Thank You For Providing Coverage In My Absence

Thanks for stopping by to check out these Thank You For Providing Coverage In My Absence quotes. I’m glad we’re both here! Hopefully, you like these quotes as much as I do and will remember them when you need a Thank You For Providing Coverage In My Absence quote yourself.

Thank You For Providing Coverage In My Absence

  1. Thank you for providing coverage in my absence during the 2022 business trip. It made international travel easy, knowing you were in charge of the office staff and setting my mail forward to me.
  2. Thank you for providing coverage in my absence. I appreciate all of the hard work you do for the company, and I know that we are very lucky to have you on staff. Thank you for being such a great support and coworker.
  3. Thank you for providing coverage in my absence. I was able to make it through a very important vacation knowing that my girls were being well cared for.
  4. Thank you for providing coverage in my absence, especially during the month of September. Your contributions have been invaluable to our office and the efficiency of our day-to-day operations.
  5. Thank you for providing coverage in my absence. I’m sure the kids were a handful, and I appreciate your flexibility in working with me on this issue.
  6. Thanks for doing me a big favor by providing coverage in my absence. I’m very happy that I am able to go on vacation and will be spending this weekend soaking up the sun with my family in Mexico. It was kind to get a substitute for my favorite class.
  7. I am so thankful for the coverage you provided in my absence. I know it was a bit of a daunting task, but you did great job and handled everything just as I would have. I am very grateful.
  8. I know you will work hard and provide great coverage in my absence. I leave with a lighter heart knowing that my clients are in your capable hands.
  9. Thank you for covering my position while I was sick. I really appreciate that you were able to fulfill my duties while I was out, which resulted in us getting our biggest deal yet.
  10. I want to say thank you for covering for me in my absence. I know that it was a heavier than usual workload, but I greatly appreciate your kindness in my time of need.
  11. Thank you for being so nice and taking an interest in my daughter while I was gone. Having you, her teacher, pick her up, drop food over for dinner, and provide her with a fun afternoon at the park made me feel better about leaving her all day. I hope we will have many more babysitting adventures together!
  12. Thank you for being there for Alex while I was gone this week. You were able to answer all of his questions and reassure him that everything is going to be okay.
  13. Thank you for providing coverage in my absence. I am sure our clients were happy to deal with someone who is as professional, helpful, and friendly as you are.
  14. Thank you for providing coverage in my absence. Everyone is saying that I didn’t have to worry because you are doing such a good job. Keep up the good work and I look forward to getting back to work soon.
  15. Thank you for providing coverage in my absence. I really appreciate your help and all of the patients you have shown me since I haven’t been in the office.
  16. Thank you for providing coverage in my absence. Your colleague has told me that you managed the project very well and quickly last week.
  17. Thank you for providing coverage for me in my absence. I’m so grateful that I was able to take that beach vacation with my family.
  18. Thank you for providing coverage in my absence. I know it was probably a lot of work. I hope everything went well in my absence.
  19. Thank you for covering for me while I was on vacation. I know I had been going over my allotted time away, so the company certainly came to appreciate your filling in while I was gone. Please let me know any way that I can return the favor.
  20. Thank you for taking care of my children in my absence. I know that it’s a big responsibility, but I trust that you will make sure they are fed and invested in their education. And thank you for making sure there is a clean home when I return from my business trip.
  21. I would like to thank you for picking up the slack in my absence. You handled everything well and I know I can count on you to do so in the future as well.
  22. Thank you for helping me out at work. I truly appreciate everything you do for the company and for me personally.
  23. I appreciate you filling in while I was on vacation. It’s good to have a friend around when you’re job searching.
  24. Thank you for filling in while I was on vacation. We missed you and hope you had a good time as well.
  25. Thank you for providing coverage in my absence. Our office received several compliments regarding your work. I look forward to working with you in the future.
  26. Thank you for providing coverage in my absence. It’s great to know the kids are well cared for and having fun when I’m gone. Unfortunately, my husband can’t always be there and I really appreciate how much you care.
  27. Thank you for providing coverage for me in my absence. I know this was not an easy task. I appreciate your willingness to participate and look forward to seeing the patients next time I am on the unit.
  28. Thank you for providing coverage in my absence. I’ve never met a person with such an impressive background and credentials. Thank you for watching over my family.
  29. Thank you for helping me out with my little one. I really appreciate it. You provide coverage in my absence and pick him up from school so that I don’t have to worry about it. I really couldn’t do this without you. It’s very much appreciated.
