Thank You For Letting Me Be Myself

Do you want to say thank you to someone beautiful? Do you have a person who is simple, easy-going and caring in your mind? If yes, then these Thank You For Letting Me Be Myself quotes are for you. These inspirational quotes will keep your well-wisher motivated.

Thank You For Letting Me Be Myself

  1. Thank you for letting me be myself. I love the bond we share, and I can’t imagine not having you in my life… I love you.
  2. Thank you for letting me be myself. And thank you for investing your time, energy, and love into my life. I’m very grateful to be able to call you my friend.
  3. Thank you for letting me be myself. It means a lot to me that you let me make my own decisions. I don’t feel like I have to follow in your footsteps and do what everyone else is doing. Thank you for always encouraging my creativity and supporting me in all of my endeavors.
  4. Thank you for letting me be myself. The companionship we share is one in a million and I don’t want to lose that. So next time I try a new hairstyle or dress differently, just know I’m trying to express who I truly am. You see the real me and that’s why we’re so close.
  5. Thank you for letting me be myself. I’ve been told so many times that I shouldn’t be myself because people would not like me for it. Now that I’m with you, I can finally be me and have you like the way I am.
  6. Thank you for letting me be myself in our relationship. I know that is one of the most important things in any relationship, so thank you for accepting me as myself. I really appreciate it.
  7. Thank you for letting me be myself. Thank you for not criticizing my way of thinking and living, but instead letting me make mistakes and learning from them. Thank you for trusting me with my own decisions even when you disagree with my point of view.
  8. Thank you for giving me the chance to work at your shop. I know that I am a little awkward in the beginning, and I know that you had doubts about my professional life. But I don’t care, because you are letting me be myself.
  9. I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for being my best friend in the whole world. I know we are from different backgrounds and have different interests, but you have always allowed me to be myself and have fun with whatever I am interested in. There is no one else I would rather spend my time with. That is pretty special.
  10. Thank you for all that you do. I’m the luckiest gal in the world to have such a caring, loving and supportive boyfriend. Your endless support gives me all the confidence to get through life’s challenges.
  11. Thank you for loving me no matter what. I know I can do some pretty strange things, but when they are silly or weird, I want you to laugh with me, or even better, laugh at me and tease me because that’s how I know I’m healthy and happy.
  12. Thank you for listening to me ramble about my day and for understanding that sometimes I need to take a nap. Thank you for reminding me it’s ok to focus on myself.
  13. Thank you for letting me be myself and doing whatever I want during a time where I have been frustrated with myself. I hope that our friendship will always be as close as it is now.
  14. Thank you for letting me be myself. I’m sure you have seen a lot of dark sides of me that others haven’t, and maybe even worse ones than those. But you never asked or judged; you just accepted all of me. And I love and appreciate that.
  15. Thank you for letting me be myself. I’m not sure how long I would have known you without that, but as it stands now, you have been a fixture in my life and my friend for a very long time. I love that you always make time to talk to me and catch up with me, despite the busy schedule we both have.
  16. Thank you for letting me be myself. I appreciate that you didn’t try to change me or put pressure on me to do the things you like but make sure I know what my interests are and encourage me in those directions. My life would definitely not be as fulfilling if I did not have your support.
  17. Thank you for letting me be myself. I am very thankful that you are not like my other boyfriends. You accept me as I am and never try to change me.
  18. Thank you for letting me be myself. I love who I am right now and I don’t want to change. I also want you to be yourself too because I’ve come to accept you and just love you no matter what.
  19. Thank you for letting me be myself and make my own decisions about where I want to live and how I want to live my life.
  20. Thank you for letting me be myself. I feel comfortable and loved just how I am. You tell me that I don’t have to deny my identity to be your partner.
  21. Thank you for always letting me be myself. When I am with you I don’t have to pretend to be someone I’m not, and that’s very important in a friendship.
  22. Thank you for all the hard work you put in and for the great results. Thanks for not panicking about all the problems we encountered along the way. Thank you most of all for finding me as a resourceful employee, and for allowing me to be myself.
  23. Thank you for being patient with me and letting me be myself. You don’t try to change me into something else and I know we will last a long time together.
