Appreciation Message For Boyfriend

If you are reading this article then might be it means you are looking for some appreciation messages for your boyfriend. This can be your habit to celebrate his birthday every year in special way or just a weekly routine. Acknowledgement is the highest form of love and if you want to customize your message for boyfriend then you can use any message below.

Long and Short Appreciation Message For Him

  1. Thank you for being such a wonderful boyfriend. I’m so lucky you were the first person I went on a date with. We hit it off right away and even though we have our struggles, we always seem to work through them and end up stronger because of it. Resources: Thank You Message for Boyfriend
  2. Thank you for being a great boyfriend. You always say the right things and put a smile on my face when I feel down. Thank you for being supportive in everything that I do. And Thank you most of all, for loving me and making me feel special. Not every day is perfect, but as long as we have each other, it will be perfect enough.
  3. I want to thank you for being an amazing boyfriend. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have found you. You’ve been so supportive in all of my endeavors, and I love building our future together.
  4. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for helping me out when I get down or upset and the times you come through with flowers and dinner (or breakfast). I feel very special that you consider me part of your family and that you are willing to spend quality time with me. Happy anniversary.
  5. Thank you for your wonderful support. I know how hard it is to find a job in this tight economy, but you landed the job of your dreams and I couldn’t be more thrilled for you. Now that you don’t have to stress about money, let’s go on that vacation we have been talking about. I can’t wait to see the beach with coconut cream pies! Thank you for everything you do for me.
  6. Thank you for being the best thing to touch my life. I’m so glad we found each other and now we need to be together forever. You support me when I feel down about anything and I can trust you with anything in the world.
  7. Thank you for being my inspiration. Thank you for encouraging me to keep going when I feel like giving up. Thank you for loving me and supporting me in the best and worst moments of my life.
  8. Thank you for standing by me when I had a very tough time in my life and helping me to heal. I appreciate the fact that you are always there, at the end of the phone, whenever I need to talk to someone.
  9. Thank you for all of your help with my computer. You are always there to help me and you don’t get all flustered when I yell, even if it will cost you out of pocket. I’m so glad that we have each other in our lives.
  10. Thank you for handling the kids so well. It really means a lot to me and eases my stress when I know I can go home to a clean house and dinners made for me.
  11. Thank you, sweetheart, for all the support and encouragement you have given me since the beginning of my career. I really appreciate it.
  12. Thank you for always encouraging me to pursue my dreams and supporting me along the way. I know things are a bit hard right now, but we’ll get through the rough patch together.
  13. Thank you for being an amazing boyfriend. You are always doing things for me, telling me I am beautiful and not just in appearance but also in my heart and personality. I appreciate the time you spend with me, even if it is just what we typically do together at home. Thank you for all of your complements, gifts, flowers and wine. I love you and I can’t wait to move in together this summer!
  14. Thank you for being a wonderful boyfriend. Your thoughtfulness and kindness are what make our relationship work. I know we have had fun times together, but I also appreciate the quiet nights at home with us doing our own thing. I’m very happy I took the chance on us!
  15. Thank you for being such a great boyfriend. I know you are busy with school and still working hard, but you always make time to do something with me. I really appreciate your efforts.
  16. Thank you for being such an amazing boyfriend. You cook all the meals, clean up after, and you are always there for me. I love you!
  17. John, I can’t thank you enough for being such a good boyfriend to me. You are always putting my needs before your own and that means a lot to me. I really enjoy our time together and I love you.
  18. Thanks for always being such a loving boyfriend. I had sort of a scary day today and felt like I wasn’t going to make it, but when you called, I was happy again 🙂 Thank you!
  19. Oh, my love.  I love you so much and I am grateful for your presence in my life. The way you make me feel – young, alive and as if there is no trouble in the world (even when there may be). You are an amazing man and I am so happy that we are together. Thank you for all of your work, support and encouragement which leads to me being able to focus on what I love doing. I love you dearly and want to tell you how thankful I am that we can love and support each other the way we do.
  20. Thank you for being there for me. You’re always encouraging and uplifting me when I feel down. I’m very glad we found each other three years ago and have remained in a happy relationship ever since.
  21. Thank you for another fantastic year, my dear! Your friendship means so much to me. I love our time spent together and all of the adventures. Thank you for making my life so amazing. Love, Robin