  30. Thank you to ______ for providing coverage in my absence. I appreciate all of the work you did while I was away and look forward to seeing the great work when I return.
  31. Thank you for covering me at work in my absence. I know it wasn’t easy to fill my shoes, but I know you are up for the challenge.
  32. I cannot express how blown away I am by your generosity. Thank you so much for covering me while I’m gone on vacation. It takes a village to raise a company and I am lucky to have you behind me.
  33. Thank you for holding down the fort in my absence. You did a great job and I am very grateful to have someone so responsible on my team.
  34. Thank you for covering me while I was gone this week. I know you had to do a lot of work, but I appreciated all you did.
  35. Thank you for covering me while I was sick. I find it great when colleagues are so caring and offer to help each other out. Also, thank you for sharing all of your stories with me. I hope you had a great weekend!
  36. Thank you for providing coverage in my absence. It’s hard to find good people for this job, but you were recommended highly. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the extra special touch you added to their care and myself and my family, feel very safe knowing you are here. Thank you again.
  37. Thanks for providing coverage in my absence. I appreciate that you were able to accommodate my last minute request and provide the necessary coverage. Hopefully, my mistake won’t happen again. I yield the remainder of my time.
  38. I think the work you did while I was gone was excellent. The reports were clear and readable, they added value to my memos, and they really hit the intended audience. I really felt like I left behind a competent colleague who could do a good job in my absence.
  39. I would like to thank you for being available over the last week. I was on vacation, and it was very reassuring to know that I had a friend on hand who could provide coverage if I needed it.
  40. Thank you for covering my work while I was out. I’m happy the situation resolved itself so quickly and I know everything is covered and under control.
  41. I would like to thank you for ensuring that my patients were safe during my vacation in Florida. I really appreciate your help.
  42. Thank you for covering my shifts at work these last two weeks. I know how hectic things like that can get, but it really helped me out not having to worry about finding a replacement. Thank you for staying on top of everything while I was gone.
  43. Thank you for picking up the slack while I was out on medical leave. I really appreciate that someone was there to teach when I couldn’t be there. The teaching and training is so important to me and I’m glad you stepped up to the plate.
  44. Dear Manager, Thank you for providing coverage in my absence. I really wasn’t sure what to expect from someone I had never worked with before, but you handled the situation with grace and efficiency. You’re a real pro!
  45. Thank you for your quick response to provide coverage in my absence. We are short staffed and I am grateful you were able to step in to provide coverage. Thank you again for your flexibility with our office schedule.
  46. Thank you for providing coverage in my absences. I really appreciate all the time and effort you put into taking care of my kids and home during a difficult time. I know things were a bit rough – thanks for staying strong and keeping it all together!
  47. Thank you for providing coverage in my absence. I’m sorry I wasn’t available for the training and that we had to invade your room. I’ve been looking at our records and haven’t noticed any hiccups in the care, so I’m hoping you will be comfortable with what you’ve learned.
  48. Thank you for coming to cover my duties while I was on my honeymoon trip. It was a shame that the company wasn’t able to send me all the way to Mexico. But I was happy that they were at least able to provide coverage in my absence, allowing you to step up and cover the account. Thank you for being there when we needed you most. And thank you for just being a good colleague.
  49. Thank you for the coverage you provided in my absence. I know it was a burden on you to work extra hours, so thank you!
  50. I want you to know how much I value your support while I am gone. The coverage you provide is so valuable to my clients and I am eternally grateful. Thank you for all you do for me and my career.
  51. I want to thank you for covering my shifts while I was out of town for the holidays. Everyone I spoke to told me how nice you were and what a good job you did. I really appreciate it because that money really helped me out!
  52. It’s summertime and the living is easy. Thank you so much for covering me while I was out of the office.
  53. Thank you for providing coverage in my absence. Your team did a great job while I was out, and the clients are very happy.
  54. Thank you for providing coverage in my absence. I know it is not easy taking on additional responsibilities and handling them at the same time. I am very grateful and appreciate all your hard work.
  55. Thank you for providing coverage in my absence. I am sure you had to miss out on some time off during the Summer. I hope you had a fun time with your family and friends and made it count!
  56. Thank you for providing coverage while I was out with food poisoning. My parents are very grateful to you!

Also See: Thank You Quotes For Providing Accommodation