Thank You For Planning The Meeting

Want to show gratitude? Here’s What You Can Say: A blog about thanking your friend for planning the meeting and other activities. Have fun!

Thank You For Planning The Meeting

  1. Thank you for planning the meeting. I know it took a lot of time to prepare and coordinate, and it came out great. The food was delicious and the refreshments were just what we needed.
  2. Thank you for planning the meeting. I always look forward to it because I am so inspired by your leadership style.
  3. Thank you for your kindness in planning a meeting out of my office. You went out of your way to find a meeting room and make sure everything would go well. I really appreciate it.
  4. Thank you for planning the meeting. I know how much work it takes to plan things like that. You are always so calm and flexible and I appreciate it so much. I hope that you were able to enjoy it at least a little bit, too.
  5. Thank you for planning the meeting. We would be lost without you.
  6. Thank you for planning the meeting. It went very well, and I know I would not have been able to plan it on my own. I appreciate your help with that.
  7. Thank you for taking the time to plan our meeting. It was a great opportunity for all of us to get to know each other better and come with new ideas and perspectives that are going to make our company so much better.
  8. Thank you for planning and organizing the meeting. It was very helpful to be able to have all of the information presented to us in that way.
  9. Thank you for planning this meeting. It got me thinking a lot about things that could be improved in the office environment, and I plan to work on them in my own way. Thank you!
  10. Thank you for scheduling this meeting. We really needed to chat about workflow and process. And thank you for going over the schedule with me. I can now keep things moving smoothly in the future.
  11. I just wanted to thank you for the meeting agenda. I think it is going to be a very productive meeting. If you could send me the notes from last weeks brainstorming session I would greatly appreciate it so that I can review them in preparation for the meeting. Thank you again, it’s much appreciated!
  12. Thank you for planning that meeting last month. It went very smoothly and made my job a lot easier. I am very grateful for your efforts.
  13. Thank you so much for planning the meeting. It went very well. You truly did a great job and everyone seemed to really enjoy it. We appreciate everything you did to organize the trip, from booking our flights to getting us checked in at the airport. I want to thank you for your support and for working side-by-side with us to ensure our success with the presentation.
  14. Thank you for planning the meeting. I know it was a lot of work, but everyone had a great time and really appreciated the effort you put in to make it happen.
  15. Thank you for planning the meeting. I’m sure it took a lot of time and hard work to put together all of those slides, agendas, and instructions. You made me look good!
  16. Thank you for planning the meeting last Monday. I really enjoyed it and I feel like it went really well.
  17. Thank you for planning our meeting. I had a lovely time and it was great to meet everybody. I learned a lot and had fun.
  18. Thank you for planning the meeting. Getting everyone together and putting it together was very useful for me. I know that it was not easy, but I am sure next time will be better.
  19. Thank you all very much for planning the meeting. I am grateful that you are willing to take the time to help me with my project. I look forward to seeing your feedback once you have reviewed my document.
  20. I was so impressed with how you planned the meeting. I loved how you kept me up to date on what was going to happen, and when. You even gave a rundown of what we talked about each day. Thank you – let’s do it again next week!
  21. Thank you for setting up the meeting. The feedback from the client was extremely positive, and I know that it wouldn’t have gone so well if you didn’t put all of your efforts towards making it a success.
  22. Thank you for organizing the meeting yesterday. I found that it was important to have a meeting face-to-face before we signed off on the project. You are always very thorough in your work, and it makes my job easier knowing it is up to your standards.
  23. It was wonderful talking to you and getting to know you better. I really appreciate how much time you spent preparing for this meeting.
  24. Thank you for planning the meeting. I know it wasn’t easy to do, and you did a great job! The conference room was beautiful, the food was delicious and your support was invaluable in making everything happen smoothly.
  25. Thank you for planning the meeting. It was so nice to have a relaxing beverage together, like old times. I’m glad to know you still want me in your life and we can still spend time together like this.
  26. Thank you for planning the meeting today. It was a lot of fun. I like working with you guys.
  27. Thank you for planning the meeting. Everyone had a great time and they loved the snacks. Having a bigger group than I had planned for, I think this worked out better, but maybe next time I will plan ahead a bit more and order some extra snacks.
  28. Thank you for planning the meeting and everything. I really appreciate it! Hope to see you around soon!
  29. Thank you for planning the meeting today. It turned out really nice. I am going to be able to take a lot of good information back with me to present to the directors.
