Thank You Message For Mom And Dad On My Birthday

Good parents can never be based on their strength, beauty, wealth and or education. Here are 130+ Thank You Message For Mom And Dad On My Birthday to express your love and gratitude to him.

Thank You Message For Mom And Dad On My Birthday

  1. Hey Mom and Dad, I want to thank you both for one of the most special moments of my life: my birthday party. I’ve never been so happy before. Thank you for everything! You were so thoughtful and you made everything perfect!
  2. Thank you mom and dad for the great birthday dinner. I really appreciate your hard work in planning this party and cooking the food. I have such a wonderful family.
  3. My birthday is coming up and I’d love to get a present from you. Could you please also give each other a present? Thank you so much, it means so much that I get something from both of you. You are the best parents ever!
  4. I just wanted to thank you mom and dad for being such amazing parents. I know it’s weird that I still live with you, but I really mean it when I say that no matter what I’ll always be grateful for all the things you guys have done for me. Dad, you’ve been so understanding about my decision to do an MBA. Mom, thanks for not calling me as often now that you’re vacationing in Europe. Hope to see you soon. -Renata.
  5. Thank you for being my mom and dad. You have always been there to support me in my dreams. You are always encouraging, helping me when I need it, and giving me advice and love during rough times. Thank you for always believing in me and cheering me on.
  6. Thank you for everything you have done for me this year. I appreciate everything you do, and thank you for helping make my birthday extra special. Love Always,
  7. Thank you for the birthday wishes. The kind words really made my day, thank you for being so considerate.
  8. Thank you for being my parents. You have given me many things in life, but above all else the greatest is love. That’s the best gift I could receive from anyone and I am glad it is from you.
  9. Thank you for loving me and picking me up from school every day. I hope you know how important you are to me and that I’m so happy to have you as my parents. I love you so much!
  10. Dear Mom and Dad, thank you for always supporting me. I know it is not easy to be the parent of someone who started his own business and has a smaller salary than before, but you really do a great job. I love you two.
  11. Thank you mom, dad and family. I see how much you guys love me and care for me, even on my birthday. You all put together a special surprise just for me. I’m so lucky to have you in my life.
  12. Thank you for being my mom and dad. I can remember as far back as I can when I was young, when mom would make lunch for me and give me a kiss, with a scoop of Sriracha sauce on top, which we still do now! When dad would come home from work, he was always playfully chasing me around the house or the beach. Now that I’m all grown up, it’s a little sad but yet refreshing that you are still the same people. I think that says something about your strong presence throughout my life. Thank you both so much and I hope that I’ll have an amazing day today.
  13. Thank you for being an awesome mom and dad. I don’t tell you guys this enough, but I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me. Thanks for raising me!
  14. Thank you for being amazing parents. I never thought I would have such cool parents that study hard, have a great job and support me in everything I do. Thank you for your unconditional love.
  15. Thank you for the birthday card. I am very glad that you remembered about my birthday. I love your gift!
  16. Thank you for being the best parents in the world. You have taught me so much and I know I would not be where I am without you. Thank you for raising me to be the person I am today and for giving me such a strong foundation.
  17. Thank you for being at my birthday. I am sure that I will have a wonderful year going through old things in my mind.
  18. Thank you for always supporting me, and encouraging me to be the best person I can be. I can always come up with any problem and talk to you about it, and you will always make me feel better. Thank you so much!
  19. Thank you for everything you have done for me. You have sacrificed so much in your life for me and I hope I can make it up to you in the future. You are always there with a smile and a helping hand, no matter what is going on, and I appreciate that more than words can describe. Thank you, Mom and Dad.
  20. Thanks mom and dad for being such good parents. I have been so lucky to have you to protect me and teach me wisdom over the years. I especially appreciate your unconditional love. You’ve both made my life very full. Thanks for coming to all of my competitions, etc., and supporting me in everything that I do.
  21. I can’t believe my parents are able to come to my birthday this year. Thank you both for putting up with me when I was a toddler, teenager, and even now as an adult. I love you very much!
  22. Dear dad and mom, thank you for all the love you have shown me. You always made sure I wanted for nothing, and though I have not always been the best daughter in the world, you have never stopped caring for me. Thank you for being the parents I needed.
