Short Prayer Thanking God For His Beautiful Creation

When you thank God for his beautiful creation, your gratitude and praise are not only sounds free. These words of thanks tell Him how much you appreciate His many beautiful miracles on earth and in the seas, because they do not seem like anything less than a work of art. Here are some of the most captivating quotes that emphasize your love and admiration for God’s creations.

Short Prayer Thanking God For His Beautiful Creation

  1. Thank you God, for creating such an amazing universe. I was out Sunday and Monday, looking at your wonderful creations: the mountains and the city lights. They are both beautiful, just like you.
  2. Dear God, thank you for the beautiful things in this world. Thank you for my family, friends and every little creature I see out there. Thank you for nature and everything living. Thank you for the planet Earth and all its stunning views. And how grateful we are to be here!
  3. Dear God, thank you for all the beauty that surrounds me. I see creation every day, and it is so beautiful and fun. Thank you for making everything as it is―makes me very happy.
  4. Dear God, Thank you for all of the beauty surrounding me. In my life, I have seen a sunset that went on forever, the most delicious things to eat, and people who love me and make me feel special. I appreciate you letting me have these experiences and I am thankful for all of my surroundings. Thank you for this wonderful world in which we live.
  5. Thank you God for creating such wonderful places on earth. Not only you gave us breath, but you also gave us breath-taking views that we can’t ever describe in words. We are forever grateful to you.
  6. Dear God, Thank you so much for creating everything. Trees, the birds flying around, the light shining in my window and the butterflies. I feel like you are telling me that everything is well which it is not always. I feel your loving care and concern even if I don’t understand your purpose sometimes. Thank you for being here for me. I know that you will never give up on me. That’s why I will never give up on myself either; or fall down with disheartenment when things are tough. You are a comfort to me because you help me see that at the end of every challenge lies an rewarding experience.
  7. Thank you for the blessing of nature. By simply looking around at all of God’s creation, I am filled with joy. I feel like I am being hugged by God, and this makes me feel good.
  8. Dear God, thank you for creating so many beautiful things in this world. The sunset was amazing today and I greatly appreciate it.
  9. Dear God, thank you for all the beautiful things you have made. I hope I can help you make this world even more beautiful by caring for these things. Thank you for letting me see these things on a daily basis, and thanking you in advance for the things to come.
  10. Thank you for all the beautiful things you’ve made. I am standing here at the beach thinking the sun, water, sand and the sky are all so beautiful and relaxing. I’m grateful that you made me to enjoy this wonderful world.
  11. Thank you for everything you have given me. Thank you for the sunshine on my face, thank you for bringing joy to my life and making me a stronger person by sending me challenges. Thank you for the sunset I get to enjoy every day and for the happy moments I get after a hard day at work. Thank you for being there whenever I need you to be there and thank you for helping me solve problems I couldn’t solve on my own.
  12. Dear God, thank you for giving us another beautiful day. Please let this be an example to me that even on the worst days, there’s at least one thing to be thankful for. My boyfriend/girlfriend has always been very kind and understanding to me. I love him/her for that!
  13. Dear God, thank you for creating nature and all the animals that inhabit it. For the majority of your creations I am at awe of your magic and artistic talent. In gratitude I give my prayer to you in hope that they may reach you before they disappear. Keep them beautiful and healthy, so I can stay inspired with your masterpieces as long as I live on this planet.
  14. Dear Lord, on this lovely day I just wanted to thank you for all the beauty that you have created. I also want to thank you for protecting us from so many dangers, and for helping me get out of tough situations. Most importantly, Thank you for blessing our planet with life and letting us experience this wonderful world we live in.
  15. We thank thee oh lord, for thy beautiful creation. For what you have given us, through thy grace and love we say a big thanks! We hope to make it more from our hearts and efforts here on earth.
  16. Dear Lord, Thank you for all your wonderful creation. From the stars to ocean waves and from the birds singing to little bunny rabbits hopping through the tulips. All of these are magnificent, and when I look at them I understand how truly blessed I am to be able to see them, feel and experience them. Thank you for all I see in my life every day. I am grateful and enlightened.
  17. Dear God, thank you for the beautiful things in this world, from the rainbows and waterfalls to the stars at night. We are so incredibly lucky to be able to witness all of these amazing creations. Thanks for being our creator.
  18. Thank you Lord for so many things, the beautiful creation you have made for me to enjoy and be proud of. Thank you for the many opportunities that come to me. I’m proud to be part of your world. Thank you in advance for the blessings I will receive today.
