a lost soul when I got out of our last meeting and slowly but surely, my life started going in the right direction. It is certainly wonderful to feel closer to God after all these years.
  27. Thank you for this opportunity to open up and discuss my heart with you. I feel like we are very close to each other and that is awesome, but something was still missing. Now that I’m attending church again, I feel better more relaxed and at the same time closer to God. Thank you for leading me back to God.
  28. Thank you for inviting me to the local youth group. I have met so many great people, they have all been very nice to me and have given me some great advice. Thank you for helping me get closer to God.
  29. Thank you for helping me to understand what God expects from me and for keeping me moving in the right direction. I’m grateful that you are in my life and thankful for the guidance you have given me.
  30. Thank you for being my friend. You are my best friend and I am so thankful that God put us in each other’s path. Your kindness allows me to be more open to God’s love and your advice helps me in many areas of my life. Thank you for caring about me and going through this trial with me. I feel that we have grown much tighter over the past few months, even if we live thousands of miles apart, we have grown closer than ever before.
  31. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to teach at my church’s children’s club. I was terrified at first, but I realize now that I love seeing kids laughing and having fun! Thank you for helping me to feel closer to God by being over His creation.
  32. Thank you for being an amazing person and friend. You have been there for me in more ways than one, even when it was hard for you. I am very grateful for all of your help and encouragement through it all.
  33. Thank you for wanting to get to know me better, for texting me and for visiting every now and then. I’m happy you are always there to talk me through difficult times or just see what I am doing. You listen very well and for that, I thank God for you coming into my life.
  34. Thank you for coming over to my house and offering suggestions to help me feel better. I was feeling down, but your kind words reminded me of God’s love.
  35. Thank you for being a good example of how to follow God. I know that I am in your prayers, and that means a lot to me. You are a very devout Catholic also, and it is inspiring to see your devotion and willingness to share your faith.
  36. Thank you for leading me closer to God. I have a great life. I’m very grateful for all the good things in my life, especially for having an amazing wife and beautiful family.
  37. Thank you for leading me closer to God. I know He loves me through the examples you set. I am grateful for your friendship.
  38. Thank you for leading me closer to God. That’s why I started learning much about Christianity. I am very grateful for your teachings and speeches, which have influenced me in a positive way.
  39. It was very nice meeting you. I enjoyed our time together in Church and find what you said to be true. I never thought about God helping me with my troubles and guidance, but meeting you clarified it in a way that I didn’t understand before. Thank you for leading me closer to God.
  40. Thanks for leading me through some of the darkest times in my life. Through your unrelenting help, I have been able to get out of tough situations. I am always amazed at how you are able to make it easy for me to see the light, when it seems like there is none. Thanks to you, I will continue walking on this path, so that one day I can be free of worry.

Also See: Thank You For Leading Our Family