  23. Thank you for the flowers, the cake and the TV. You guys have always been there when I need anything and I am really grateful you continue to spoil me.
  24. It was a pleasure celebrating my birthday with you! The dinner was delicious. I hope we can do it again for many birthdays to come.”
  25. Thank you for being my parents and raising me to be a person of integrity. I know it wasn’t easy, but your sacrifice was worth it. I couldn’t ask for better parents than you.
  26. Thanks for all the birthday presents! I really appreciate you going out of your way to make my day so special. The least I can do is thank you by looking at the picture of you on the wall in my bedroom.
  27. Thank you so much for your constant love and support. I really appreciate the birthday wishes and the balloons! Thank you for helping me with my project, it will be finished in time now.
  28. Thank you for being the best parents ever. I am so glad to have you as my family. You both give me so much love, fun and encouragement and I feel very fortunate and happy to be your child. I hope you have a fantastic birthday!
  29. It is my great pleasure to have you as my parents. It has always been a blessing to have such parents. You have shown me throughout my life what real values and morals are. I admire you for being such loving and caring parents to me. It has been an honor and privilege growing up under your guidance and shelter. I am very happy you are in my life, because you mean the whole world to me. Thank you for being there even when I did not deserve it. Without the words, thank you will never be enough to express how much gratefulness I feel right now towards you.
  30. Thank you for all of your love and support. I am so happy we get to spend my 31st birthday together. I hope you enjoy the cake and other gifts I bought for you. I love you Mom, Dad and family.
  31. Thank you for making my birthday another memorable day. I loved how you made breakfast and surprised me with the cake, it was delicious. Thank you for making me feel so special every single day.
  32. Thank you for always being there for me. The only thing that keeps me alive is knowing that you guys are there to support me no matter what. I look up to you a lot and I know everything will be alright as long as I have my parents.
  33. Thank you for being the best parents ever. I really appreciate all of the love and support you give me. You are absolutely the best parents a person could ask for, and that is why I love you so dearly.
  34. Thank you for being there when I need you and standing behind me. Thank you for supporting my dream and for picking up the phone when I need someone to talk to in the middle of the night. You are amazing parents, and I’m grateful that I have two such incredible individuals in my life who mean so much to me.
  35. Thank you for being there for me. I feel so loved when you are around. You are the best parents anyone could ask for.
  36. Thank you for being my closest friends. You always make me feel like everything will be okay when I’m really worried about something. I always love to talk with you and I hope you know how much you are appreciated as parents and as friends.
  37. Thank you for the surprise party on my birthday. I had a very hard time preparing for that birthday, since it was the day after my college finals. But you came through and made it happen despite everything…Love ya!
  38. Thank you for supporting me. You’ve always been there for me, helping me make decisions and supporting my dreams. I appreciate all that you have done for me and only hope to continue to make you proud.
  39. Dear mom and dad, Thank you so much for raising me. I never would have gotten to this point without your support over the years. You are always there with a kind word or encouraging gesture. It means so much to me that you decided to do this with me. I am very grateful for what you did.
  40. To you, Mom and Dad, thank you for raising me. You’ve always been there for me, and I know that you love me more than for any reason other than being a wonderful son/daughter. And to you, Dad, I love you so much. You’ve always been there for me. I can’t imagine my life without you being here. Always supporting me in all of my endeavors – even when they are not what we envisioned we would be doing at that moment in time. I love you!
  41. Mom, Dad, I appreciate everything you do for me. You gave me so much and taught me so much. Thank you for loving me when I was in a bad place. And thank you for raising me to be who I am today.
  42. Thank you for being there for me so many years. This birthday would not be the same without you two. I really appreciate everything that has been done for me.
  43. At the age of 22 years old, I am doing pretty well. I have met some wonderful people and had some incredible experiences. I am very thankful for everything my parents have done for me, from buying me Kleenex when I was a baby to helping me when I have questions about what career would be best for me. Thank you so much.
  44. Thank you for being such good parents to me. You both are good examples of dedication and hard work in growing our family, so I am very proud of the way you raised me. You have given me everything I could ever want or need, and I appreciate that.

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