  19. Thank you God for creating the sun, flower petals, brilliant birds, wonderful children and kind friends. I’m grateful to you for these gifts every day, thank you God.
  20. Thank you for your beautiful creation. May we take time to stop and look at your beauty in all walks of life. May we see the stars every night and enjoy them as they shine.
  21. Thank you for creating a wonderful place for me to live. The sun rises and sets every day, making the days go by. Everyday I see something new from your creation and how every person is unique in their own way.
  22. Thank you for this beautiful day and these beautiful flowers. The colors and smells are wonderful. Thank you for my life, friends and family, because every day is a gift and every moment helps bring us closer to peace.
  23. Thank you God for your beautiful creation. I would like to thank you for the elements on this planet, like air and water. Thank you for putting nutrients in our foods, like sugar in fruits and vegetables, protein in meats and carbohydrates that give us energy. Thank you Lord for bringing the sunshine and rain down upon us to help the plants grow and provide food for animals. Thank you God for creating me, providing me with food, clothing, shelter and family which helps me to know my purpose of life. All glory to God for all his works.
  24. Dear God, I would like to thank you for all that you have created. Everything is spectacular and so beautiful. Thank you for blessing us with the sun, the moon, the stars and the trees. Also, thank you very much for blessing all of our friends, family and acquaintances across the world.
  25. Dear God, thank you so much for creating such beautiful things in the world. You made trees and flowers that are always pretty and fresh, birds that sing and make us happy. You gave us good food, nice clothing and families that love us. I am very thankful to you.
  26. Thank you for creating everything on earth Lord. I thank you for each person and animal I see. I thank you for the fresh air and the food I eat. I love everything you have created.
  27. Dear Lord, we thank you for creating such a beautiful world. Thank you for all of the many blessings we enjoy each day. Amen.
  28. Even though I don’t know you, I hope that this text would generate a happy thought in your heart. Thank you for creating the wonderful world we live in. One day I would like to visit your beautiful creation and see with my own eyes just how wonderful it is.
  29. Thank you for the creation. It is amazing to have so much beauty all around me. I can’t wait every morning to see what It has in store for me.
  30. Thank you God for the beautiful day, for giving us a world to live in, and for giving us each other to share our lives with.
  31. Dear God, Thank you for this beautiful day and for our home. Thank you for the delicious food. Thank you for my family, friends, and all of my relatives. I am so grateful to have everyone in my life.
  32. I want to thank you for the clouds and the sun, for trees and the flowers. I thought about my problems today, but at least I am healthy. Everyone has his or her own problems, but I just want to say thank you.
  33. Thank you for this beautiful day. I loved waking up, making French toast and enjoying a nice breakfast outside with my family. Thank you for this beautiful day.
  34. Thank you God for creating such beautiful things. I really enjoy your creations. I feel so fortunate to be living on this planet and seeing it’s beauty from up-close. Thank you for this unique opportunity.
  35. Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for your magnificent creation. You made everything with beauty and elegance. You made the sun rise and fall in such a romantic way. Trees sway beautifully with the wind and flowers blossom at a perfect time. Animals are so cute, smart and unique in their ways of survival. Thank you for making them to perfection. Thank you for making me special in my own way. I’m very grateful that I can feel all of these things that you created us humans to feel. Thank you endlessly and forever.
  36. Dear God, thank you very much for the world we live in and all that you have created. There is so much beauty to see and I am always amazed by it. So, thank you and keep up the good work!
  37. Thank you for everything you do. I have seen so many beautiful things in my life, and I often stop to think about how amazing nature is, or how unique a person can be. Everything is incredible and magical, and it’s all because of you. Thank you for everything you have done for me!
  38. Dear God, Thank you so much for the beautiful day with our family. We had a wonderful time together. I prayed that we can always be close to each other. Amen!
  39. Thank you for the beautiful day and for everyone’s health. Please help me to use this day in a positive way, to help and service people. Thank you for who I am and for all the blessings You have given me. Thank you for this food and for this wonderful family. I hope that someday I will give thanks to the Creator like You do it: from my heart, sincerely, without getting weary. Amen!
  40. Dear Lord, Thank you for this beautiful and amazing day. We are happy and excited to see what surprises you have in store for us.
  41. Thank you for the beautiful day, for everything good and for the amazing creation that you have made. I am truly grateful to be here and have experienced all this.
  42. Thank you for everything, for the sun, sky, nature and people in it.
  43. Dear God, Thank you for all of your gifts. I may not be able to understand these gifts at times, but I believe in them and am appreciative of all that you have given me.

Also See: Thank You Lord For Sustaining Me Quotes