  24. Thank you for letting me be myself. You have helped me through a very tough year and continue to support me in everything that I do. You are the best friend I could have ever asked for and I will never forget all of the times you came through for me when I needed it most.
  25. Thank you for letting me be myself. I know my parents would love me no matter what. It is a joy to live with people who respect me the way you do.
  26. Thank you for letting me be myself. I know we’re not perfect and that’s okay. Thank you for being you and sticking with me for so long.
  27. Thank you for letting me be myself. Although I have an eating disorder, it is not something everyone can understand or even tolerate. Thank you for putting up with me when I get sick in the bathroom, when I don’t come to family events, or when I won’t show up at your house.
  28. Thank you for letting me be myself. I’ve always been a fun and happy person, but it seemed like everyone else thought I was just a weirdo. But now that we’re talking, I feel that you are the first person to truly understand me.
  29. Thank you for letting me be myself and not demanding that I be like your other friends. Some of them are really cool and fun to hang out with, but they are quite different from me, and I’d rather just chill at home than go out every night. I’m glad we can do our own thing.
  30. One day I was really sad, and you asked me why. I told you that I was worried that everyone laughs at me because of my jokes. You told me it was fine to be myself and that no one thinks my jokes are funny. I felt a lot better. Thank you for letting me be myself.
  31. Thank you for being my best friend and letting me be myself. You don’t judge me and always let me know when I’m doing something wrong but with respect.
  32. Thank you for accepting me for who I am. Your words make me feel comfortable in my own skin. You’ve helped me be more confident in myself and I know that we are best friends because of it.
  33. Thank you for being an amazing friend. When I am with you, I feel free to be myself. Always there for me to talk and share my feelings about things. I wouldn’t have been able to get through so many things without your support and caring attitude.
  34. Thank you for voting for me to be president, and for always being there for me when I need advice. Your companionship helps me to be calm and happy.
  35. Thank you for letting me be myself. I know that this isn’t always easy, but you let me be myself anyway. Thank you for loving me the way I am.
  36. Thank you for letting me be myself and supporting me even though I make mistakes. I really appreciate it.
  37. Thank you for letting me be myself, both in public and in private. Yes, I like strange music and tend to dance around the room when nobody is looking. Yes, I like very disgusting jokes and will tell them at every opportunity. Yes, I can be a bit strange at times but that’s part of my charm.
  38. Thank you for letting me be myself. I have always been this way and it’s nice to have someone who just accepts me like this.
  39. Thank you for letting me be myself. I don’t have to hide or pretend to be something else around you. It is also very relaxing because I feel like I can truly be myself. You are a great friend, and I’m glad we can spend time together.
  40. Thank you for letting me be myself. I’m glad I can be relaxed and feel comfortable around you.
  41. Thank you for letting me be my own person. You let me be me and don’t push me to be like others. Sometimes I wish everyone let people in their lives do the things they want to do, instead of wanting them to conform to general patterns. Let other people make their decisions!
  42. Thank you for giving me a place in your life where I can be myself. You don’t get mad when I just want to go out with the girls or stay in and read. My friends love seeing you as much as I do because they know how cool you are.
  43. Thank you for being supportive of all of my decisions. You love me for who I am and for all of the choices I make. They are mine to make and this means that I don’t need to feel guilty!
  44. Thank you for being so tolerant of the mess I live in and for listening to my crazy ideas. I’ve learned a lot from you, especially that you don’t have to be like everyone else.
  45. Thank you for letting me be myself when I’m with you and not expecting me to dress up all pretty and lipstick and pull up my hair. You really are the only person who’s seen me at my worst and still loves me. Thank you for all the kisses we share too. They seriously turn my day around.
  46. Thank you for letting me be myself. I know that I can be a handful sometimes and I’m sorry for some of the mistakes I have made, but I know that you are there for me, unconditionally.
  47. Thank you for letting me be myself. You’re not trying to change me or mold me into someone different than who I am. We always have fun and you make me feel like I am the most important thing in your life, which is really nice sometimes.
  48. Thank you for letting me be myself. I feel like I can be silly and let loose around you, which is nice after spending so much time being professional and serious at work.
  49. Thank you for letting me be myself and not putting any pressure on me to be like anyone else. It means a lot to me.

Also See: Thank You For Letting Me Do This