Thanks For Accepting My Love

Love is a feeling, emotion and experience that can be expressed in different ways. It’s an action of giving and receiving care and tenderness between lovers which forms the basic foundation for any relationship. If you wish to send thanks for accepting my love quotes to your sweetheart. Check these saying below and choose yours.

Thanks For Accepting My Love

  1. Thank you for accepting my love for you. I know in the past this was a touchy subject between us, but I am thankful we can talk about it. I feel it is a healthy exercise for both of us. Good luck with school and your upcoming job.
  2. Thank you for accepting my love. I’m glad that someone as wonderful as you could believe in me and take a chance on me. You make me feel like a better person every day.
  3. Thank you for accepting my love. I am so lucky to have you in my life. Whenever I am with you I feel like the luckiest person alive.
  4. Thank you for accepting my love for you. I know I can be a little crazy, but that’s just cause I love you so much. And with all of your love, I feel like a better person.
  5. Hey! Thanks for accepting my love. I hope you love it as much as I do.
  6. Thank you for accepting my love. I am happy we can be by each other’s side. Please accept my heart and wear it.
  7. Thank you for accepting my proposal of marriage. I’m very happy to spend the rest of my life with you. I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else.
  8. Thank you for eating that cookie. I didn’t want a bad note to close my performance.
  9. We have spent great time together, but I hope you’ll never change. You’re so enthusiastic about life. That’s what I love most about you.
  10. Thank you for being so warm and friendly whenever I met you. I could feel that we have been friends since way before we can remember. And even though our friendship started with a stare and I had no idea who you are, yet I still felt the connection between us.
  11. Thank you for seeing the real me and allowing me to love you even as I am. I will toast to you this evening!
  12. Thanks for accepting my love. I’m so glad we found each other in this world. It makes me happy to be able to tell you everyday that I love you and have you say it back. I feel very lucky.
  13. Thanks for accepting my love. Love comes in all sorts of shapes, forms and sizes. I hope you never push me away, but instead pull me close, because I love you!
  14. Thank you for accepting my love. There have been a number of hard times for me in the last few months, but I feel very lucky to have met someone like you. I hope we can enjoy the rest of your life together.
  15. Thank you for accepting my love! It is an incredibly special feeling when someone else will share their whole life with you, and I feel very happy that you believed me when I said that I can be a good partner.
  16. Thank you for accepting my love. I like so many girls, but falling in love with you was the best decision I’ve ever made.
  17. Thank you for accepting my love. I want you to know that I am so happy and am really happy to be with you.
  18. Thank you for accepting my love. I feel so happy with you. I know this might sound crazy, but I feel that you are part of me. I love you.
  19. I don’t know where I would be without you. You are my best friend and a great companion. Thank you for accepting my love!
  20. First off, thank you for accepting my love. You are an amazing person and I really appreciate that you make the time to see me even though you are so busy. If it’s not too much trouble, mind sending me more photos of yourself? Just curious (Insecurities).
  21. Thank you for being my love. When I first saw your picture I didn’t quite know what to think. I knew we had to meet some day, and it was that night in the bar. It was a magical moment for me, because I finally found someone I can smile with and be myself with. Your love and support means everything to me, you are my life proof.
  22. Thank you for being so welcoming to me and my family. When we first moved here, we were nervous about finding our place in the community. But you have been so kind and friendly this transition has been very smooth. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
  23. I’m happy for your friendship and for the love it has shown me. I am glad you accepted my love quotes, even if at times it had been a denial from my side. I appreciate all the good times we have had and I am looking forward to many more with you. Thanks so much!
  24. Thanks for accepting my love. I know things have been difficult for us, and I am so thankful that we ultimately ended up together.
  25. Thanks for accepting my love. I hope you and I can spend a happy life together.
  26. Thanks for accepting my love. I’m glad we are together, and I hope to be with you forever.
  27. Thank you so much for accepting my love. I have always hoped that one day I would find someone who could love me like no one else can and I found you. I love you so much.
  28. Thank you for accepting my love. I know it is not easy to love and accept somebody who has been badly hurt before, wounds that may never heal. But I want to take my chances, I want to try, I want to be brave. For me, loving you is like breathing. It’s natural.
  29. Thank you for accepting my love. I know I can be a bit of an animal sometimes, but I never thought someone like you would see something in a crazy guy like me. You bring out the best in me.
