Thank You For The Food We Eat Prayer

Most of us would enjoy the benefits of abundant food. We are all different, however. In some parts of the world people appear to take food for granted – even in the most affluent countries. Here is a list of amazing thank you for the food we eat prayer quotes that you can use to express your gratitude.

Thank You For The Food We Eat Prayer

  1. Thank you, God, for the food we eat. Thank you for giving us a safe home and family to come home to each day. Thank you for all of your blessings, Amen.
  2. Thank you for the food we eat. Thank you for the life inside us. Thank you for the birds with beautiful wings. Thank you for the sacred earth in which we dwell. Thank you for the People who share your Spirit. Thank you for all that is ours today. Now and forever, amen.
  3. Lord, Thank You for the food we eat. Our bodies need regular sustenance so they can function well and be healthy. Without food, our bodies cannot survive and we die.
  4. Thank you for the food we eat, Lord, it is precious and plentiful. Help us to share with others who do not have enough to eat. Bless the hands that prepared it and those that serve it with love. Amen!
  5. Lord, thank you for the food we eat. Thank you for the people who work hard so that we can enjoy eating. Thank you for the Earth and all of these wonderful things which You have blessed us with. Please help us to gather again and again.
  6. Thank you for [insert person’s name] who cooked the food. We would not have had this tasty meal if it was not for [their] cooking. We believe that the food that we eat is a blessing from you, our heavenly father. Help us to always praise your mighty and holy name.
  7. We give thanks for the food we eat and for the hands that prepared it. Because we are deeply grateful and appreciative of the gifts You have given us, we give of ourselves unselfishly by feeding those around us who need a taste of our bounty. In Your Son’s Name, Amen!
  8. Thank you for all of the delicious food that you provide us with. We are always grateful to have such a wide variety of foods to select from for countless meals through the year. Thank you for blessing us with all of this abundance.
  9. Lord, thank you for this food that I am about to eat. Please give me the strength to make good choices in life. Take away my temptations and the will to do things that are unhealthy. Please bless the hands of this person that prepared this food and take away their temptations as well. Help them to be pure in thought and deed so they may minister to others, just as You have minister to us today, through Your servant Jesus Christ.
  10. Thank you for the food we eat. Thank you for the gardens we tend, the animals that give their lives for us, and for all those who cook this food with love. May we be pleased to receive your bounty, grateful for its nourishment of our bodies, mindful of those less fortunate than we are, and patient as we wait for you in turn to receive our offerings.
  11. Dear cook, thank you for the food we eat. We are grateful for your many kindnesses to all of us. May God bless and keep you as you work to feed us every day.
  12. Father in heaven, thank you for our food. We are so grateful for your goodness and mercy. May we share our food with those who have less or none, that they might know your love too. In Jesus’ name, amen.
  13. Thank you for the food we eat. Thank you for the clothes and homes we have. Thank you for the people in our lives who help make us who we are. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
  14. Thanks for the food we eat. We give thanks for the harvest of grain and vegetables; for cows, chickens, sheep, and other animals so that farmers have food to share with their families. May we be grateful and at peace in our hearts as we enjoy the gifts of your creation.
  15. Thank you for the food we eat. Thank you for the land, the sky and water. Thank you for the birds and animals that run and fly. Thank you for the rain and sun so all things may grow. Thank you mother earth for all that we have.
  16. Thank you for the food we eat for all the hungry people who don’t have food. We are very lucky to have it and I pray that someday everyone can be fed.
  17. God bless all of you and thank you for the food we eat. God bless all of you and thank you for the food we eat. God bless all of you and thank you for the food we eat. May God Bless You.
  18. Thank you for the food we eat every day. It sustains our bodies and allows us to live. I pray that others may share in our meals and be nourished as well. I pray for those who are hungry throughout the world, that they may receive enough to eat. I also pray for our world leaders to use food wisely and to continue helping the needy so that we can all have a plentiful supply of it.
  19. Thank you for our food. We all take it for granted, so thank you for it. We all need it to survive, so thank you. Without it, we’ll starve to death, so thank you. I am thankful that we had our breakfast, lunch, and dinner today. We have a lot of homework to do, so thank you for the time we get to complete it. Thank you for the food that is in our refrigerator and pantry.
  20. May I thank the Lord for giving us food, for feeding food to all of our people, assuring that we have enough.
