Thank You For Leading The Meeting

Thank You For Leading The Meeting. Nothing like a little Thank You For Leading The Meeting quotes to get you started. Here are some of our favorites from this week.

Thank You For Leading The Meeting

  1. Thank you for leading the meeting. I think it was well run, and most of all, it resulted in our decision to continue with this project. I’m grateful for your leadership.
  2. Thank you for leading the meeting. It’s been a lot of fun – we’re doing some very cool things here. I’m glad I get to be a part of this!
  3. Thank you for leading the meeting. It went really well and I think we’ve spurred a lot of good discussion. There is so much enthusiasm to keep this meeting going, it’s pretty amazing.
  4. Thank you for taking the time to lead us through our meeting. It was very successful, and your leadership contributed a lot to the success. I’m glad we were able to pull that together and I appreciate all of your hard work.
  5. Thank you for leading this meeting. Useful information was definitely passed around and people seemed excited about the future of _.
  6. Thank you for leading our team meeting and giving everyone a clear direction to proceed.
  7. Thank you for your help today. I know it was tough to lead the meeting because everyone is scared about losing their jobs.
  8. Thanks for taking the meeting. I really appreciate it. The meeting would not have been the same without your excellent leadership and brilliant ideas.
  9. Hello colleagues, thank you for all contributing to the meeting. I think we were able to reach resolution for the issues that come up in our last meeting. Thank you for leading the meeting, it was very helpful.
  10. Thanks for your guidance. I was worried we were going to be lost but you managed to pull everyone together and get us organized. We all took a step forward today and it is thanks to your leadership.
  11. Thank you for all the work you do leading meetings, keeping everyone on task and making sure all of our decisions get serious consideration. You do so much for this company, it’s nice to be able to say thank you. You’re a great friend and colleague.
  12. Thank you for leading the meeting last week. As I was thinking about what to say, you took things over and set the agenda for how we were going to move forward. Right then I decided to give you a promotion, and I’m glad I did based on how you handled yourself after that meeting.
  13. Thank you for leading the meeting. Your guidance was very helpful and your contribution was very insightful. You have great ideas and it is evident that you care about this project a lot. Thank you for your help on meeting preparation and follow-up.
  14. Thank you for leading the meeting today. It ran smoothly, and everyone felt heard and valued. You are so good at leading!
  15. Thank you for leading the meeting today. I could tell from the start that it was going to turn into an amazing brainstorming session. You were very clear about what we were doing and why we did it. Thank you for making it fun and worthwhile.
  16. Thank you for leading the meeting. You were very clear on what every department was going to fix. It was very easy to follow along.
  17. Thank you for leading the meeting. It’s not easy, but I know you keep it running smoothly and make sure everyone has a say.
  18. Thank you for leading the meeting yesterday. I really enjoyed it. I loved the activity we did in the middle of the meeting and I learned a few things about myself.
  19. Thank you for leading the meeting. I had a lot on my mind, but listening to your thoughts and viewpoints was very helpful.
  20. Thank you for leading this meeting. I know that it is really difficult to make sure everyone is following the agenda and keeping an eye on the clock and making sure to keep track of all the decisions we are making. Thank you for doing so much work to make this happen.
  21. Thank you for taking the time to run the meeting today. Your organizational skills straightened out a few issues and helped us reach some important conclusions. I also appreciate your sense of humor.
  22. This is actually a meeting to talk about the future of our company. Our boss will not be here (he’s out on vacation) so I’ve decided that we should talk about what we want to do with the company in the future. I really appreciate you taking over and leading this meeting for us.
  23. Thank you for leading the meeting yesterday. It was very interesting and informative. I was inspired and encouraged by your answers to the questions we were asked. I appreciate all that you do for the company.
  24. Thank you for leading the meeting. You really have a knack for making everyone feel at ease and giving us all a way to collaborate.
  25. Thank you for leading the meeting and not letting everyone get distracted by pizza. Sometimes things get difficult in a meeting, but you are always there to make me feel good about myself.
  26. Thank you for leading the meeting last night. You handled the whole thing very well. It was fun, and everyone had a good time even though it was so late.
  27. Thank you for leading the meeting. Your ability to take charge and direct conversations was amazing. I’m glad the number of participants is still on the low side so we can continue to talk and reach decisions together, but it is good to know that I can count on you in times like this to aid me lead our group. Thank you!
  28. Thank you for leading the meeting. With all that I had going on in my iPhone, my laptop and my heads I needed it. We will be more productive next time if I am not worried about forgetting something!