  30. Thank you for accepting my love. I know that it is difficult sometimes, but it means a lot to me that you love me back.
  31. Thank you for accepting my love and letting me think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world. I don’t say it enough, but it’s true. You are very pretty.
  32. Thank you for accepting my love even though we are so different. Some people were offended that I had a relationship with an older woman. However, you didn’t let their negativity get in the way of us and we do have a wonderful time together. I love you, grandma.
  33. You are very special to me. You were the first one who accepted my love and had a positive attitude towards our relationship. I’m so happy that you are here with me, guiding me through life and showing me the right path all the time.
  34. Thank you for accepting all of my love for you. I’m very glad that we had a romantic relationship this whole time. You are the only one who knew about how much I like you.
  35. Thank you for accepting my love and for always being there for me when I need you. Thank you for your love and support.
  36. Thank you for accepting my love for you. When I think about the day that I finally decided that I loved you, I’m filled with happiness, because I will never change my mind.
  37. I am glad that you have accepted my love. You have made my day and I hope our relationship lasts forever.
  38. Thank you for being the first to say yes when I asked if I could take your picture.
  39. Thank you for accepting my love and allowing me to feel you as my girlfriend/boyfriend. You make me very happy, and I don’t ever want to lose you. You’re the motivation in my day and my night. I am so lucky that god has led me to the right place. I love you with all of my life and all my heart!
  40. Thank you for accepting my love. There were so many out there and some got turned down. I appreciate you loving me back, and that we are together.
  41. Thank you for accepting my love. Sometimes I am afraid to share my feelings with someone I care about, but I found out that if you do, it may turn out to be one of the most precious things in life.
  42. Thank you for accepting my love. It means more to me than you will ever know.
  43. Thank you for accepting all my love and for being in my life. I didn’t care about anything else before we met and when I was with you, I have never felt this way. You make me laugh and smile when I’m sad and feel loved. Thank you for letting me be myself and mostly just letting me love you.
  44. I get nervous about telling you I love you, because I know I am probably over the top, so thank you for accepting my love and feelings.
  45. Thank you for accepting me. I am so thankful we were able to connect and be together. I know how hard it is opening up and being someone’s boyfriend/girlfriend and I’m very thankful we have been able to form a relationship that both of us are happy and content with.
  46. Thank you for being with me and helping me through this rough time in my life. You are so kind and I am so happy we have each other.
  47. Thanks for accepting my love. I have found someone that loves me just the way I am, and I love you even more for it.
  48. Thank you for accepting my love. You make me incredibly happy and I love spending time with you because you make everything fun. That is a great quality that anyone can be happy about. Thanks for being in my life and having the chance to go through this with me and it’ll be very special. I just want to share this with you and thank you for being so special to me, that is why I love dealing with you, because I understand more than anything what human beings are like as well as their reaction as they deal with each other, without pretense.
  49. Thanks so much for accepting my love and not just saying “I like you” because of our friendship. I hope now that you are the one I love that we can go on more dates and spend a lot of time together.
  50. Thank you for accepting my love. I have loved you since we were little kids. I loved all the time we spent together in high school and even during our college years. Thank you for being my best friend and love.
  51. Thank you for accepting my love. I really do appreciate it. I know it can be difficult for people to understand the way I feel, but it is healthy.
  52. Thank you for accepting my love and saying okay to our getting back together. I’m very happy now and I can’t wait to see you again soon.
  53. I just want to thank you for accepting my love. I’m very happy to be with you and I only hope happiness continues in every aspect of our lives.
  54. Thank you for accepting my love and not asking questions. It’s very hard to experience the uncertainty of a new love, but you let me know that at the end of the day I can count on your support.
  55. Thank you for accepting my love. It is strange to love someone so much and for that feeling to be reciprocated so fully. Thank you for loving me. I love you.
  56. Thanks for saying yes to the date. I was a little nervous because you said that you would call me if at any point during the evening you were bored. I’m glad you didn’t call and instead had a great evening talking, eating and laughing with you.

Also See: Thanks For Accepting Me As Your Boyfriend