  30. Thank you for planning the meeting. It was a very productive open forum that everyone got a chance to speak and teach us things we might not have thought about.
  31. Thank you for planning this meeting. I know it’s not easy to plan a big event like this, but it’s great that we can all get together and talk about what we’re doing here in the office. Thank you for giving me a chance to speak, and thank you for helping me learn about what makes us successful as a business.
  32. Thank you for planning the meeting. As much as I hate meetings, they are necessary sometimes. I am glad we did this one to plan out our growth and improve team communication in order to eliminate wasted time on things that are not important.
  33. Thank you for planning this meeting. I understand it was a considerable amount of work and I will pay attention to your notes on the action items.
  34. Thank you for planning the last event. I know that it was not easy, but you pushed through and came up with a great party to celebrate our winning season!
  35. Thank you for coming up with the topic for this meeting. Your idea will help us find new customers. I’m glad you were able to meet with us so we could all discuss it.
  36. Thank you for planning the meeting. Everyone really enjoyed themselves and keep saying how good the food was. It was also great that you did such a great job keeping all of the background information I needed, on hand.
  37. Thank you for planning the meeting! It was a pleasure dealing with you. I hope we can work together again soon.
  38. Thank you for planning the meeting! Everyone had a lot of fun and told me how much they enjoyed themselves. I know it takes a lot of work to prepare. Please let me know when your next event is. We would love to help!
  39. Thank you for planning the meeting. It went so well and everyone is asking when the next one will take place. You put a lot of hard work into it and it paid off.
  40. Thank you for planning the meeting. The ideas I would have never come up with before, come to me so easily. Maybe it’s because of the great body you have and that smile you share with me!
  41. Thank you for planning the meeting. I like how you got all of us involved, it makes for a very productive and happy team.
  42. Thank you for planning this meeting next week. The agenda and the schedule that you have prepared is impeccable. I am excited to be a part of it.
  43. Thank you for planning this meeting. I know it’s a bit early, but I wanted to tell you we appreciate all of your hard work and are excited to see what you have planned.
  44. Thank you for planning this meeting. It has been really helpful to talk about it with my coworkers and hear what changes we could make at work.
  45. Thank you very much for organizing the meeting. This is fortunately the first time we have done it and you are doing a great job. I am confident that it will be a great experience which will allow us to discuss some serious issues as well as exchange and share nice ideas with our colleagues.
  46. Thank you for being so prepared to host today’s meeting. The notes you created and the food ideas you brought up were very useful in moving the conversation along. I also appreciate your organizational skills in making sure everyone had a double-sided notebook and pen before they arrived.
  47. I am very thankful you took the time to organize this meeting. I know it is a difficult task and required a lot of effort. Although, your hard work paid off. We had a great turnout and I appreciate your support.
  48. Thank you for planning the meeting. I was really happy with how everything went. The cake was delicious, the room you set up for us was lovely and everything seemed to run very smoothly. I appreciate your efforts and look forward to future meetings at your office.
  49. Thank you for planning the meeting. I really enjoyed being a part of it. I enjoyed talking to my co-workers and creating a friendly environment where we could bond. I appreciate that you showed me you thought of me for this event, especially because we just started working together.
  50. Thank you for planning the meeting! Having the additional information was extremely helpful in my decision. The meeting was really great, I really enjoyed it. I can’t wait until our next get together and I am very excited about the upcoming trip that everyone is going to be taking.
  51. Thank you for planning the meeting. It was fun and went well. I appreciate your efforts to make it a great experience.
  52. Thank you for planning our meeting. It went well, especially because everyone was in a good mood with your leadership skills.
  53. Thank you for planning this meeting. It is great to be able to talk about our project and make plans for the future. I know it must have been a lot of hard work. Also, your presentation was very interesting and helped us feel like we were part of the process.
  54. Thanks for planning the meeting. We could not have done it without you!
  55. Thank you for organizing the planning meeting. I know it was taxing on your busy schedule, but we both benefited by having the meeting. I appreciate you helping me out.
  56. Thank you for organizing our board meeting. It was much nicer to be there with food and drinks and our regular chairs comfortable instead of at a small table in an uncomfortable chair.
  57. Thank you for meeting me for coffee this morning to plan out new steps for the business and to set up a time when we can meet again.

Also See: Thank You For Planning The Party