  22. Thank you for the care package and handwritten card you gave me. Both were very thoughtful, especially the card because most of the postcards have your handwriting on them (handwriting we keep in our home). I love you.
  23. Thank you for making me laugh when I’m feeling down, and thank you for being a driving force every day to get going. You make life more fun. I love you.
  24. All those times you cooked for me were great, although I really hated that one time you forgot to boil the rice. But I know it was because you were drunk, so no hard feelings! Thank you for always making me smile.
  25. Thank you for being with me when I need to talk, and listening to my endless complaining. Thank you for telling me you love me over and over again. You are the best boyfriend ever! Thank you for always being a gentleman and opening doors and helping me with my jacket.
  26. Thank you for always reading my note. I love you so much because you give me the strength to keep going every day. Thank you for being a great boyfriend, husband and father.
  27. Thank you for being supportive of me. When I am having a hard time with work or life, you always help me. You’ve been so patient through all of my ups and downs, even taking over the responsibilities of paying bills and scheduling things when I’ve been sick. I know I am a lucky girl to have a boyfriend as good as you.
  28. You have been a great boyfriend. I feel so very lucky that we’ve met and that we are now together. I’m so grateful for how much of a positive influence you’ve had on my life and I am excited about what is to come for us! Thank you for all of your sweetness, your love and your laughter these past few months – it’s meant the world to me.
  29. Thank you for being a great boyfriend… no really, thank you for not going crazy when I did the dishes even though you don’t like it. Thanks for supporting me in whatever I want to do…even if that’s staying home eating ice cream on a Friday night.
  30. Thank you for being my best friend. You are always supportive of me and my goals. Even when I was thinking about going back to college, you were constantly by my side and encouraging me to follow my dreams. Thank you so much, you are the best!
  31. Thanks for all of our wonderful times together and for being a great boyfriend.
  32. Thank you for always being so funny. I can’t remember a time when I haven’t laughed when you are there. Thank you for all the love and support, it means a lot to me knowing that someone loves me just as I am.
  33. Thank you for coming to my house last night and helping with the garden. It’s a difficult task and you did it without complaint or hesitation. You are truly a great guy.
  34. Thank you for being so supportive while I figure a few things out. I know it isn’t always easy to support someone when they are not exactly sure what they are going to do with their life, but you have been amazing. Thank you for being you, and thank you for always listening to my problems and giving me good advice.
  35. Thank you for not giving up on me when it was hard to push in the stroller and take care of our son. I know an accident can happen at any moment. Thank you for your support, being understanding and caring.
  36. Thank you for being the best boyfriend ever. You are always there for me, even when I have a big test coming and I need to study, or when I have a big project and I stay at work late. Thank you for putting yourself last and still working hard.
  37. Thank you for being such an amazing boyfriend. When I need advice, you are always there and I love how we talk about anything and everything. Thank you for being my favorite person to talk to, laugh with, and even cry with. I love us together very much.
  38. Thank you for being an amazing boyfriend. I love the way you make me feel, and I love that we make each other laugh. Thank you for everything, birthday and everyday.
  39. Thank you for being so thoughtful when we are together. It makes me feel special to have your undivided attention while out on dates or doing our favorite activities together. You always leave me with a souvenir of our time together which is the best reminder. I would be lost without you in my life.”
  40. You are the perfect boyfriend. You ask me how my day was and you listen to me. I love it when we go to dinner after work on Fridays and share our week with each other. Thank you for being here for me.
  41. Thank you for loving me. When things get rough, I look at you and see how much you care about me and it makes me feel better.
  42. That is you know how much I appreciate all the little things you do & the effort that you put in. You told me once that your girl meant more to you than anything else & I could see in your eyes that you were telling the truth. I believe whatever situation we are in we will always find a way to make it work because you love & like me so much. Maybe we aren’t entirely perfect but together we make up for each other’s weakness and flaws. Happiness awaits me at the end of the storm and I can’t wait to see what our future holds
  43. Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for always listening, even if I’m venting about crazy things that have happened. Thank you for being my shoulder to lean on and being there in the good times and bad times, always.

Also see: Sweet Thank You Message For Boyfriend

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