Thank You Prayer To God For All The Blessings

God is the giver of all blessings. We often forget to thank him for everything that he has blessed us with. God’s gifts are many and it is his will that we remain grateful for them. Below are some Thank You Prayer To God For All The Blessings. We pray from the bottom of our heart for divine grace, forgiveness and mercy to his name.

Thank You Prayer To God For All The Blessings

  1. Thank you, God, for all the blessings and happiness you have given me. To thank you for these gifts is but a small thing I can do. I will try to pass the goodness on to others in the days ahead, so that they too may learn to thank you when they are blessed with happiness, and not take it for granted.
  2. Dear Lord, thank you for all the blessings in my life. It really is such a joy to be alive, with so many wonderful people around me. I am very grateful for everything you have done for me.
  3. Thank you God for everything. Without you, us humans would not exist in the form we are in today. You have blessed me with a lot of things and I thank you for that. I pray that your blessings keep on coming to me, my family, friends and everyone else in this world so we can praise you more and more.
  4. Thank you God for giving me everything I could ever want and need. It isn’t my money, it’s yours. You have given me plenty and the thought of being limited on what I can do is terrifying. Thank you for all of the wonderful things in my life and I pray that you continue to bless me with them.
  5. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me. In the midst of all the trials in my life, I look to you, Oh Lord, and realize that without you I am nothing. You are truly an awesome God and I love you so much.
  6. Lord, I want to thank You for all of the blessings in my life. Thank you for Water, the Sky, and Earth. Above all, thank you for Food and Drink that makes living a pleasure.
  7. Thank you God. Thank you for this beautiful, gorgeous day. Thank you for the sunset and the morning sun. Thank you for the flowers, thank you for everything. I hope you will forgive me for my small mistakes and imperfections. I love you and look forward to the new things I can learn from the day and the challenges I will face.
  8. Thank you for all of my blessings. I am thankful for you for giving them to me year after year. I am truly grateful. You are everything good in my life and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
  9. Lord in heaven, I thank you for helping me understand what life is about. You have given me the courage and strength not to give up when times are tough. I am thankful for your kindness and insight. The world is a beautiful place because you created it. With love and gratitude,
  10. Thanks for everything! Thank you for our lovely home, thank you for my wonderful children, thank you for all the blessings that I receive every day. I am so blessed to have you in my life and truly grateful to be your child. Thank you for the divine love that you are shedding upon me and the people around me.
  11. Thank you for all the blessings I am given each day. Thank you Lord for giving me a roofing business that allows me to take care of my family, thank you for the friends I have along the way. There are so many things in life I can be thankful for… One day at a time I realize how much love and goodness there is in this world.
  12. Thank you for all the blessings in this world. I may not realize it, but every day I am being grateful for the air I breathe, for my family and friends and for this body that lets me run and play. Thank you God!
  13. Thank you, God, for all the good things you have given me and which I have received. Help me to always remember my blessings and be grateful. Amen.
  14. Thank you for all of my blessings. Thank you for being with me every step of the way. Thank you God that I am still here and having a great life. Every day I wake up I am grateful for the blessing of waking up another day.
  15. Father God, thank you for all the blessing that you’ve given me. I am so grateful. I know things aren’t always easy and that is why I’m so thankful for all the good times we share. From your love that frees my soul to your special protection on me….thank you, Lord. With much thanks and praises, In Jesus’s name!
  16. Dear Lord, Thank You for the blessings You have bestowed upon me. Thank you for all of the wonderful people in my life—my friends and family. Thank You for the windows You have opened for me to experience new things and to discover myself. I will always be grateful.
  17. Thank you for blessing us today. We are very grateful for what you have given us. Well, it is actually you who has given everything. You have placed everything in the best place for us and have chosen the best one for us.
  18. Father God, Thank you for everything. From the flowers blooming in the spring to the sun warming up my face in the summer, from the cold and snowy days of winter to the fall turning into a season of change before it returns to winter. I know there are so many things to be thankful for, but if it’s okay with you I would like to focus today on my friends. These people who have come into my life and have changed me into a better person. They make me happy and reinforce that I am living in a good place. Father, I thank you for all my friends.