  29. Thanks for leading the meeting. The presentation was very informative and it was a pleasure to be there.
  30. Thank you for leading the meeting. I think everyone got a lot from it and we have some great questions to discuss moving forward.
  31. Thank you for your time. I know you have a lot to do. You dealt with us all so gracefully, and kept things on track. I really like this format of using our volunteers instead of outside consultants – it really saved us a lot of money.
  32. Thank you for your presentation, it was very clear and made sense to me. Thank you for being enthusiastic about the topic and making our job as leaders easier and funner. Thank you!
  33. Thanks for helping me get out of my shell. This meeting was fun! I don’t know what I would have done without you, Susan.
  34. Thank you for leading the meeting. You were organized and made it a smooth process. What was best was when you engaged everyone. I know that was hard for you, but you did it, and everyone appreciated you for it. Thank you again!
  35. Thank you for leading the meeting. It went great, especially since we were able to delegate tasks and divide our responsibilities. I knew everyone would be happy with the outcome of the meeting because you knew exactly how to get everyone on board. I can’t wait to work with you again!
  36. Thank you for leading the meeting this week with the new suppliers. I know it’s hard to take time off of your busy schedule and I really appreciate it.
  37. Thank you for leading the meeting today. I know it wasn’t easy having all of those difficult people in the room, but you did a great job keeping everyone focused and on track. I appreciate all of your hard work.
  38. Thank you for leading the meeting. I know how difficult it must be and how much work it took to get everything done.
  39. Thank you for leading the meeting yesterday. People in general don’t like change, and when I mentioned my new ideas, they were a little on the defensive side. You were able to convince them that the changes I proposed were a good thing and made some sense. Thank you for having my back!
  40. Thank you for leading the meeting, especially giving me a chance to speak about my suggestion even though part of the team opposed it. I really appreciate your effort in this.
  41. Thank you for your time and leadership. The meeting went better than any of us could have hoped. We learned a great deal from each other and I’m grateful that we were all there together on this day.
  42. Thank you for bringing the cookies. They are delicious and everyone loves them. You are an awesome leader of meetings, I love that we get to do these once a month!
  43. Everyone at the meeting is feeling great about what we accomplished. Thank you for your leadership and ideas! We are very excited to implement them.
  44. Thank you for chairing this meeting. It was very stressful and tiring, but we got a lot of work done, and I feel very productive from it. I am impressed with how concise and constructive your style is. I enjoyed it.
  45. I am setting this up a bit later than I wanted to, but I am sure that you will accept my apology and not harbor a grudge. Thank you for being so patient with me. I know that you were probably waiting there all day, sitting in the hot sun and patiently listening to me mumble on. This meeting is a very important part of our program and I do hope that we are able to participate in next year’s event.
  46. Thank you for leading the meeting. I didn’t know we had so much work to do, but you were able to keep the team together and we accomplished everything we set out to do. We really couldn’t have done it without you! And thank you for ordering pizza and soda for us!
  47. Thank you for leading the meeting yesterday. You were very thorough and organized, which kept the team focused and on track. We managed to get a lot done in our time together, and I appreciate your passion for this project. I look forward to seeing your presentation Thursday.
  48. Thank you for leading the meeting. I know this was a hard project and you are doing a great job welcoming all the team members and setting priorities for our tasks. I am sure we going to have a great time working on the next stages of this project. And thanks for handling such an important customer call in front of everyone. I know how hard is to listen to all of their complains, because sometimes, they are right.
  49. Thank you for leading the meeting. I was able to sit back and enjoy it. Your presentation made us all feel like we had a better idea of how the project should go.
  50. Thank you for leading the meeting in my absence. I was having some problems with my project and I was grateful to have someone else take care of everything. The evening went better than expected, and I hope that everything continues in a good direction. Thank you again!
  51. Thank you for taking charge and leading the meeting. The way you were able to calmly explain the issue and propose a solution so everyone understood how we were going to move forward was very helpful. The meeting ran very smoothly.
  52. Thank you for taking the initiative and leading the meeting. It is clear that you are very capable of directing a group of people to organize priorities, agree on how to solve problems and bring in new ideas. We will definitely be calling on you again to organize the next group meeting!
  53. Thank you for the meeting on Friday and your excellent execution of it. Everyone really got a lot out of it and I am very grateful that you were able to lead it. Hope to see you again in the future!

Also See: Thank You For Leading The Prayer Quotes