  21. Thank you for the food we eat Prayer. Our Father in Heaven. You are Almighty God that is over the countries, here and across the world. You are the Most High God that is over the universe and all your children who are submissive to your rules, laws and orders.
  22. Thank you for the food we eat. We are so very grateful and remember to count our many blessings. Our family offers this bread as a special gift for you today. Amen.
  23. Thank you for the food we eat, give us thankfulness with each meal we take. Let us not forget to show our thanks and appreciation of what we have. May our homes always be in peace and happiness.
  24. Thank you for the food we eat. It brings nourishment and energy to our bodies as we go about our daily lives. You are always there for us and provide sustenance when we need it, through rain and snow or any other elements or hardships you allow people to encounter in this life.
  25. Thank you for the food we eat, without which we could not live. Bless the hands that prepared it, and the hearts that served it, Amen.
  26. Thank you for the food we eat. It gives us life and helps our bodies grow. We also thank you for natural resources that make foods like vegetables and fruit possible. Help us to be good stewards of these things so none are wasted. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  27. We thank you for the food we eat, the sun that gives light, and the animals we use. Please forgive us when we waste the gifts you have given us. Help us to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Help us to be grateful for what we have, and to help others who do not have as much as we do. We ask all these things in your beloved name. Amen.
  28. Dear Lord, on this special day we thank you for the food we eat, the strength and blessings we have been given, and ask that you continue to bless our family with your continued love and support. We ask that you guide us with your wisdom and grace, so that we can be a blessing to others. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen!
  29. Thank you to the animals who sacrifice their lives so we can eat. Thank you to the farmers and workers who raise them, feed them and make sure that they are healthy. Thank you to the people who package and distribute the food so it gets to stores and we can have access to it. Thank you to the inventors of farming equipment, food preservation devices and refrigeration so we had enough food for everyone at all times.
  30. Thank you for the food we eat. Thank you for the flowers and trees, for the clear waters and the skies that seem to go on forever. Thank you for the love in our hearts and the friendships we have with others.
  31. Thank you for the food we eat, O Lord. Bless it to our bodies’ use and us to Thy service. Amen.
  32. The food we eat comes from the ground and trees. Thank you for the wonderful earth that grows this food and for the sun, air and water it needs to grow. We know how special this is. We thank you for all that you have given us and for providing us with this meal we are about to eat.
  33. Thank you for the food we eat, O Most Merciful of all who show mercy; and thank you O All Powerful One, for not making any food difficult to get.
  34. We are grateful for the food we eat, And all those who contribute to its production. This bounty from the earth and from our fellow humans Brings health and strength as a gift of God’s loving care. Help us to use our resources wisely, For the good of all. Amen!
  35. Dear Lord, thank you for creating the land and the sea and the trees that give us food. We thank you for the animals who provide food for us and the crops that grow so we have food to eat every day. We thank you that we have food in our cabinets, refrigerator, and pantries. Forgive us when we waste food; help us think of creative ways to use all we have. Help us become wise consumers who care about people and the earth in everything we do. Warmly in our hearts, Amen!
  36. Father Lord, thank you for the gift of food. Thank you for the gift of sunlight that helps us grow it. Thank you Grandfather Sun for providing us with light and warmth to feed us. Help us to be grateful each day. In your name we pray. Amen.
  37. Dear Lord, we thank you for the food we eat today. Without you, there would be no sunshine and nothing to harvest. We thank you for getting up early in the morning, planting seeds and harvesting them during our lunch break. We are thankful for your generosity. Amen!
  38. Thank you for our food, God. We are grateful to you. Help us to remember those less fortunate than us, that they might eat today. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
  39. Thank you for the need to cook and prepare food. Thank you for the human ability to taste and enjoy what we have to offer you. Thank you for all of the ways that we can continue our appreciation for you, including food.
  40. Dear Creator, Thank you for the food we eat. Without it, man could not survive. We pray that You will continue to sustain us and give us strength to overcome all adversity. In Your Name we pray, Amen!
  41. Thank you for the food we eat. Thank you for providing it to us so that we can be strong in body and mind. Help us to be grateful for this blessing and be mindful of where it comes from. Bless the hands that plant seeds, the hands that harvest and prepare food, the hands that serve us our meals, and all of the hands in between. We pray these blessings through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Also See: Morning Thank You Prayer