  19. Thank you for everything you have given me. You have supported me when I needed it most, and I really appreciate that. I know there are many people who don’t have your support, and that’s one of the things I love about you.
  20. Thank you God for all the many blessings that you bestow upon me. I am sincerely grateful for your kindness and generosity. I know of those who do not have many of these things, so I pray that you will continue to look over me and make sure that I remain safe, healthy and happy. Thank You!
  21. Dear God, Thank you for all of the wonderful blessings you have given me. Thank you for my friends and family who care so much about me and make sure I’m doing good. Thank you for my health and the ability to be joyful. Without your help I don’t think I can get through everything on my own.
    • Lord I thank you for every good thing that has been given to me, from the air that I breathe to the food that I eat. Thank you for my family, my job and homes. Without these blessings life would not be a blessing.
  22. Dear God, thank you for everything that has helped me get to where I am now. Thank you for the friends in my life and family who love me. It means a lot when people believe in me and support me. It makes all the difference. Thank you for giving me the intelligence and personality I should have to get far in this world.
  23. Thank you for everything. I know that sometimes I don’t get it and it’s frustrating, but I’m truly grateful for everything you have given me and the people that you have brought into my life.
  24. Thank you for never leaving me, no matter the challenges I encounter. Thank you for showing me that everything happens for a reason and that challenges can bring out the best in us. Thank you for being there when I need you most.
  25. I would like to say thank You God for all the blessings in my life. Thank you, that all my family is healthy and safe. Thank you, that even in hard times we always got through everything. Thank you, that I have a roof over my head, food and water on the table, people around me whom I love, and good friends with whom I spend my free time. I am very grateful for You God and all that you provided.
  26. Dear God, I’m so grateful to you for blessing me with all of my family, friends and the opportunities I have been given. Please help me to always be thankful and appreciative of all the beautiful things that you have blessed me with.
  27. Lord, I thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed on me. Thank you for providing a home, food on my table and grateful parents who have always believed in me.
  28. Dear God, thank you for all your blessings in my life. Thank you for the wonderful husband you gave me and our two amazing children. Thank you for making me a good person who does positive things for my friends and family. I pray that each day will be even better than the one before. I know that with God’s guidance it will be. Thanks!
  29. Dearest Almighty God, we come before you this Thanksgiving Day in heartfelt gratitude for all the blessings of the past year. We are so grateful for all Our lives. Thank you for the strength and courage to carry us through this past year. We send our thanksgiving to your children who served their country. We think of the veterans of wars past and present and pray they will always be honored and remembered with respect. We give thanks for our families and friends and we ask that you continue to bless them throughout the coming year. Bless our use this day to express our appreciation to those around us who have given of themselves in so many ways. Help us to be thankful and always to show compassion toward others less fortunate than ourselves. Tell us what else we can do to help your needy children, so that together we may make this a world in which all good things can flourish – a world of justice, peace and love where each person is free to realize their highest potential in contentment and happiness.
  30. Lord, thank you for everything you have given me. The amazing gifts, the friends and family that are near and dear to my heart, the kind and caring soulmate who I get to spend the rest of my life with. Thank you for making my birthday memorable. Thank you for all of your many blessings. I am truly grateful!
  31. Dear God, thank you for giving me all my family members. Thank you for giving me friends who are always there for me and make me feel happy. Thank you for giving me a nice home, car and lots of stuff to play with. I am very grateful to You!
  32. Dear God, Thank you for all of the wonderful things you have provided me with. I have a wonderful family and friends and a great life. So thank you for being there for me when I need someone and always being in my life.
  33. Dear God, thank you for everything. I love the world you created for me to live in and all the wonderful people. Thank you for making it possible for me to wake up in the morning and see another new day, with all its beautiful possibilities.
  34. Father God, now I lay me down to sleep. I thank You for all that You have blessed me with. I praise You for the years You have given me and for loving me so much. Thank You for being merciful and guiding me through life, even when I made mistakes. Thank You for bringing Jermain into my life and for letting us love each other. Thank You for this wonderful birthday present, our daughter.

Also See: Short Prayer Thanking God For His Beautiful Creation